Thanks Vicky,
bought my 2006 calendars today and 11March is marked in forward to expand and meet even more of toy SH folk. If Glasgow was anything to go by, it will be good.
Hi Vicky,
I would love to come to the much in Manchester. Just been to my first one in Glasgow and loved it. I see that Scottishflintstone and sexyscotcarol have already vouched for me.(I'm not usually that slow). Also saw your acceptance post. So roll on Manchester,PLEASE.
I was a munch virgin - but it was a great first experience. Thanks to Lucy and Ken for organising it, thanks to sexyscotcarol and scottishflintstone for badgering me into it.
Took me a while to recover and process the experience - roll on the next one.
Thanks Marcuso for being such a nutter-loved your hope you didn't venture out into the mean streets of Glasgow like that.....
See you all soon
thanks Lucy, i am thrilled to bits about forward to meeting you all.
heard about this Scottish munch from a couple i recently met. New to scene, definitely new to swinginheaven,lol, but very interested. would really like to see what these munches are all about, and as i haven't got any plans for that Saturday night...
Sad social life or what - well, i am trying to remedy that.
Sexyscotcarol will vouch for me - hope you will have me...