This is my first ever attempt at writing a blog but this story isn’t sexy and not sure of the skill level.
Many, many years back in the mists of time .
Winter of 1971.
I was going out with a girl and she was really a goer however her dad was a bit of a tyrant.
We were upstairs in her very small bedroom her parents were downstairs watching
Cory (Ena Sharples days then)
She was a generously proportioned young lady.
and as most people know, especially the Uk-ex party lot. I am a skinny urchin, like a yard of tap water with big knots in the cotton for legs.
We had played around and she was dripping and she had got on her knees on the bed, Her head jammed into the corner of the wall and I was behind her fucking away as quietly as I could, doggy style. Remember her parents were directly below in the lounge.
When with a tad too much enthusiasm my leg slipped down between the bed
and a very hot radiator. They had just had it installed over the summer and it was very good.
She couldn’t wriggle out from under me and I couldn’t get out the saddle.
My leg was jammed by my very knobbly knee between the radiator and the bed frame.
I fried for what seemed a lifetime as we both tried to get into a position for her to get off the bed. I couldn’t shout or scream and ended up chewing her bra to keep the noise down. Eventually she managed to get out from under me got off the bed and dragged it away enough for me to get my leg out. I had a large blister on the side of my knee
She was then a radiographer in a hospital (possibly still is I guess).
So we casually strolled (well she strolled I limped and winced) out and telling her dad we were off for a drink we shot off to the casualty department she worked in.
We arrived and she got us straight in, jumping the queue (it’s who you know)
and one of her friend treated me for what she said was mild burns. (Mild burn my ass)
Actually it was my knee but you know what I mean. We gave some rubbish excuse to her as to what had happened.
Anyway one way and another over the next week or so, she coughed up the true story to her colleagues
After that whenever I went in to pick her up from work after her shift. it was just amazing how PROFESSIONAL!!!!! nurses can take the piss out of a previous patient.. calling me hot stuff etc
Well not much sex in this story.And I do have other tales to tell. Which make this encounter seem positively bliss.