I am Natural Flir
tBelieve it or not, you're a really effective flirt.
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting.
Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt.
And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive
I dont think do
That's right, I have booked a room in Leeds today for 19th December for £15
There is on here.
Not sure whether it is any good, just came across it.
Going to see it, this week, can't wait.
Thanks Creampie,
I must say in my personal I prefer your Avatar pic... Absolutely Stunning
I have just took a sneeky peek at Creampie's photos (for research purposes obviously), very nice I must say.
However, why has the pic with the double ender been viewed so many more times than the others??
Has it been on for longer or something?
As with everything in law, judge's opinions do differ. However, Harassment is a lot easier to prove than a lot of criminal offences, when I am in court with Harassment the chances of getting a conviction are far higher than with other criminal offences.
After the advent of the new Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act it can now be pretty much proven from just the victim's witness statement.
But obviously the criminal burden of proof still applies so the offence must be proved "beyond reasonable doubt".
Also, the offence is also triable only in the Magistrates Court and Magistrates are a lot easier to convince than a jury of 12 people.
The BIG PROBLEM with harassment is that it not really much of an offence and once it is proven more often than not the offender just gets a slap on the wrist.
Really Jaymar?
What have you learnt then?
Regarding your post:
The mental health unit will not give you any information because of client confidentiality, so this is a no go. Documents for a patient are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act so you could not request them this way from the hospital. However, you saving grace on this point maybe that the police have requested this information for themselves (they should have done), if the police have done this then they will have the information. You can then make a request for information from the police under the Freedom of Information Act for their file on the person and this should have the mental health unit’s information in it. This request will cost you £15 and it must be on the prescribed form which you can pick up from your local police station.
However, it must be noted that this request can be rejected by the police if it is not in public interest to give you the information (but I do not see why they should not provide you with this information). Obviously, if the police refuse there is a right of appeal which I will not go into here.
Regarding the police’s powers:
There are a number of offences that the man can be arrested for:
1. Assault: He could be arrested for common assault (often known as assault), he does not need to actually cause any harm for the offence but needs to put some person in fear of being assaulted there and then (so, for example a threat over the telephone would, in the main, not suffice).
2. Harassment: He could be arrested under the Protection from Harassment Act for causing harassment, alarm or distress to yourself or any other person. The problem with this is that under the Harassment Act he firsts needs to be warned by the police for his behaviour (so that he knows it is troubling you). If he then persists he can be arrested.
The problem with the above 2 offences is although they can be proved reasonably easily he would be arrested and then be out the next morning or later that day.
There are 2 more serious offences from your post:
1. Attempted Child Abduction; and
2. Attempted murder.
However, I do not know the circumstances of these and obviously the police would need enough evidence to arrest the man and charge him with the offence (statement’s from the witness’s would be an obvious start.
The police also have powers under the Mental Health Act to section the man (which is the best option). However, this requires a very high standard of proof with evidence from a psychiatrist. So this may be very difficult.
The final option would be to get an injunction, with a power of arrest attached to it out against the man; however, these are very expensive and are not really worth the paper they are written on. This is because the police do not have time to go arresting people for breaching their injunctions so don’t usually bother.
I used to be a legal adviser to the police (I was the sole legal adviser to the Domestic Violence Unit) and then I had enough trouble convincing them to do things so good luck in trying to get any action out of the police I know how difficult it can be.
Oops, just realised: I have not been a watcher rather than a viewer, I have been both of them.
I meant I have been a watcher rather than a writer.
I have not disappeared Jaymar, I am still Here, just not been on my computer for a few hours.
Thank you for your support Jaymar.
And everybody else who has posted (whether they have agreed with what I said or not) thank you very much for your views on my first post and for taking it so seriously. We certainly have had a debate about this one!!!!
As you know this is my first post as I been watcher rather than A viewer but I have enjoyed this post and will definately be posting again.
Hi All,
Thank you for your posts on thids subject (sensible I must say!!!!).
Just a couple of points:
1. I can see both sides of the argument: that there are a lot of single males out there who are time wasters - but I'm sure if you took it as a percentage the percentage would be similar with couples and single females.
2. There are pretentious people other than couples in th forums, just, again as a percentage, there seem to be more couples that act like this in the forums.
Then I wish I knew the answer
You're correct
Everbody is entitled to their own opinion
But why do so many people get slated in the forum for having one?
I agree there will be an onslaught but it is true....
well in my opinion
Hi All,
I have been reading the forums now for a few months. What has sprung to my attention is why do a lot of the couples seems to think that they are some sort of superior beings? Offering advice, casting aspertions and being generally condescending to other people on the site (mainly single guys).
This is not a moan or a complaint from a single guy just an observation and a question?
Hi Liz,
I would love to come along, I also live on the Wirral (Ellesmere Port).
I am 25, 5ft 10, brown hair, shaven head, blue eyes, medium build. I am sorry I have no pics on the site but I can send them if you want. Just PM if you want some.
Hopefuly see you soon
Ian x
I am in Ellesmere Port if you are interested?