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Wife's infidelity revealed Pt3 The Dungeon

"A once in a lifetime experience I'll never forget"

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Author's Notes

"Last in the series? Hope you enjoyed reading it."

Even now, weeks later, im still trying to digest what Sally put my wife through that night with Sam and Dennis, as for me I was still relishing that fantastic fucking Sally gave me, it had been a long time since I'd shot my spunk into another woman as she literally milked my cock dry with those amazing fanny muscles  as they clamped around my cock as I came. I noticed Sally and my wife getting closer which worried me having lost Ann, my second wife to another woman and my current one who id almost lost once already, she was acting like a moth dancing around a naked flame, teasing it in effect, an action she'd eventually pay for, Sally wasn't a woman to be messed around! Sam, accompanied by Sally would regularly pop round for a nightcap, my wife being their nightcap!, on these nights I'd be resigned to the spare room, Sally didn't repeat her milking of me on these occasions which left me with an uncontrollable hardon if I'd taken my pill, only to relieve myself into a spunk rag I now kept within arms reach on nights like these as I listened to my wife being brought to orgasm on our marital bed, several times by the pair before discarding her once their sexual needs had been fulfilled . My wife's needs seemed to have increased from sedate several months ago to insatiable, at times like these I really was glad of the extra help. One night however was different, the usual moans and screams from my now sexually frustrated wife as they repeatedly brought her to orgasm, the louder ones no doubt for my benefit as I slowly wanked myself off imagining what they were doing to her. Once her screams of the final orgasm had subsided, I waited for the usual footsteps going down the stairs to the front door. I wiped off the remaining spunk from my slimey cum coated cock, expecting to be called back into our bedroom , but not this time. I could barely make out  them talking, this went on for over an hour. What on earth could they be talking about and not having sex with her? I couldn't fully make out what Sally was saying but got the impression she was asking her to do something, something involving me but just couldn't make it out. About an hour later, the sound of a dildo and minutes later a scream of sexual fulfilment from my wife? as they both laughed as they ‘ finished her off ‘ and left I wasn't called to bed to perform my usual function, I just lay there, confused and slightly worried that they were keeping something from me. Breakfast was a bit tense, I could see she wanted to tell me something but was having difficulty finding the words. This scared me, was I about to lose my wife to Sally? . The tension between us got unbearable as she played with her breakfast. Looking directly at her I came out with it ‘ So, where do I stand’? The look in her eyes was telling me she was somewhere else, struggling to find the words. A deathly silence, this was it, about to be ditched, what I wasn't expecting was for her to say ‘ Sally has arranged for us to go to party’ the relief on my face was pretty obvious,, that wouldn't last as she continued. ‘ She wants both of us to go to her place, well dungeon actually’ she said that as if it was just an everyday occurrence, Ron had mentioned this room, I thought he was just winding me up but we suddenly found ourselves contemplating actually going to Sally's for the ultimate sexual experience, She continued, ‘ there should be 8 men there, some bisexual ‘ Now I knew I'd be involved in my wife's, or should I say, our ultimate fantasy as she carried on ‘ she's into all this bondage stuff she'd like us to be part of it, she just asked us to think about it' by now my wife's cheeks were crimson red , it wouldn't be the first time we'd experienced something like this, she'd been talking to Sally by the sounds of things !, she finally managed to finish off what she had to tell me ‘ and most of the men will be at least half our age again’ she said that with a Cheshire cat Ike smile,  So our ‘ other fantasy ‘ of my wife being fucked by several virile strong young men would be fulfilled, we, well my wife only had to say yes, my involvement would be to facilitate them, nothing more, although I'd find to my cost that I'd certainly be used by the more bi curious ones! I think if we knew now what we hadn't envisaged before, I think we'd have backed out , if that was actually possible? Sally was very persuasive! The coming weeks , sally would come over more frequently, alone to talk to my wife about what to expect if we, correction,when we went to the party, after all, it was being held in my wife's honour after all, all these younger men were looking forward to a bit of milf Sally said. These meetings would always end in me staying in the spare room whilst sally fucked my wife with , as I'd soon find out, a larger dildo than the one I'd seen her use on my wife before, thank heavens for my spunk rag! Just being able to hear Sally fucking my wife in our bed would give me a reasonable hard on I could wank off with without the tablet, carefully timing myself to try and ejaculate at the same time as my wife climaxed and imagining it was me filling that moist pussy of hers, my sperm shooting into its depths on a mission to find her womb and fertilise those elusive eggs, my own sperm flying through the air towards my face as I came, catching it, mostly, into my spunk rag. Sally would often stay the night, this did worry me as I didn't know what her intentions were at the time but it was just to show me who was now in control, she now had total control over my wife and could do to her whatever she wanted, Sally really enjoyed making sure I knew that .

 Next morning once sally had left and it was safe to do so, my wife came to me and got by the side of me in bed, My cock inviting her to play with it, this she did as she explained what Sally wanted us to do, to say I was shocked but also excited about would be an understatement, the more in-depth she went ,the harder she gripped my cock, pulling my foreskin back as far as she could pull it, the pain she was now giving me made me try and pull backwards as she continued to tell me what to expect, to be honest I got very excited, maybe over excited as my cock swelled a little and twitch as the tiny slit opened up, my pent up sperm shot out, she gripped my shaft hard to stop the next spurt to shoot out , my cock uncontrollably twitched, now with some discomfort as it desperately tried to ejaculate. My wife looked at me ‘ Sally told me to do this to you’ now pointing my cock towards my face she pulled my foreskin right back, I cried out in some pain, the object of the exercise, sally had taught her a few things by the looks of it! She released her grip, my cock released it's momentarily captive sperm , gushing out, right into my face and chest ‘ Sally wanted to know if you could do that, could be useful for what she has in mind for you ‘ the pain still taking out the sensation of my forced orgasm at my cock quickly unloaded what sperm I had left, an amazing amount considering I'd wanked myself off only hours earlier. She told me to get up and make her some tea, whatever sally had said to her, her attitude towards me had changed, a reminder I was still a cuckold, even if her ‘bull’ was a formidable woman! The buildup to the day was equally frustrating and exciting, for me anyway, what my wife was thinking, she never said but I sensed she couldn't wait judging her mood. Sally sent my wife a text a few days before detailing the clothes we would be wearing, this wasn't a request, this was an order! Hers was quite the slutty look given 8 males would have the opportunity to fuck her, I'd also be ‘ made’ available So the wife's was just a simple baby doll stockings and suspenders and strappy heels, I was to be dressed in a matching baby doll stockings and suspenders and heels, the text carried on, ‘ you'll be dressed ready and picked up, oh don't forget to bring spare clothes lol xxx’ Well that could only mean one thing, Sally really was going to make us her sluts, and a painful reminder she owned us, or shortly would. I did notice the lack of Ron’s presence in all this, unaware that he'd realised he was out of his depth, probably too embarrassed to admit it and was keeping a low profile, after all, it was him and my wife being discovered in the first place that had kicked this off. My wife and I went to our usual ‘emporium’ for our items, we looked round at the baby dolls they had and after some deliberation chose a fine mesh three piece, hers was easy to source, even with her huge 38ee’s but for my chest we had to look around, the assistant came over, my wife told her what she needed for me, she looked me up and down and came back with a close match, she looked at me as she held it against me and smiled, there was one item my wife hadn't told me about , a gimp mask!, things suddenly started to look more serious than I'd first thought. There were several masks to choose from, my wife had been instructed to buy one with eye and mouth holes, the assistant came back all casual as if I was buying a new shirt, holding out the masks she pointed out the ins and outs of each one, the one my wife chose was a rubber type material with buckles at the rear to secure it on my head, both women knew exactly what it was for, again, I'd find out on the day. Everything bought , we went to leave when the shop assistant remembered me buying that ‘ girthy dildo’ ‘ Oh you forgot your free lube when you bought your dildo’ holding up a large tube , I could have died on the spot with embarrassment as everyone in the shop looked round at me , I hadn't told my wife about that , nore the reason why. " Here she said ‘ try this lubricant, a lot of men use it with that dildo’ , handing me a brightly coloured tube. My face felt like it was burning, perhaps she was part of Sally's plot to humiliate me in front of my wife, I'd have to think fast to explain this. Once out the door, the truth came out, My wife had ‘ inadvertently ‘ read one of my text messages from my then secret lover, Rachel! I couldn't understand why she wasn't angry at me but considering what she'd done , she'd be a hypocrite if she had, just totally opposite, she must have told Sally who knew full well what I'd be wearing that day when Sam and Dennis visited and made me strip, the only thing my wife didn't know was I occasionally wore her knickers. She really was genuinely curious about Rachel, a curiosity that would eat away at her, my punishment would be swift and painful for holding back on her. Once home we had a long frank and honest talk about Rachel, the reason for the dildo made her even more curious to know more, she'd seen me ruthlessly fucked by men in front of her, me dressed as a woman, well slut, so this shouldn't be much of a shock. I then talked about her and Ron, not to score points , just to say, although it did genuinely upset me at the time, I understood and that now, our love for each other was stronger. I must have said something right as she literally dragged me up the stairs to our bed and we fucked away like rabbits, no pill this time either! The only concession here was that I had to clean out all my own spunk before sally found out!, never a problem, I just love that creamy, jelly like texture as I remove it from her freshly fucked pussy. Sex over, we just lay there, talking about the day, the shop, the look on my face at the sex shop when the shop assistant mentioned the dildo and lube, we both burst out laughing like teenagers, yes I think now we both knew each other’s secrets that we should have shared in the first place, we both felt a lot better and any trust issues resolved, now we were about to embark on the wildest sex session to date with Sally, we would discover, perhaps too late what her limits actually were. For the next couple of days, life carried on as normal between us, until the day, then things started to change as I guess nerves started to build, I think we both had the same thought , What was Sally going to do? As far as we knew, she had a fully equipped dungeon and we both knew how cruel she could be in pursuit of her own sexual fulfilment. We'd be picked up from ours around 4 and taken to hers, now we both knew where she lived with Ron but there was definitely no dungeon in their flat! A moment of panic between us as would be taken to an unknown place!, I think that heightened the excitement of it all, unfamiliar surroundings. Sally gave my wife a quick call around midday making sure everything was ok, more importantly that we hadn't backed out,I don't think that was actually an option at this time. My wife confirmed we hadn't, well my wife hadn't! I was both their bitch now , I'd have to do as I was told. 

2:30 my wife went up for a shower, I'd follow half an hour later, the butterflies in my stomach now self-evident with that swirly feeling. Wife now out I made my way up, I had a few things to do but first a shower and a good clean, my dildo had been ‘conveniently’ left in the shower, well maybe just a quick one as I showered, pushing the sucker cup up to the tiled wall and soaped up, playtime! Slowly letting it open me up as it slid into me, it went in a lot easier than I thought it would, its length and girth stretching me for whatever lay ahead at the hands of Sally. I think I may have been in the shower longer than my wife anticipated as she shouted what was I doing? It had gone 3 and I wasn't even ready. Straight out the shower and a quick dry down, not forgetting the tube of lube, its cooling liquid forced deep into me, any cock finding its way into me hopefully would just slip into me effortlessly. That done, I dressed in my baby doll, knickers, bra , stockings and suspenders finishing off my look and I went into the bedroom. My wife was already dressed, well there wasn't much to put on if I'm honest, she looked fantastic and very fuckable , her tits clearly visible through not only the thin mesh bra but also the baby doll itself , her knickers hid nothing, her hairless pussy and it's lips stood out proudly, her bottom a perfect peach, my cock made its move but she slapped it quite hard, ‘ Oh no you don't you randy fucker’ as she reached for her cosmetics , my wife was to make me up, a strange thing to do if I'm to wear a mask, Sally must know what she's doing. Mascara thickly applied , blue eyeshadow also thickly applied , lipstick, also thickly applied, a bit of rouge on the cheeks, my god, I looked like a cheap whore! ‘ There , done ‘ she said, stepping back to see her handiwork, Sally's friends are going to love you’ Confirmation that I was on the menu, as what?, I'd find out soon enough, the whole thing was more or less following the lines of her ultimate experience she'd confided in Sally. It was close to 4 so she put her strappy heels on, The phone rang, it was Sally asking if we were ready as she'd sent a car to collect us, her last order was the one I wasn't expecting, that was to have the mask on before we left the house, only she could tell me when to remove it. My wife helped me put the gimp mask on, neither of us really had an idea how to fit it, it may look obvious but it really is a skill in itself to put it on correctly with a comfortable fit before the straps at the back are fastened. A couple of attempts and a quick look in the mirror, I looked, well I just looked at myself in disbelief, I had been changed into a fuck toy! A car pulled up, it was Dennis, at least we'd know someone there. My wife had put on a full length coat , she threw a similar one to me to cover up our semi naked bodies whilst going to the car, what on earth the neighbours thought if they saw us, predictably one did, a new lady neighbour looked at us as we jokingly said we were off to a party, if they knew what sort of party we were being driven to, tongues would predictably wag! Once in, thankfully, we left before anyone else saw us, I wonder if this was part of sallys plan to humiliate me in front of her girlfriend, my wife? We ended up in the countryside on the way to Sally's. We went from a familiar skyline to one I hadn't seen before. All I know is that we ended up in Leicestershire at an isolated country house, a large four bedroom farmhouse house, its drive littered with parked cars, it looked like we were expected! Pulling up to the drive, Sally waited as Dennis escorted the pair of us to the door as I struggled with my heels, my wife a bit more professional in hers as Sally invited us in. Did Ron know about this house? He suggested sally had some sort of dungeon but he never saw it , I bet he never imagined it in a house like this?. Once in, our coats were taken off us, a few admiring looks from the men in the hallway, all knowing they'd be fucking her at Sally's command whilst her cock sucking cuck of a husband watched. Sally showed us round the house to get familiar with the settings, just a normal house with some expensive furniture, we were shown the bedrooms sally told us at some point we may end up here depending on how things progressed, then the shocker, I thought we'd be going into the attic to see her dungeon, but no, she took us down stairs and into the hallway, there, a green door, we both knew the significance of its colour and smiled, yes we got the joke. Sally opened it, some stairs led to a basement, we stepped carefully down the stairs, Sally turned on the light, I'm not sure if it was the surprise or the shock that hit us first! We both held hands tightly, we've been around over the years but had never seen anything like this, the room seemed inconceivable with it's high ceiling and spacious room size, two rooms knocked into one with a supporting arch, even that had chains and cuffs attached to it, no space was wasted here. The black and purple coloured walls gave it that dark look you'd expect I guess from a dungeon. This wasn't just a dungeon, this was an armoury of tools and gadgets designed to cause ‘ mild pain’ and restraint to the lucky/unlucky ‘ guests’ Thankfully we were spared most of them! Sally showed us some things we recognised, A milking table for both men and any lactating women who found themselves here, vacuum cups for breast torture and penis pumps, a large wooden X on a wall with restraints! More normal wall and ceiling restraints, a sex swing webbing hammock hung from the ceiling, an assortment of restraints and spreaders , some things I can't even begin to describe!. The main feature was the bed, it was huge! It must have been 6 feet across up against the wall with metal rings, presumably to restrain whomever was unlucky enough to find themselves in this predicament. Looking at a side table , an assortment of tools , silk ropes, nipple clamps, cock cages, one that Sally had already chosen for me, I just didn't know it yet, then to one corner of the room, what looked like a shower, plain glass for all to see, ‘ AHH, the wet room ‘ she said with a giggle, no guesses what that was used for. Sally led us both upstairs to meet the men she'd personally assembled, we knew both Sam and Dennis , the other 6 were around somewhere. Sally showed us to the bar where the rest of the men were, all naked except for pants or boxer shorts, some giving away the size of what would be penetrating my wife quite soon. Music playing softly so not as to drown the conversation in the room. Sally showed us to the bar ‘ Sally introduced my wife to the assembled men. Turning to my wife , ‘you know why she's here, please don't disappoint me, if you hear the safe word you're to stop immediately, understood ‘ I didn't know Sally had given my wife a safe word but on this occasion, a wise choice as things might quickly get out of hand. I sat on a sofa whilst my wife sat at the bar, the lights illuminated her baby doll top showing her ample tits, thiers for the taking, not yet though, as they all Introduced themselves, all mid 30’s I'd guess all around 6 foot and fit just as my wife often fantasised, then sudden panic as I remembered exactly what our fantasy was, not one of these men would have cock under 8 inches, thank heavens that I'd used my dildo and lubricant in the shower earlier, as for my wife, I just hoped she actually hadn't overstretched herself, something I guess these eight men would probably do to her anyway this was her fantasy come to life and now slowly becoming a reality for the both of us. I watched as she had a drink, the men closing ranks around her, the odd touch of her bottom, a sly hand running down her thigh, a few hands on her breasts, teasing her, she didn't show much, if any acknowledgement that they were doing this, her teasing them  was really  sending these men strong signals she was more than up for this, ok I'll admit, from that point I was having mixed feelings, excitement, then jealousy, then total humiliation as some of the men touched her body whilst staring directly at me, they knew exactly what they were doing, my sole? purpose was to be forced to watch them fuck my wife, I had no say in the matter. Sally moved in , my wife  was now  her bitch, one months in the making finally ready for this moment, one she'd be sharing with this specially assembled group of men, she spoke to a couple of men, they looked at me and smiled, they walked over and removed their pants, oh my god, this is it, I thought to myself as they got closer, they're going to fuck me first! I could see my wife watching as they approached me, the look of genuine fear as they grabbed me by my arms and lifted me off the sofa, ‘ Sally wants you ready to watch us fuck that slut of yours’ with that we headed to the dungeon, leaving my wife with the others. Once down the stairs they made a joke which I guess they thought was humorous, looking at me one said ‘ X marks the spot’ as they led me to the wooden ‘X’ and attached me to it and left’ Sally came down to make sure I was securely restrained, then she went to the table to get a cock cage, she'd had my cock in her so she knew what size my erection was, ok, just under 6” not every man's blessed with a meaty large cock!, the steel cage she came back with looked impossibly small and curved, ‘ this will teach you, you randy fucker’ as she pushed my still semi hard cock and balls into it and carefully closed it shut, then she played her trump card, I was told not to take my tablet which perhaps was a punishment, the punishment was now becoming crystal clear as she produced one of my tablets, my wife must have given it her when I wasn't looking, ‘TAKE IT’ she said loudly as she put into my mouth and offered me a bottle of water from a table that was full of bottles of water, I had no idea at the time why there were so many bottles, the answer would be revealed later to my cost. . This for me wasn't going to end well and Sally knew it as she knew full well how excited I get watching my wife being fucked by strangers. Well my fate was sealed, my wife's was about to start as she was led down the stairs and escorted to the large bed, I recognised Sam amongst the group of men, the first thing I noticed when they parted was my wife's knickers were missing, standing there in all her glory, her shaven pussy brazenly on full show, her breasts still in their flimsy excuse for a supporting bra as the hung heavily downwards, her nipples clearly enlarged and erect, looks like she'd been teased whilst at the bar before coming down. Sally came up to me, ‘ Take a good look at your pretty little wife, when we've finished with her she's going to be nothing but a cheap whore at my beck and call ‘ This certainly wasn't the sally we both knew but definitely the sort of person you wouldn't mess with which I apparently had when I had sex with my own wife, she took that pretty badly and now we were both going to pay the price mine was slowly becoming painfully obvious as my cock tried to swell within the confines of the cage, By the time Sally finally released me, i'd have learned my lesson, a very painful lesson at that, I know Sally enjoyed every minute of my discomfort her revenge for having the nerve to fuck her slut. My wife was led to the bed, then unexpectedly picked up by four men like she weighed nothing and placed her in the middle of the bed, she looked lost on it, it really was massively oversized, but most useful for its intended use. My vantage , or should I say restrained point was 90° to the bed, I'd not miss a thing, Sally's Intention. The scene was set, soft background music started to play, the main lights dimmed as red and green lights lit up the room, a couple of lamps pointing diffused light to the centre of the bed, this was in a word, amazing but scary all rolled into one, my wife looked so small on that huge bed. Sally would be first to take my wife, as the dominant person in the room that commanded total respect from those present, this was her right as she put a strap on, on, just the 8” fat double dildo one to prepare my wife for what was to come. The lights seemed to dim then brighten up a little to create an air of mystique. Covering its length in what looked like KY, she inserted her end, a look of lust washed across her face as she slid it in, watched by all of us. Once in and securely strapped to her , she then approached my wife, the men gathered round being careful to leave a corridor I could see through, I wasn't going to miss anything, Sally made sure of this. Her intention was to bring my wife to orgasm, and herself ,not just in front of the men, but her husband before passing her over to the men. The dildo slipped in rather easily, much to Sally's annoyance, she wanted my wife to cry out but remained defiant, that rattled sally as she pushed the whole length into her, now my wife cried out ‘ there she is’ she said to the surrounding men, ‘ the sound of a slut who loves cock, especially other partners cocks ‘ there was no mistaking Sally was still fuming at my wife letting Ron repeatedly fuck her behind Sally's back, a definite No No!. Sally started to push that dildo repeatedly in to her, my wife's moans getting louder and louder, ‘ Am I better than that useless cuck' husband of yours' I was shocked at her reply ‘ yes , yes , don't stop, fuck me please’ Sally looked round , ‘ I told you, a whore wife’ as she continued to pummeling into my wife, Sally getting similar sensations as she moaned with her half of that artificial phallus Inside her ,this was definitely too much for my cock as it struggled to get hard, tablet made the whole thing worse as my cock filled with blood,, to expand to full hardness within the restrictive cage which it denied, the skin now pushing through the small spaces between the coils the pain and I really mean the pain really started to hurt but I'd done this to myself hadn't I? We both had disobeyed our mistress for want a better word and now we were paying the price, well my wife at the moment as Sally really went wild, screaming slut at her, both women now equally vocal, I guess Sally was using the double dildo to full effect, it was difficult to see who was being pleasured the most, then it happened, Sally screamed out as she came which, either my wife was holding back until sally had come or just good timing as my wife shouted the house down, I guess being this remote from ‘ civilisation’ they could be as loud as they wanted. My cock was now turning purple, the pain excruciating as it struggled to achieve its 6” erection within a 3”cage! My wife said something that must have pleased Sally as she screamed her allegiance to her, ‘ I love you , sally I love you’ The pair remained coupled as their heart rates and breathing slowed down , both sweaty from Sally's over amorous fucking, Sally kissed my wife very passionately, the whole group mesmerised at the whole thing that had just happened in front of them. Eventually, Sally pulled that dildo out, wet with my wife's freshly secreted juices and remains of the KY. Sally got off the bed, took one look at me and smiled, turning to the eagerly waiting men, erections at the ready, with no emotion she just said ‘ sluts all yours’ Suddenly my wife disappeared under a swarm of expectant men as they got onto the bed, not all but most of them to be the first to inseminate her. They were like a shoal of piranhas swimming towards their prey, this we both expected as frantic ripping sounds came from the bed , bit by bit her baby doll was reduced to small pieces of material , casually thrown in my direction, perhaps as a show of defiance, they were all going to fuck my wife in front of me and I couldn't do a thing about it, the pain I was now feeling as my cock desperately tried to grow to full erection, itself, trapped in it's own restrictive torture cage.I didn't stand a chance, Sally knew it as she watched my wide eyes through the holes of the mask . I could hear my wife amongst all that, squealing away with delight, My wife was revealing a dark side I wasn't aware of properly until now. They continued to remove what now little remained of her baby doll. This looked like it had been carefully choreographed for my benefit as once my wife was nearly naked , most of the men moved back, only three remained on the bed. ‘ leave the bra’ sally said, I think she secretly liked my wife's tits encased in that flimsy material and watch them swing uncontrollably whilst a bull fucks her doggy style. Now just on the bed with the three ‘chosen’ men , it began, Hands everywhere, pulling and pinching her nipples through the thin mesh bra, a couple of hands further down, teasing her pussy, pulling it's lips apart to reveal it's velvet silk like innards, moist from it's recent fucking from Sally,  fingers exploring the depths of what would soon be a well fucked pussy to near  destruction, these men were pros, they found her clit straight away which caught her off guard as her body tensed, her inevitable climax was sudden as she screamed out, she was really enjoying this attention which was making me nervous as I knew exactly what would happen, we'd talked about it often enough in bed!. Now the men were confident my wife was ready, one of them laid down in the middle of the bed, his hard cock bolt upright. Sally popped over , ‘ sit on it slut' my wife without hesitation straddled the man instantly, his cock just slid in, my wife must either be excited or there was still a little KY in her. The next man got to the front , his cock hard , pointing upwards and ready as his glans glistened in his pre cum. ‘ sally ordered her to suck it, suck it all in, this she did, struggling with it's girth a little but soon his cock disappeared deep into mouth, the combo was complete as they both did their best to fuck her, My wife's first spit roast  of the night started, slow and gentle as a cock at each end penetrated her curvaceous supple body, one that for the moment belonged to Sally and her choice of men to fuck her. The third man waited patiently, oiling his cock up for his cue to join the copulating threesome, once the man with his cock now buried safely into my wife, gave the signal he joined in He squatted near her bottom and lined his cock up with her anus, the man with his cock in my wife's mouth, wisely pulled out as the cock pushed against her tight sphincter, looking at the cocks, I'd guess the combined girth of both cocks was just under 5” Everyone watched as the tip of that cock, with some difficulty , found its way in, just the glans but enough for my wife to scream out and grip the bed sheets tightly, pulling them towards her as the cock , with the help of the KY slowly made its way into her tight passage, a low moan from the other man and indication he could feel the other man's progress as he could feel his cock as he pushed deeper into her. He didn't sink all his cock into her, just enough to fuck her and fill that tight passage with his sperm. Coupling complete, the other man put his cock back into her mouth, it had been quite a while since I'd seen her take three cocks like this on her hands and knees ,she kept still, her only movement would be from her heavy tits, hanging seductively below her mere millimetres from the mattress, only the tips of her nipples still encased in that flimsy bra brushed over the bed sheet. They began, the cock in her mouth now sliding as far into her mouth as physically possible whilst the other two built up a rhythm. My wife, if she could've, wanted to shout out but the cock in her mouth only allowed the muffled sounds as they found that magic motion. I just watched as I watched my wife taken like this what got me the most was the fact she was encouraging them, exactly what Sally had in mind for me to bare witness too. The motion of the pair of cocks now slowly pushing into her one end or sending her body forwards to be pushed on the cock now buried deep into her throat, her tits now swung in unison with the thrusting, this caught Sally's eye and I know she has a thing about my wife's tits, she moved in and cupped her swinging tits and groped her, ‘ you like this don't you slut’ giving her tits an extra squeeze before letting go. My wife's breeding session was about to come to fruition as the first of the men shot his hot sperm deep into her throat causing her to cough, he must have ejaculated hard into her as his sperm oozed around his shaft, what ever was on my wife's mind I'll never know as she just calmly recomposed herself and cleaned all that fresh sperm off his shaft. The men now pounding away at the rear were having similar successes as the man in her tight back passage cried out, as he unloaded another large deposit of cum, this left only the man fucking her pussy to finish off, once his partner had withdrew his now slimey cum covered cock from my wifes arse, the last man now pulled out and mounted her from the rear now that  he had unrestricted access and able to fuck her hard, and hard he did! His hips now pushing hard and fast into her pussy, her cries as he rammed hard into her, each one punctuated by his balls slapping against her cheeks, her tits now out of control as they swung in every direction, the bra had reached its limitations as her tits finally spilled out, a very loud cheer from the group as her tits now flailed freely in response of his cock pounding hard into her, he wasn't going to last like that, not many men do.! Then that contorted expression as he tensed , his pushed his cock as deep into her  as he could manage, this was the babymaker shot as he ejaculated hard and long into her, several good ones followed by the less copious amounts, all in search of her receptive womb. A Loud cheer from the men, he was the first to inseminate her pussy, they'd be next. Sally came to the bed , ‘ time for a break, her cuck husband has a duty to perform ‘ A man released me from the wooden cross and led me to the bed, my wife still skewered by the last cock, hopefully putting the last traces of his spunk into her, he pulled out and offered it to me, my faceless expression that no one could see under the gimp mask , he guided his cock to my mouth hole and pushed it it, mmmmm I'll never tire of my wife's fresh juices, and the salty taste of fresh sperm, it was over to quickly but then Sally pushed me between my wife's legs, ‘ clean my new bitch' now face to face with her spunk filled pussy, her sphincter still pulsating from it fucking, sperm being pushed out and down her crack. I went straight in like the cum slut I've always been , I don't do this very often so I went straight for the sphincter, licking any sperm that had managed to escape, every time my tongue brushed over it, she whimpered and bucked as I teased her sphincter , Now to the main prize, quite a lot on her pussy lips so with one long motion I licked it all off and instantly swallowed. My prize lay beyond those pink swollen lips as I pushed my tongue into her, a moment of confusion as my tongue lapped up an impossible amount of cum. This was when I found out most of these men were not just heavy cummers , they could recuperate quickly, the joys of being young! Yes, Sally had picked these men specially for us, I must have spent a good two minutes lapping away at my wife's cum filled pussy, every time I thought i'd finished, another dollop of freshly planted sperm would end up on the end of my Tongue, Sally just stood there with that smirk on her face, she came over pushed me out the way and did something neither of us expected as she pushed my wife onto the bed and rolled her over, her head straight between her legs as her tongue licked her pussy, my wife no stranger to a woman doing this, now Sally! She did something to my wife I didn't quite see, my wife screamed out as she orgasmed immediately. ‘ there, you not the only one who can make this bitch cum’ now that was up there with one of my most humiliating moments as the men laughed at me. However , show over? I hoped! Having to watch my wife being pleasured In front of me really hurt me physically as my cock was painfully crushed within the cock cage. Now the pain was excruciating, it was time to beg for forgiveness, Sally heard my plaintive cries for forgiveness and approached me. ‘ are you really sorry?' she asked. "Yes, yes I am really really sorry ‘ she grabbed the cock cage, my cries turned to a scream as she twisted the cage. "You're sorry, what’? I realised my gaff of protocol! ‘ mistress, I'm truly sorry, please forgive me mistress’ Sally looked at me with that knowing smile that she'd broken me, and she was right, now I'd do whatever she demanded, Sally turned to the men, ‘ time for a break’ Thank heavens, Sally gave my wife a nightgown to put on, my mask was finally removed to reveal my makeup, smudged with sweat from my face under the mask , ‘ oh dear , we do look like a cum slut now don't we' sally said whilst trying not to laugh, here let me as she cleaned me up and reapplied some make up, with that we went upstairs for a well earned drink and nibbles. It was when I was at the bar I noticed a clock, it showed 7.15, we'd been here over 2 hours! It was then I realised this was the only clock in the place! The dungeon, the perfect place for the lack of a clock, time had no meaning here, just survival . I managed to get to talk to my wife at the bar and ask her if she was ok, I was shocked and surprised at her answer ‘ loving it' she answered. This definitely wasn't the wife I knew, what had changed to turn her into, well this nymphomaniac ? She'd pushed me to my limits before but this time she'd surpassed all the boundaries we'd set all those years ago. " Right, times up , time to separate you pair, you upstairs" pointing to me ,’ you back downstairs’ pointing to my wife. Two men, side by side of her, one of them Dennis, took her by the arms and led her away, I was taken from the room by Sam and another man up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. I noted the time , 7;35. Sally had something special in mind for my wife , Me? The two hard cocks pointing in my direction were perhaps, a clue. From the room we were led in opposite directions, my last glimpse of my wife was of her looking back, less confident at me, even though she was held by two men as she was led back to the dungeon! Did she know her fate? Possibly as there looked like a sense of urgency from her escorts  to get back down those stairs, I'll admit their enthusiasm to get back to the dungeon unnerved me somewhat, was this the dark secret Sally had hinted about? My fate on the other hand would be unclear but I was still in my babydoll and heels. Getting to the room , a double bed, a sex cushion and a blonde wig, ‘ put it on slut’ Sam ordered. I did as I was told, adjusted it, and take that bra off, I did so with a little fumbling and off it came, Christine was ready. Sam took the lead but he wouldn't be the first time he'd fuck me, his cock looked menacenly huge, it had fucked my wife both ends, now it would be my turn , I was hoping he'd go easy on me with that oversized cock but that was the idea, my wife took it, now the cuck husband. I was placed on the bed then they got on each side of me, their hands now exploring my body, my miss-shaped cock from its earlier entrapment tried it's best to stand to erection, a source of laughter for the other two. Their hands softly rubbing down my smooth stockings , this certainly was having an effect on these men, both veiny thick long cocks at full mast, just looking at them I knew I'd be in trouble , thank heavens for the lube I'd put in earlier, I just hoped it hadn't all leaked out, the damp patch on my knickers confirmed my predicament. My knickers were pulled down my legs and discarded , a finger flicked my cock, it wobbled as they laughed at it ‘ a proper sissy cock isn't it’ hands now moving further up my body to my now super hard nipples, I cried out as they painfully pinched and twisted them through the thin material of the baby doll , their fingers unable to get a good grip, both hands then went into my baby doll and pulled it down to reveal my nipples , this time, real pain as they managed to get a good tight grip, they twisted and pulled them from my sissy body. Sam knew me and my weakness, ‘ watch this’ as he softly brushed over the tips of my nipples, I tried my best not to show any emotion but I couldn't as I cried out as it sent tingles down to my cock, it felt like I'd ejaculated but I hadn't Again, laughing at my discomfort they prepared me for what I was brought up here for, the leather looking sex cushion was placed on the bed, ‘ over it slut' I did as I was told, I guess these things are primarily made for a woman to lie over as my cock, well what was left if it, was crushed against the cushion. My bottom now high in the air, I was ready, if not a little uncomfortable I was ready for whatever they had in mind. Sam told the man he could go first which was a relief, yes all the men were more or less the same size but Sams cock had the added girth, I remember what my wife told me after he'd fucked her the first time, at least I'd have been prepared for such a monster, The man went behind me , the unmistakable sound of a condom packet being ripped open and rolled down his shaft , the bed moved as he got into position, a cold liquid squirted at my waiting hole, I was sensing some nervousness from him as he put his latex encased cock against me, a few abortive attempts for him to push past my sphincter, he tried again, this time I was ready for him as his cock nudged my entrance, this time I took a deep breath and relaxed for him and took my chance as he tried to push his cock in, in a movement he wasn't expecting, I pushed back against his cock as he pushed into me, his hardness coupled with both our lubes did the trick as he entered me, his relief was self evident as he moaned out loudly, that did the trick as he applied more pressure, now he'd opened me up, as he pushed more of his hard cock into me, I relaxed best I could and pushed back onto him again, he sounded like he was enjoying the feeling as his cock now slid into me, I could hear his enjoyment of possibly his first crossdresser fuck, for me, the initial pain then pleasure as his cock filled my tight entrance , Sam piped up ‘ there you go, i told you she was a total cock hungry slut' well I guess I could have been described better than that but fair enough pretty accurate I guess! The man now just fucked me perfectly, his cock forcing it's way ever deeper Into me, the angle the cushion had me at ensured every last inch would find it's way deep into me, such a pitty his cock was encased Iatex as he gained confidence, had I just taken his cherry I wondered as he started to get a bit more energetic, the joys of being young! He obviously was now enjoying himself as his balls slapped loudly against my cheeks, now calling me a dirty slut as he really pounded away at me. He'd forgotten himself as he really started to hurt with his thrusts , his cock nudging ever deeper into me, Sam watched and smiled , the husband of the wife he'd fucked several times now reduced to a fuck slut himself. The man now really going for it, the bed creaking away with his powerful thrusts into my sissy body, I could feel his cock as it stretched the latex to breaking point, the man didn't notice straight away, I felt something snap back, as he continued to reach his orgasm, now his cock wasn't sheafed anymore the extra sensations took their toll , several hard thrusts , his balls really slapping hard against me , he cried out, he'd never done this before as his cock exploded deep within me, I knew straight away the condom had failed , not a first for me in this situation! The warm sensation as his sperm was shot into me , several large ones, then he cried out, ‘ oh shit’ as he realised the condom had broken, his seed set loose inside me, too late!, he'd inseminated his first sissy cuck , the first of many? He pulled out , his cock still spitting its last few drops onto my bottom. I relaxed in the afterglow of his exceptionally hard fucking and being rewarded with his cum, Sam not to be outdone took the cushion from underneath me and rolled me onto my back ‘ My turn’ the other man watched as Sam got on the bed and grabbed me by my heels and pulled me down towards him like I was nothing , his cock menacingly swollen, his glans wet with precum from watching me being fucked, especially the unscripted part where I was unexpectedly inseminated. He turned to the man ‘ watch this’ as he pulled my legs up over his shoulders as if I was a rag doll, his cock ready, the tip pushed against my freshly fucked hole, gaping open with sperm at its entrance, he pushed in , I cried out, it wasn't the length of his cock that hurt me, it was his massive girth as he pushed his cock ever deeper into me, a thought crossed my mind that my wife couldn't get enough of this cock, now it was my turn. I breathed out as his cock bottomed out inside me, I was about to be fucked like never before. Sam's eyes met mine , ‘ ready slut' I didn't get time to answer as he started to fuck me for all he was worth. He grabbed my thighs tightly so I couldn't go anywhere whilst he fucked me with such vigour, this man has incredible staying power, he'd not long fucked my wife, now it was the cuck husbands turn to receive his virle sperm as he now with some force , pushed his hard cock into my sissy body. My loud moans and gasps as his cock tried to force it's way ever deeper encouraged Sam to really fuck me, like he had my wife as he made loud grunts everytime he pushed into me, watched with great interest from the other man, his cock back to full erection as he took in the sight before him. I guess Sam had waited some time to be able to fuck the husband of the wife he'd bred so many times, the only difference for him was my hole was tight as his glans now slipped effortlessly into me, my cries of pain and unadulterated pleasure spurred him on , the heighten sensation he must have felt with his cock, seemingly imprisoned tightly within me would be his, like many before him, their undoing as he now started to fuck me with long purposeful lunges into me, pulling me higher to get the most out of my now sore rectum, even with the lube and sperm now swimming away inside me , it started to hurt. Sam could see this, he smiled as he watched my level of discomfort show on each thrust of his mighty cock, oh how manly he was, he was definitely in control , he was making it painfully clear I knew It. My cock now back to some sort of resemblance to when I'd arrived, now hard if still a little crooked as it now flopped freely back and forth with his thrusting, I don't think the other man took his eyes off me all the time Sam fucked me. it really shouldn't have been a surprise to Sam , but his climax built up so quickly, it caught him out, his primaeval scream as he blasted his hot spunk into me must have been heard over most of the house as some people came in to witness the cuck husband being bred by such a brute. His sperm felt hot as he grabbed my hips to make sure I got every last drop. Each time he ejaculated into me I could actually feel it , the only way I can describe it was like a water pistol with a powerful jet, only the water was his sperm now being pumped into my body, one that would still be leaking his massive contribution the morning after. Looking at Sam's face, now sweaty, he must have put some effort into fucking me, now I knew why my wife liked him so much! For a couple of minutes we stayed coupled, I could feel his cock still putting the last remnants of his sperm into me, our uncoupling was at the very least painful , if not undignified as he pulled out and dropped me to the bed, discarded like I didn't matter anymore, he'd successfully bred me and that was it, USED ! I felt so cheap, but totally satisfied. ‘ Put this back on slut, handing me the mask ‘ I hope you're hungry’ the people in the room laughing at my expense, readjusting my baby doll , and still surprised, or was that worried! that I was still wearing it intact. Walking past the bar I made another mental note of the time from the only clock I'd seen in the house. 8.40, I couldn't believe I'd been bred by these two men for over an hour, time seemed to fly by! I was led back down to the dungeon, the sounds coming from within, not from my wife , just grunts and cheering which actually scared me, Sally's intentions as she knew exactly how to manipulate either of us. My eyes were covered as I walked across the floor , arms stretched out. I was taken to the cross again, why I had to be blindfolded would become immediately apparent once the blind was removed. Once secured, the sound of high heels approached, I really hoped it was my wife but it was Sally. ‘ welcome back, such a pity you missed the action’ , a long deliberate pause ‘ your poor wife missed you ‘ , a laugh that sent a chill down my spine as my blind was removed. My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the low lights, a few Yankee type candles flicked in the room that gave it that ambience, an authenticity of what you'd expect in a dungeon, I hadn't clicked at that point what the actual purpose for these were, both my wife and myself would soon find out. Then a vision I'll never forget My wife now face down on the sex swing wrists and ankles attached to each corner, a wet patch on the floor below her waist, remnants of several fuckings by this oversexed group, the fantasy we'd often talked about, Again my wife and her big mouth , sally knew our darkest secrets!, it was just down to which ones she wanted to inflict and humiliate us with, she had plenty to go on! Now everything was in focus , there she was spread eagle and available to any cock in the room , her tits had been pulled through the rubber webbing of the swing , hanging heavily not just from their own weight , but the two large weights clamped to her nipples hanging down from her tits, her nipples stretched to their maximum, the ball gag possibly a necessity for what Sally had in mind and the finale to what was, so far, an evening of surprises and self discovery for myself. ‘ who's first ‘ Sally asked the group, the man that hadn't long fucked me came to me ‘ I bet she's a good wifey isn't she ‘ as he walked over to her , his cock hard and ready to breed the wife of the sissy cuck husband he'd recently fucked. Standing behind her spread legs, he positioned himself to breed her, looking at me with that ‘ smirk’ he held his cock and slapped her gaping pussy, or what was left of it, Sally was determined to destroy that, Ron would soon loose interest in fucking my wife again after this. This man would be the last of the eight to fuck her , but there'd be seconds for some! No foreplay , he pushed straight into her, the sperm inside forming a natural lubricant for his cock just to slide into her, I saw her momentarily bite into the gag as he did that then he had his work cut out, now full of sperm, quite possibly the sloppiest pussy he'd ever get to fuck? There'd be little to no sensation as he tried to fuck her, he had a secret weapon though, as he pumped away, my wife , best she could with the gag on , cried out as she had an orgasm, That was quick I thought, when I could see how he did that ,I noticed he'd put a finger and thumb into her along with his cock , playing with her clit, this man half her age had learnt something tonight as he continued to fuck her, every thrust watched by everyone as the weights attached to her nipples started to swing, the more energy he put into his thrusts translated into the weights pulling her tits down as they now swung with some momentum, her tits being pulled downwards , stretching her bright red , swollen nipples. Even with all the sperm that had been pumped into her, making her a slippery fuck, he built up to his climax , the last minute must have been painful for my wife as she bit into the ball gag, I had to remind myself , this is what we'd talked about so many times, so this was a one off? I can never tell with her! His thrusts became more powerful, his balls slapping against her sperm drenched cheeks, the weights now really stretching and elongating her nipples as they swung more violently, then, he came , several loud grunts and a long sigh as he added his sperm that he hadn't put into me, into my wife , a round of applause from the crowd , they knew the significance of this fuck, he'd now bred both the wife and her useless husband. I don't know how many had fucked her in the swing, judging by the sperm on the floor under her, I'd guess quite a few. Sally got the men to release my wife, the nipple clamps and weights still attached as Sally walked her to me, the weights dragging her tits lower down her waist, I've memorised that moment, sometimes I masterbate myself thinking of just that one moment. Sally slapped my excuse for a penis, ‘ So, is your wife still pretty now slut? ‘ Looking at her, her hair and makeup a total mess, both breasts red from being slapped I presumed, well I said nothing, my cock did all the talking as it started to regain its shape. ‘ oh, one last thing’ as she led my wife to a table , the men picked her up and carefully placed her on it on her back. The weights still attached to her nipples now pulled her tits either side of her and onto the table. Sally removed them, they really were misshaped, flattened out but swollen , red angry and elongated. Sally had done this sort of thing before as she brushed a finger over each nipple, both now over sensitive to the touch, my wife responded, her hips went up to the amusement of Sally ‘ she's a horny little slut your wife isn't she, let's see how she copes with this ‘ Restraints were produced and my wife secured to the table Sally just laughed, yes, she was really enjoying punishing the pair of us ‘ it's for her own good ‘ she said, she would be right as she was no stranger to what she did next. The candles were brought to her, one of the men held my wife's tits upright nipple first, the ball gag was about to prove itself invaluable as Sally held the burning candle just above her nipple, ‘ this is what you always wanted but your useless husband's too weak  to realise your true desires’ with that she tipped the glass with molten wax onto her swollen , sensitive nipples. Now anyone who's had this done to them, myself included, will know the first several drops of wax are often the most painful until a build of wax over the area takes some of the heat away from the skin. My wife's face as she bit into that ball gag said it all as the wax was poured over her nipples, setting into a warm soft lump as more was added, another candle was handed to sally , full of molten wax, this time she poured it over her breast around the nipple , that caused my wife to let out a muffled scream , every man there watched , some slowly masterbated themselves, this may have been the first time they'd seen such a spectacle. Some perhaps ready to fuck her one last time, she only had to endure this last indignation from Sally, well they do say ‘ a woman scorned’ this was the visual interpretation of that! as Sally emptied the glass. The man then offered my wife's other breast to Sally, ‘ this time let's do it without the gag , I want hear you beg for forgiveness, you shouldn't have played with my Ron should you’ the gag was removed , another glass of wax poured over her other sensitive nipple, now you could hear my wife shout out as the molten wax set on her breast , then Sally went to her pussy with the last candle, the look of evil in Sally's eyes must have brought my wife to her senses and she shouted out the safe word ‘ BITCH , BITCH ‘ an air of urgency in her voice to stop Sally, fortunately she was as good as her word and moved to her head and kissed her.’Good girl, my special girl' as her restraints were removed, Sally produced a collar, the word ‘BITCH‘ on it , ‘ wear it now, you've earned it’ My wife quite eagerly put it on, even after all the things sally had done to her, her enthusiasm worried me. Now it was my turn to pay the price for my wife's infidelity or just because perhaps I managed to fuck her, or was that the other way round? ‘ Right cuck, don't think you're getting away with it’ two men came and released me from the cross, A thin padded mattress was placed on the floor, ‘ kneel slut ‘ without question I did what I was told, I'd seen just how far sally would go, well beyond my limits! ‘ Right men, this is a cock hungry cum slut that needs feeding, fill the bitch up' Thankfully not all the men came forward, probably saving themselves for my wife. The five that came forwards were all ready to feed me, what I wasn't ready for was the amount of sperm these five would produce, Oh the joys of being young thirty somethings, well half my age at least! I was thankful that they all had ‘ primed themselves ‘ before shoving their cocks through the hole in the mask, no one managed more than 3 minutes! A testament to my skills as an experienced cock sucker I guess! The first one was thankfully gentle as he slowly pushed it through the hole, bobbing up and down on his cock, my hand pulling his foreskin back and lightly twisting my hand over his shaft, his inexperience showed as he was no match for this ‘ ageing cum slut' A gasp from the man as he held my head onto his cock, he came one good spurt which I managed to stop going straight down my throat, I love to savour the taste and texture as my mouth fills up with their creamy spunk. Sally came to me ‘ show me’ . I opened my mouth, a good load of warm spunk rested on my tongue, ‘ now swallow bitch’ her sentence hadn't finished , I'd consumed the tasty warm salty sperm. I think this was getting to Sally. No matter what she put us both through, somehow we'd take it in our stride although for the onlooker it may not have looked that way! Second man in I did the same to him and the third it would be the fourth one that was the problem as he was a heavy cummer and a repeater to boot, he Lasted the longest, and the most pleasurable as I grappled with that thick shaft of his, I think it was him that gave me jaw ache later as I sucked and teased that cock of his, doing my best to leave enough saliva on his magnificent shaft as a lubricant To help my hand slide down his shaft and gently twisting the skin as I slid up towards his foreskin, I'd obviously done a very good job as his breathing got deeper, his hips started to thrust into my mouth as I took his cock in, the tip now close to going into my throat, his next few thrusts saw his cock now deeply embedded in my throat, he was close, I could tell as he pulled my head as close to his groin as possible, he caught me out big time as he made a little sound as his cock started to twitch, I was ready to capture his load, but too late , his cock literally exploded with such force it shot straight down my throat, I coughed as he continued to shoot more sperm down into my convulsing throat, my mouth stuffed with his cock his sperm, for one moment had no where to as I desperately tried to swallow , a big cheer from those who saw it, my wife watched with great interest , fortunately the man saw this and pulled out enough so I could breathe and recompose myself his cock still pumping out my just desserts, more than enough to again, savour it's taste and show Sally what a good little cum slut I was. The last man was a little more careful and thankfully he shot his load into my mouth, again, quite a lot this time as I swallowed the first volley, the next three I carefully held in my mouth, one last time, this time my wife would have a front row seat to see her husband swallow another man's hot fresh sperm. Sally stood at the side of me , go on, show my new bitch what a cum slut whore you really are, open and show us’ I opened my mouth, my tongue now covered in warm cum ‘ play with it's she said. I rolled my tongue around , the thin jelly like texture as I moved it around was marvellous. Then one thing we didn't know she'd do to us , ‘Stand up, we want you to share his spunk with your wife ‘ getting up and facing each other, I looked at her breasts, both covered In hardened wax, a complete contrast to the sperm usually splattered over them, her nipples totally covered in the red hardened wax, what a mess! I went in for that spunky kiss , there was lots to share! so I planted my lips onto my wife's and forced the spunk from my mouth into hers, her eyes widened as she realised how much I'd ‘ harvested’ pulling away for a moment, a long string of thick spunk strung between us, I went back in for another kiss. She got her revenge as she forced it back into mine, sperm now dripping down our chins as we shared a spunky lingering kiss in front of the group of horny and still expectent men. Opening my mouth to show Sally then swallowing it, I think to date this was the most sperm I'd eaten in one session, yes I had really excelled myself this time. My wife was led away upstairs ,Sally passed me a towel, my baby doll, covered in spunk that somehow had managed to escape my cuck hungry mouth, ruined! 

My final indignation was about to play out as Sally declared to the remaining men that I was a dirty little slut who needed cleaning up, a hushed silence as she led me past the table of now mainly empty water bottles, I hadn't really took any notice of them all night, I think I should have as Sally opened the door to the shower, ‘ get in and lie down facing me’ the floor was cold as my sore bottom made contact with it , now facing her she did the one thing I wasn't expecting as she backed off and several men approaching the open door, hard cocks in hand, I thought myself there's no way they were giving me a cum shower, most had ejaculated twice already, some three times!, then the empty bottles of water made sense as one of them started to urinate over me, my face, my baby doll which started to become more translucent the wetter it got. He was then accompanied by another then another as I was giving the most humiliating and degrading thing I'd ever had done to me, their urine warm as it splashed over my face, some of it getting past my lips giving me the strong salty taste i'd never tasted before , they all laughed as they continued to direct jets of urine st me, Sally just smiled at me, urine running down my body. This only lasted a couple of minutes but it felt like a lifetime. Once they'd finished Sally told me to stand up, my name up a total mess but I'd survived this ordeal. She closed the door and switched the shower on , I screamed out as the first few seconds were icy cold, my wife called out to me from where ever she was, thankfully the water warmed up as Sally handed me some body wash, ‘ take your clothes off bitch and clean yourself up’ Sally hadn't wavered all night, she was asleep cruel to me from the onset but I was ok with that as I cleaned my piss soaked body Once clean. I was allowed out and escorted back to my room, to, totally naked to a round of applause from the men whilst passing the bar

Looking at the clockit  now showed 10:00, we'd been here almost 6 hours, it felt like only 4! I was now returned back to my wife, she looked in a right state , her stockings badly laddered, traces of spunk on them. Her breasts still covered in red wax, I pulled over a small bin and she tentatively pulled the wax off from her nipples and breasts, not an easy task as some refused to come off, her skin covered in red patches where the hot wax had been poured onto them, her nipples looking an angry shade of red, I touched one, her nipples still erect, now super sensitive as she brushed my hand away, Sally came in, ‘ time to get dressed, your lift home is waiting, keep your collar on until you get home, your mine now' Now Sally said that quite menacingly, getting dressed I don't think either of us spoke a word We Got to the bar to say our goodbyes and a quick drink, I think we really needed one! Looking up at the clock at the bar at 10:20 only six hours since we walked through the door, how did we survive this? Those six hours seemed to last forever, I bet Sally wished they could now she'd acquired a new plaything. Sally came and gave both of us a good lingering kiss and thanked us for a wonderful evening. It was just about dusk , the sky still with a hint of red in it for a mid August evening as we got into the car, it was Dennis so at least he knew the way home, but from where? We still don't know now, maybe that's the mystery of it all that makes it special. Sally has asked us for another ‘ date’ but we're not so sure now, That supernova analogy I compared my wife's sex life to was starting to flicker and slowly dim, maybe this was the final party but hadn't realised it at the time , my wife and I had a long frank talk about what we'd gone through , I guess what we went through was more for the younger, fitter generation, not us now in our 60’s, although my wife was a hit with the younger men. Yes we still love sex but at a slower and less ‘ painful ‘ pace, don't get us wrong, we both thoroughly enjoyed Sally helping to bring my wife's fantasies to life and my wife now her ‘ personal bitch’, the nights I now have to endure having to listen to the pair from the spare room , sometimes forced to watch and masterbate myself in front of them whilst sally would stretch my wife with some of the biggest dildos I've ever seen some she's even tried on me! I think Sally's mellowed a little as she likes my wife dressed to impress now in nice revealing dresses and skirt/ blouse combinations, however the bitch collar is always worn when they're together as a symbol of Sally's dominance over her and a visual reminder to myself that my wife belongs to her, she never allowed any men near her after the party, even Ron who had moved out, I was allowed to sleep with my wife but by permission.

I think our partying days are perhaps over but my wife still needs that ‘fix’ and Sally is still trying to get us to go back to the dungeon, maybe one day but I think one visit was enough, my wife however? 

This arrangement with Sally went on for around 6 weeks then suddenly the visits got less frequent, much to my wife's frustration but to my relief as our lives slowly returned to what it was. I learnt through Ron that Sally had found a new married couple, a much younger married couple in their early twenties, that would explain her less frequent visits.

Will I guess we couldn't complain, we had a summer we'll never forget!

I described our experience like a supernova, shining bright momentarily before dimming. Well this was it, or was it ? Sally never completely stopped visiting and never stopped asking her to go back to the dungeon with her, she did admit she was tempted but held back, once was enough! However one thing we both agreed on was that for those few months this summer, Sally made my wife feel young again and  I thank her for those precious moments and what it's done to our marriage, and just to think, this all came about when I caught my best friend at our barbecue with my wife's tits out!

Well, as readers will agree,  Once you enter the swinging scene, you never really leave, do you?

Written by Christine63

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