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Office Correction

"Stresses of a new mum returning to work."

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I was back at work, maternity leave over, career back on track. Only it wasn’t back on track. I spent my day worrying about nappies, when would she sleep through the night, was I being a good mother and a million other baby related things.

Work was second best and a distant second. Before the baby I was a driven woman, worked hard, had a career plan and was doing well. Now, to be honest I struggled to give a toss. It had been noticed; people looked at me as if it was a different person in my body. Before, I was passionate about doing a job well, meticulous, always wanting everything right down to the nth degree. Now, it was a struggle to get anything done. I spent more time staring out of the window than working.

It couldn’t go on; I knew I needed to get my act together. It didn’t help that home life wasn’t going swimmingly either. We both doted on the new baby, but it had affected our relationship. My husband treated me more like a porcelain doll than a woman with needs. Sure, after the birth thoughts of sex were well off my radar but after a few months I felt my libido rising (and rising fast). Kevin was loving but so gentle, worried he might hurt me. Don’t get me wrong I like gentle, but I want variation; gentle, firm, rough, (not too much but ….) excitement, surprise. Kevin was gentle and slow.

“You can be firmer with me you know,” I’d said.

 “No, I love you too much. I wouldn’t want to damage you in any way.”

It was lovely he felt like that, but it was more ticklish than sensual. He didn’t seem to have learnt any new techniques to excite or seduce me. He didn’t even feel that hard when he fucked me. He went on for ages, but it was all a bit boring, sorry. I often found my mind wandering to things I would be doing at the weekend, sometimes even mentally compiling a ‘to do’ list whist he huffed and puffed away.

Last night I was getting irritated by his (lack of) effort. “My boss was coming onto me today. I’m sorry, I should have told you earlier. He was very complimentary about my dress and perfume. He said I was very sultry. Do you think I’m sultry?”

“Oh yes, you’re the best.” he said in between gasps.

“I think he wants to bed me. How do you feel about that?” I incited him.

Oh my god, I felt the first spurt come from his cock, there may have been a second, but I didn’t feel anything. His cock slipped out leaving me once again frustrated, but a little wiser.

“Oh, did the thought of Stefan and his big cock inside me turn you on?” I almost laughed as the words came out.

“No, no definitely not,” he blustered, looking all embarrassed.

“Well, you came as soon as I told you his intentions,” I challenged.

“Coincidence that’s all,” was his unconvincing reply.

“Yeah right. I’ll believe you darling, but I might test you out again later in the week.”

With that I pushed him away and moved back over to my side of the bed leaving him with the wet patch, not that there was much of a patch to be honest, more of a little spot. He certainly wasn’t firing on all cylinders that was for sure.

Perhaps I did need to get an updated more powerful model.

I eventually got to sleep. This morning, I was running late. The alarm had gone off, but I thought another five minutes would be fine. Twenty minutes later I woke and then spent the next half hour tearing round the house; shower, dress, baby, make-up baby, baby, make-up again. No time for breakfast.

I arrived at work only 15 minutes late but clearly something was amiss. I had a note on my desk asking me to call Stefan urgently, then I looked at my work phone. Five missed calls. I noticed I had a message, no, three messages. The politest one was “these numbers, are they correct they look a bit out to me. Call me to confirm you have double checked them with Finance.”

Ah, I knew there was something I meant to do yesterday afternoon. I quickly called Stefan but went through to his secretary. She informed me Stefan was not a happy man (I sort of got that from his messages but nice to have it confirmed, not!). I explained I hadn’t been able to verify the numbers with Finance but would do so now. Could she tell Stefan.

No, she couldn’t apparently because he was in the board meeting delivering his presentation with my numbers in it as we spoke.

Oh shit, Oh fucking shit. I didn’t utter these words out loud or at least I don’t think I did. I quickly called Finance talked through the numbers, agreed what they should be, updated my spreadsheet and slides, sent it over to Finance to double check and then onto Stefan’s secretary in the hope that my remedial work would earn me at least some Brownie points.

I was on edge all morning. No phone calls or irate Stefan in sight, maybe I had got away with it after all.

I went out for sandwiches at lunchtime but had little appetite. I was still nervous about what Stefan’s response would be.

Just when I was thought I was in the clear my phone rang, Stefan’s secretary informed me that he wanted to see me at 5:30. I politely advised her I needed to finish at 5 as I had to collect my baby.

“I would suggest you make the effort Claire; he is spitting feathers. If you leave it until the morning, the only thing you’ll be collecting is your P45,” she pointedly advised me.

I sat in a daze for the rest of the afternoon, no work getting done, my colleagues left and there I was watching the seconds tick by on the wall clock.

I called my husband to inform him I would be late home as I had a meeting with Stefan, and he would need to collect our daughter. I could hear his voice trembling as he said: “Of course, dear. Is he seeing you or seeing to you?”  his weak joke made him laugh. Didn’t do much for me. I hung up.

At 5:15 I tried to pull myself together, went to the ladies applied a bit more make up and lip gloss, groomed my hair, straightened my nylons so at least I looked my best. I sensed it was futile, but you never know, maybe he did fancy me, and I could use my womanly charms on him.

I took the lift to Stefan’s floor, it was all quiet now, my high heels clicking on the tile floor as I made my way to his office. His secretary was gone so I tentatively knocked on the door.

No reply. I knocked again.” I heard the first time. Wait there,” boomed a voice from the other side of the door.

Oh dear, it didn’t sound like his temper had mellowed over the last couple of hours. I stood there like some naughty schoolgirl waiting at the headmasters office.

After about five minutes he called me in. I tentatively opened the door and smiled as I walked towards his desk. There was no smile in return. I went to take the seat opposite his desk.

“Stand, I didn’t offer you a seat and I don’t intend to”. He walked over to the door, and I heard the key turn in the lock.

“What the fuck were you playing at sending this rubbish to me. He threw my slides on the table. Fucking useless, that’s the slides and you. You sent me into that board meeting with numbers and information that were completely wrong. Set me up to look a right fool, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t, I wouldn’t, honestly, I just forgot to double check the information.” I tried to sound apologetic.

“Forgot? I give you a simple job and you failed me again Claire. You disappoint me, you really disappoint me.”

“I’m so sorry, I did send over the corrected slides with the right figures. Did your secretary give them to you?” I grovelled.

“Oh yes I got them thanks, after the meeting had finished, really helpful”– the sarcasm was dripping off his tongue.

I squirmed as I stood there moving my weight from one foot to another, trying to look remorseful but also hoping my sexy pose might soften his mood. It didn’t, he came and stood close by me still berating my incompetence. I was trying not to cry. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

“I told you before that you were on your last informal warning and yet we are here, not a week later with the cock up of all cock ups. You don’t learn, do you? Are you this useless at home? Does your husband have to rectify all your faults?” He went on (and on).

“No, never.” I spat.

“Oh, why is that?” he chided.

“I don’t make mistakes, I’m always right,” time to fight back I felt.

“Really!! I find that hard to believe. More likely he turns a blind eye when you flutter your eyelashes at him or offer to wank him off. Is that your normal approach. Won’t work with me Claire I’m afraid. Sure, you’re fit and I’m sure in the right hands you’d be a good fuck, but you are fucking incompetent. End of story. Can’t see any option other than a formal warning.”

“Oh no please, please anything, anything. I really want to do well, get back to how I was before the baby. I just need proper guidance.  I’m not stupid all I need is a bit of help to get back on track. Please one more chance I won’t let you down,” I snivelled.

“Don’t think so, don’t think you’re worth the effort,” the heartless bastard said.

I stood there whimpering as he walked around me, looking me up and down. I was dressed in a white blouse (I’d undone a couple more buttons before coming into the room) so he could see my lacy white bra as he circled me. My tight black skirt hugged my figure nicely even if I say so myself, my black nylons and black 4-inch heels rounded off my outfit. Oh, sorry, no I forgot my knickers. I didn’t forget them in forgetting to put them on I forgot to mention them, black silk, normally very sexy and comfortable but feeling a tad slippery.

“Do you know your problem, Claire? You need taking in hand. Putting on the straight and narrow. Can your husband do that? No, he can’t or otherwise he would have done so before now. He’s clearly not man enough for you. I liked you; had high hopes but now I’m almost disappointed in myself for putting trust in you. My judgement was clearly wrong I hate being wrong almost as much I hate being wronged.”

He sat in his plush leather chair spinning around and I could almost see his mind working. This was painful but all the time I stood here, and he didn’t kick me out perhaps there was still some slim hope.

” What if I came up with a solution to save your neck? You might not like it but it’s the only one I can think of, and it might do you some good,” he offered.

Oh no (or oh yes!) was he going to fuck me?

“Ok, I will do anything, I told you. I would appreciate any opportunity to put right my wrongs,” I meekly replied.

“Anything,” his eyes widened as he spoke.

“Yes, honestly anything.”

“You sure?” he looked at me sceptically.

I nodded.

“Right, come round this side of the desk.” I did as I was told. I was getting excited, maybe my dream was about to come true.

“Lean over my lap, put your hands down on the floor”. Um, what’s going on here, what’s he planning. He gave me a look; I did as he said.

He manoeuvred me in his lap making sure my fingertips were reaching the floor; he adjusted the height of his chair.

“Toes on the floor Claire”. This was a stretch now, he kept wriggling and adjusting my position until my bottom was where he wanted it.

“Ok so far?” he said.

I nodded.

“I need answers Claire, nods won’t work.”

“Yes,” I gasped.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, Stefan.”

“No, try again.”

“Yes, sir. “

“Better, you’re learning already,” I could hear the victory in his voice.

His fingers were now circling my arse over my skirt. My legs were pressed tightly together.


“Yes sir”


His hand circled my backside, it felt quite soothing after the dreadful afternoon I’d had. Suddenly that was broken by a sharp crack. I felt the stinging blow hit my left arse cheek quickly followed by one to the right cheek.

“Ow, no, please.” were some of the words that left my lips as tears started to pour from my eyes.

“Just warming up,” he advised me.

He then spanked me for what felt like a couple of minutes. Steady, firm spanks varying the speed, direction and force. When he finished, I could feel the whole of my bottom and upper thighs were tingling.

He gently rubbed my sore arse before lifting my skirt up. I could feel the cold air as it made its ascent.

“Lift a fraction,” he said.

I complied.

He carefully pulled my skirt right up to my waist and then started caressing me again over my silk knickers and suspenders before moving down my nyloned legs, first the left then the right.

I couldn’t help but groan and I felt my legs slightly part.

His fingers were so gentle on me, soothing my tingling backside.

Then crack, and again and again as he rained sharp blows onto my poor arse. These felt even harder now I didn’t have the minor protection of my skirt. He would spank me maybe 10 times then caress me for a minute before starting the assault again.

I was a quivering wreck, crying and spluttering as he administered my punishment. The real problem I was beginning to understand was not the pain or the humiliation, although that was bad enough. No, the real problem was that I was beginning to enjoy it. How could anyone enjoy this. God his stroking fingers were doing things to me I had never imagined possible, round and round up and down, caressing, pinching, squeezing, legs, bum, thighs, inner thighs (oh no don’t go there, please), I felt his fingers brush my crotch, I jolted.

“Shh, calm, relax, getting warmed up now,” he whispered.

I felt him grasp the waistband of my knickers and tried to pull them down, he tried again, I still resisted.

He let go, then crack, crack, crack, crack (way harder than before). I lifted slightly so he could take my knickers off, but he ignored my offer pushed me back into his lap and spanked me again and again. I was screaming now, he stopped and started with the caressing again before moving to my waist band, this time I lifted myself straight way.

“Better, you’re learning,” he said.

He pulled my knickers down. I was glad I couldn’t see the state of them though I could feel them stick slightly as they had clearly got glued between my pouting lips.

He pulled them right over my heels as I lifted my feet for him. His hand then travelled up the full length of my leg from my calf to my upper thigh. Oh, it felt sublime, goosebumps everywhere. I was so sensitive now to every touch, every slight movement, my senses in overdrive.

“What an amazing arse you’ve got,” he said as he pulled my cheeks apart. “Widen your legs for me, I think there’s some small part I still need to redden for you. I hesitated for a few seconds and again I felt the full force of his hand (5 times).

“When I say do something, do it, please. Don’t think, just do. Right?

“Yes, sorry sir.”

“Let’s try again. Widen your legs.”

I did so immediately.


I did.

“Good,” he pulled at the skin, rubbed my inner thighs then whack, it took my breath away, then another one, oh jeez this was so intense a few more followed but I was almost out of it.

I was roused from my stupor by more caressing, he was so close now, so close to touching my lips, I wanted it, needed it but then he moved away, across my bottom, down my legs, pinged my suspenders, then more sweeping caresses.

“Nearly done now, you’re doing well,” his voice almost hypnotic.

Followed by crack, slap, whack, must have been about 20 and I don’t think I had time to breathe they were so fast and sharp. It wasn’t until he had finished that I think the tears started to flow again and the heat rose from my arse.

He leant over me and whispered, “Well done, you have potential, real potential”.

I laid there the effort to get up from his lap was too much. He didn’t rush me. I could feel he was hard; I was pleased he was as excited as me. It felt like a form of mutual bonding.

Finally, I scrambled up and tried to rearrange my clothes, make myself decent avoiding eye contact. He reached down and picked up my knickers and handed them to me.

“Put them on then,” he commanded.  I felt unsteady on my feet so didn’t want to make a fool of myself by falling over trying to finish off dressing.

“Lean your bottom against the table,” he said. Sound advice for sure unless you had just been spanked mercilessly and your arse felt like a furnace. I did as he suggested, the pain was excruciating, and I wondered when I would next to be able to sit down.

I lifted one leg and put it through a leg hole of my very damp knickers.

“Look at me while you do it,” he said.

I locked eyes with him as I felt for the hole to put my other leg in.

“Keep the eye contact.”

I felt foolish but still really turned on. I gingerly pulled them up my legs over the stockings and very gently into place over my backside. Even the slightest touch of silk on skin hurt. More deep breaths but I kept the eye contact.

“I would offer you a seat but ……,” he smiled.

“Bastard,” I hissed.

“Now, now,” the smile was in his voice though.

“Sorry, bastard, sir,” I responded.

He laughed loudly at that, made me feel better.

“Oh, I like your spirit. Even after that proper spanking you’ve still got the nerve to answer me back – I love that. I don’t want a submissive little girl, that would be pointless, becomes tedious very quickly. I want that fight, spark, edge that you have. Sure, I intend to push you, stretch your limits but don’t give into me easily. It will make it so much more enjoyable for both of us. I’ll be honest, I really got off on that.”

“I could tell …… sir,” I cheekily smiled.

He laughed again. “Not very professional was it, administering discipline with an erection. Must do better next time,” he almost looked embarrassed (almost).

I was sure he would do better next time. There would be a next time. This was way out of my comfort zone, a completely new experience, painful but incredibly exhilarating.

“I can see a way forward,” he said. “Mentoring programme! That’s it, a mentoring programme and you will be our first participant. You can help me pull together the programme and try it out as we go, before we roll it out across the business.  How does that sound?”

I think I looked at him a bit weirdly. He laughed.

“Ah, I see where your mind is going, “he said. “I’m not suggesting spanking is included as part of the mentoring programme, though there are a few people who would benefit from a sore arse to wake their ideas up,” he joked.

“No, we can work together on the mentoring programme but in tandem we can have a more informal personal development plan for you that would be different to the ones we usually have,” he winked at me. “This will nurture your talents, push your boundaries and will hopefully be enjoyable for both of us. How does that sound? Come back in the morning, we can work up some slides I can present to the board tomorrow afternoon.”

I nodded, then something he said registered. “The board meeting tomorrow afternoon? It was this morning, wasn’t it?”   

“Ah, did I not say it got postponed, the chairman was otherwise engaged so it’s rescheduled for tomorrow,” he grinned at me as the words came out.

“You fu fuck fucking bastard,” I screamed. “You’ve bloody tricked me, put me through all this. You didn’t get your arse kicked at all did you? You haven’t had to present anything yet. The sun will be shining out of your proverbial tomorrow and now you have another bloody idea to ingratiate yourself. Pig. Pig!”

He stood smirking as I let off steam.

“Now, now don’t forget; it should be, pig, sir!”

Even I struggled to suppress a smile at that.

“Honestly, I think we will both benefit from this in lots of ways. Now do I get a little ‘thank you’ kiss to seal the deal before I send you off home?”

The only thing I should be giving him is a knee in the groin after the grief he’s given me. I sauntered over to him, ran my hands up his chest, round his neck and moved towards his slightly apprehensive face. My lips so close, his lips so tempting.


Written by eclair76

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