Now able to accommodate occasionally with planning. I am mature, very mature. But with maturity comes experience. Any one who went through the sexually liberated 60's and emerged with a smile on his face certainly acquired that experience. If it is a stiff hard cock you are looking for then look no further. I am married with a 7" cock and a high sex drive that has hardly diminished with age and without the need of pills or potions. I am looking for a lady, man or both with whom to spend a pleasant hour or two. A man of my years would be ideal for playing a grandad or uncle if you are into roleplay. My wife is aware that I meet women and men and has no problem with it. I can only accommodate with careful planning as I have family living in the same village. I rarely do outdoors or cars. I prefer to be comfortable and secure so that I can relax and enjoy the company I am with without worrying about who is looking over the hedge or peering through the window. For those with a hang up about facial hair, I should mention that I have a neatly trimmed beard.