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Over 90 days ago


hi we r out this eve...4 possible locations private pm us but to not confuse note we only do arrange meets with pics...
it was a great spot so many months ago, proberly one of the best but u can garantee now its gettin warmer the dick heads in blue will be doubling there efferts to keep people out..theyv tried every trick in the book in the last 12 months to harras ordinary folks parked up and we bet theyll be tryin out some new tricks now its in season..still it dosnt stop us and theres a fare few who its dosnt stop either, ur obviously not detered either,we just have 2 spend more time in and out as opposed 2 waitin around lol..
hi we shall be out this tues 15th for another horny night...thks 2 u know who 4 turning up great 2 see there r some gen guys out there, which is pritty rare on the net..same applies private pm 4 location guys note no one liners or no pics gets u knowhere...
hi we shall be out this week, for possible meets private pm us, guys please note we will not reply 2 one liners,also guys with no pics...
we arranged a meet with a guy a few weeks ago nr a well known doggin spot at donny..we both parked up in the eve on a dark quite lane that is also know for where doggers go 4 more private encounters..the guy gets out of his car and approaches ours starts 2 play with his dick when out of knowwhere comes this guy around 6-5in built like a brick shit house walks straight up 2 us and says "out doggin tonight",no hesitation no nerves as bold as brass..weve come across foward guys in the past etc but never as forward as this guy, 4 what he could acually see with the dark we could have been just a cpl of mates parked up..ourselves and the guy we arranged a meet with have both come 2 the conclusion he was the old bill either that or a very behind the door guys on here actually take the time 2 read at least a few rules of how u could approach a cpl...our other pet hate is when a guy drives as nr as possible 2 the female side of the car and trys 2 get an eyefull without even gettin out of there car.
we said this months ago, seems there agendas are geared around catching people sat in there cars at night,as oposed to doing some real police work and catching thieves etc...
we know they use this site as a guide 2 where there next harrasments will be..we have now resorted 2 mainly use arrange meets aways from the dogging areas so they can not haras us anymore because thats all it is,dickheads in a uniform who have a licence 2 do so..very soon one of these so called police men will pay a visit for other reasons than 2 haras people and also get found out,then we'll all see the double and two faced standards they really have...
to johno the police man...? in any night time doggin spot the only difference between these boy racer types/dickheads etc and the police is the police have a badge and a licence to harras cpls instead and they do it regular simply because they know the laws behind them..dont know which force your in but does poping in when theyv got a quite time constitute...putting full beams on cpls shining flash lights in peoples cars giving 3rd degrees etc etc etc..with never a single arrest to there name..2 nights ago we were parked up 3 cars parked opposite us, all with gangs of kids in playin reving there engines etc pops the police killing a spare moment as you put it, and decides to completely blank the 3 cars but decides to do all that we stated early to us totally ignoring the 3 cars opposite us..maybe they thought we were bonny and clyde or mass murderers..sure were gonna have a bit of fun in the car with our selves or a willing participant, but never in the view of dick heads/police or the public and sure the police know it.. but dont make out they are there 4 the same reason most of us on here are there for as theres a fine line between doing there job and harrasment..
we can not concieve how any guy could possible think out tonight lookin 4 a cpl and thinking a women is gonna want 2 touch or play with a dirty smelly dick it defys common sense...
just creepin off the subject a little how many cpls have given all the signals had a guy approach ,hes polite looks ok has the right attitude etc etc..u choose to let him join in then
here comes the big question he drops his trousers and u can tell hes not washed all day or even maybe a cpl of days...for us its a big NO WAY ..this happens quite often 2 us anyone else?
thought it was just us who prefer guys 2 come 2 guys side first..seems where not on our own..for us personely its a message 2 a guy 2 say before we decide 2 involve u we 1st wanna know ur attitude etc etc..and if we do involve u theres a little bit of a barrier just incase he choose 2 go diving in head 1st...but each 2 there own as we have witnessed countless cpls who really dont give a dam who approaches or even how many etc etc
we think you were possibly questioned 3 times because of those big fluffy ears and striped trousers u were wearing at the time maybe..
weve had the same done 2 us on countless occations different area but similar circumstanes..we take it as the norm now nothin anyone can do about it other than just avoid them as much as possible,its harrasement as bad as it gets but they know they have us over a barrel because no ones gonna report it...
true..dont think we would have requested a pic from that guy either..dont think any cpls seek attitude or arrogance...
we go 4 quite the opposite so good looks page 3 etc dont come into it,its simple confirmation 2 us that the person/people are who they say they are....
4 ur coment we do have a profile and pics on here yes which u obviously dont, and not every female is a page three girl on here but has a right 2 view who she might be shagging dont u think...
how many cpls will arrange a private meet with a single or a cpl without pics or a profile ?as we r interested 2 know..we will not private meet anyone unless they have pics as we have met people in the past who have said they are this then turned out 2 be completly that...alot of guys on here seem 2 think that pm ing ...where will u be or im up 4 it with nothin else will get them a seems 2 us that a decent profile with pics would get any 1/2 intellegent person better results as apposed 2 silly 1 liners and nothin else...
we use one of those rd works lights u know the ones that they put up at the side of rd works in the eve..had it 4 years makes stuff seeable but not overly bright as in touchlight.
we went up 4 the 1st time, or should we say went 2 that area ,talk about lost as fuck..this car park that car park one 2hrs that way one 2hrs this in the middle one at the top,one at the bottom,some gay some cpls we were driving 2 hrs before we even got settled then when we did find a car park it was so dark under the trees elvis presley could have got his cock out and u wouldnt have reconized him..we would have been happy 2 see a white van man, maybe he has it white because its so fuckin dark. were not even surprised the old bill dont make regular visits forget spot lights theyd need search lights,hell a black guy could run around bollock naked and no one would spot him... have we got the right place or are we just cryin over spilled milk let us know....
have u got a secret to tell lol, god i wish theyd do that 2 us but u can garantee if they drive by us and were parked up they have 2 get out and ask what were doing there -how long have been there-checkin tax disc-registration etc etc..this happens 2 us nearly every night we go out..just maybe they have our card marked who knows..but u can bet us whatever u like if we were mugged one night while we were out it would take them 2 hrs 2 turn up.......thats the difference between protection and harasment...
one night chatting 2 a guy we have got friendly with at our usual spot we frequent told us he was parked up as usual a few months back when in came this youngish cpl,parked opposite him and displayed the usual lights on off routine,giving him the impression they were out playin,he decides to stroll over at this point the male of the cpl realizes what hes up 2 gets out the car threatning to put his lights out,the guy we know starts to make a quick exit and the cpl decide 2 chase him all over town untill he decides 2 pull up and have it out with the this point this 1 1/2 of the cpl guy gets out of his car and beats 10 buckets of shit out of the mate of ours....surpose the moral of this story is make sure your 100% certain the cpl is playin and up 4 it before u decide to get a better look..its one situation i would fuckin hate 2 be in...i have been out on my own many a night and seen plenty of cpls but untill im certain there playin u can forget walkin over...
in and around our areas you can only be parked up 4 no less than 30mins before mr pc plod comes driving by, we know uv said on here that the police are mainly interested in ur muggers etc etc,as far as we can see thats bullshit, anyone whos seen 2 be parked up 4 more than 30mins is regarded as a perv,they are even frequenting a very small carpark nr us thats had a mention on here very small and not very popular,never seen anyone there other than 2 arange a meet ,but the plod choose 2 show there face every eve in this small remote weve heard 2 catch muggers and idiots ..crap..they are trying 2 deter people from hanging around lookin 4 casual sex thats there main objective if a mugger comes along then its a bonus 4 them...
maybe and just maybe these driving in and out enthusiasts, some not all are a little bit uneasy at being harassed by mr pc plod for just being parked up in there cars as we know we have been harassed on many a night....
hi we out tonight from 7pm onwards around the blidworth/nottingham area 4 a possible meet private pm us before 6pm note any guys u must have a discription of ur self and pics we do not entertain one liners that we get so many u really believe :where will u be: will go down well with anyone??????
hi we will be out this eve around the nottingham area private pm us 4 a possible meet...note we do need pics 2 meet anyone
we r out tonight cannot say where on here but will divulge 2 private pms we recieve..answeres on a post card before 7pm...happy huntin....
not that we like 2 bring bad news but only informative ..a doncaster local rag which went out last month used headline news and a full whole front page spread dedicated to yes uv guessed it a well know spot in donny., with the head line PERVERT PLAGUE HITS PARK,then went on to dedicate a further 1/2 page further inside paper..its reads as thus perverts from across the country are makin a beeline for .......... perverts are turning up in there droves and having sex with complete strangers at all manners of the day..there can be anything from around 16 cars parked up flashers/sex monsters u name it...harping on the fact that the local community are up in arms and that its frequented by familys ,children etc etc..forgetting to mention that any activity taking place is in darkness late in the eve which you can pritty much garantee no kids or familys will be about..personely the law has been trying to shut this place up for months without much luck the only way they can do it is to have public support which they havnt had until more of a case of informing the public as apposed 2 the public being up in arms.. its been going on in there years if the public were so up in arms as they state then it would have closed down years ago..if they think we are all perverts who do this then they must also think most of the 18-30 club members are perverts to who go on there hols every year going 2 get pissed and have sex with whoever takes there fancy be it round the back of clubs/pubs streets beeches etc etc..if its controlled , organized and out of the general publics site which it is then we are all finish its proberly better if they do close it down then they can waste there time on something more better spent and leave us to what we all do best have fun somewhere else so anyone reading this please keep locations away from unwanted eyes as its getting beyond a joke at mo...
we look 4 cpls and single guys, and tend 2 stick 2 the interia light on/off routine 2 attract attention..which usually works 4 us..but also agreeing with the fact a lot of guys tend 2 turn up with 1/2 there mates which is a no no 4 us maybe two is what we prefere but everyone 2 there own..also sometimes and weve seen it with other cpls it dosnt matter how many signals u give out some guys r frightened 2 death 2 get out there cars and be seen..whats the point? proberly why they bring there mates along does it make them braver? we also go 4 involvment not ur stand watch and wank guys with cpls its different ..but be it cpls or singles uv got 2 make urself seen 1 way or another as we will not open our doors 2 dark shadowy figures that we havnt a clue about there appearance..and think most cpls are similar..
not wanting to make more doggers frightened 2 step a foot out at night but we had some very reliable info the other eve from a guy who actually works 4 the council...he stated as thus.. the coucil together with the police have recently started a campain yes u heard right a campain 2 put an end to any sexual activities takin place in public areas ..mainly doggin areas etc..targeting single guys..gays and mainly cpls...we would have thought this 2 be a little far fetched had it not been for the amount of times we have been stopped and given the riot act over the last cpl of months either by the police or the council who r also doing there nightly outings aswell to deter doggers...we were also told they routinely moniter this site trying catch people in the all please a little note to any cops or council reading this..these activities have proberly been around 4 years and will be around 4 years 2 come however hard you try to hassle people..these activities do not encroach on your general day to day public or all this sudden interest would have been happening years long will it take u 2 realise that u cannot stop people from going out and trying 2 enjoy themselves, if u close 1 area there will always be another 1 round the corner...its a waste of police time and resourses and all our tax paying money could be better spent on catching real criminals then u lot hanging around public carparks hassling people who r not breaking any laws..going 4 the easy tagets as per usual..
hi we r out this eve again 4 more fun as we had such a great night last night..same again if u would like a private meet we require pics 2 meet...