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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43
0 miles · North Eart Lincolnshire


Quote by Darkfire
and what exactly would I get out of it?

Don't mean to be picky, and I mean no offence, but your question's answered in the first sentence of his ad.
"women who enjoy masturbation". Does seem to suggest that he's looking for women into masturbation. Let's not forget that some people get off on watching and being watched. So that's what they'd be getting out of it.
If it's not for you, fine, but I'm sure there are people out there who'd get a lot out of it. Each to their own and all that. biggrin
Quote by arsebandit_LS
meet today Leeds

:laughabove: rotflmao :rotflmao: :laughabove:
You really have got a way with words!
You're what? Intreged??? lol And you're right, I haven't got company tonight....What's your excuse?
As for the reason I keep harping on about it, it's, let's just call it what it is: a con!!
You're a bloke. I know it. You know it. The whole of this forum knows it!
What confusion? Like I said before, I wasn't confused. I was stating facts. A bi female, advertising from a couples account, with the only ad one for a male seeking females rolleyes
Hmm, ok. But unless you want the suspicions to continue, I'd seriously consider having seperate profiles. I've just noticed your other post and see other people thought the same as me!
Me, confused? Never. Merely stating facts. Funny how as a "couple", you haven't bothered with an ad in the couples seeking section. If you're advertising seperately, why have an account for couples? And why only one profile? Like I said, fishy...
You claim to be female. Your profile states you're a couple. Your only ad is for a single MALE seeking females...something seems a bit fishy to me...and I don't mean your thong :!: