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Buisness Trip

"A wife is sent on another boring buisness trip, which turns out anything but boring."

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Hi my name is Rachel, I'm a 50yr old buisness woman around 5' 8" tall, strawberry blonde hair and an average build for my height with proportionate sized breast.

My work sees me on many trips representing my company, so I'm away from home and my husband at least twice a month stopping in some really nice hotels around the country.

I was required at an important meeting in London, knowing how chaotic that city can be the company had booked me into a hotel from the day before.

After arriving I changed and went down to the restaurant, the food was average considering the prestige of this place. I retired to the bar and grabbed a cocktail or two, why not the company was paying.

Being a single female in the bar drew attention and some real boring men attempted their best to engage with me but I really wasnt interested.

After several hours I decided to retire back to my room and made my way back into the lobby and where the lifts were, as my room was on the 20th floor there was no way I was to taking the stairs.

The lift eventually arrived and after waiting for an elderly couple to exit I got in and pressed floor 20, just as the doors were closing 4 youths i say youths as they looked no older than 18 jumped into the lift with me.

I wasnt comfortable with this but now stuck in the lift with them. This group had obviously been drinking, not drunk but certainly merry. The lads upon seeing me started engaging in conversation. Being extremely cheeky lads they were asking me all type of questions like " are you here alone?" " see the wedding ring, where's your husband?"

I initially tried ignoring but as they were so persistent I started engaging with them, one the the youths a mixed race boy who the others called H and clearly the most confident of them all started becoming quite suggestive and to the point I found myself blushing, this got an around of cheers from the others.

I found myself willing this lift would hurry up so I could escape them all. I asked H which floor they were all stopping on.

" we aren't stopping at this hotel, we were on a pub crawl, spotted this hotel and thought it would be a laugh to run in and look around"

I told them that it wasn't that impressive and to my relief the lift stopped, I told them that this was my floor and it was nice meeting them.

H told the others " hear that lads the milf in not so many words has invited us back to her room" again that got a cheer from the others.

I interrupted, telling them H was so wrong and said good by to them as I exited the lift, unfortunately the 4 lads got out as well. " so which is your room? How big is it? I bet the view is great"
H said " come on let us have a look, let us take a few selfies and we'll leave"
I didn't really get a chance to answer when one of the others snatched my room card and seeing the number lead the rest to my room.

I seriously thought about jumping back into the lift, but as I watched the door closed and worried if left alone might steal my belongings decided to go with them to my room against my better judgement.

We entered the room and the lads were like just big kids running around the room.
" wow this place is huge, its bigger than my flat" one said " and the view is brilliant"

One of the others had discovered the mini bar and was quickly throwing miniature bottles of whiskey, gin and vodka to the others.

I heard H shout to the others who all looked over, H was holding up one of my satin thongs, the fucker had only gone rummaging through my suitcase. H who was now wearing my thong on his head to the entertainment of the others was walking around the room.

I tried to protest but H just ignored me and ducked under my arm when I tried to grab my knickers back.

H said " I tell you what I'll swap you these knickers for the ones your wearing but I have to remove them"

"Absolutely no way and please leave now or I'll call reception "

One of the other lads picked up the phone and pulled it out of the wall " opps I think I've broken it"

H then said " my offer has now changed I require your panties but I'm going to now remove them with my teeth"

I was feeling quite nervous and vulnerable now and at the same time starting to feel turned on.

H came over to me and asked "well milf can I have your knickers"

Looking around the room I knew there was no way I was going to be able in convincing them to leave so I told H that I agree.

H looked surprised to my response and at the cheers and encouragement of the others came across the room to me picked me up and carried me over to the bed where he threw me down onto my back.

H then backed off " no not yet, me and my friends want you to dance for us first"

This got a round of appreciation from the others who all went and sat on a large sette in my room.

I lay on the bed for a minute or too thinking about that before getting up, " you want me to dance? "
" yes milf, not like disco we want you to lap dance for us, after all, that was where we were heading too"

I have never in my life lap danced and to be honest no idea how.
H could see that I was pondering and may be having second thoughts he came over to me and as he did threw a mobile phone to one of the others
" here take a photo for old time sack Tom"
H as he approached was undoing his flies and then lobbed out one of the largest cocks I've ever seen, he put his arms around me telling Tom to make he gets it all in.

Tom took the photo and H went back to the couch. " recognise the phone Milf"
I looked at the phone H was holding up,
" yes milf it's yours and now it has a lovely photo of my cock on it, now I wonder which one is you hubby on the contacts, to edge my bets I might have to send it to quite a few"

Ok ok I'll dance for you " you're a right bastard H"
" just buisness you must be familiar with that"
I hadnt got a clue and it was pretty obvious to the lads as they shouted instructions to what I needed to do.

I started swinging my hips and running my hands up and down my body, the lads were in stitches and eventually H stood and told me that I was the worst lap dancer he'd ever seen.

H came over to me kissed me full on the lips before starting to dance with me. He was grinding his crotch against me, I instinctively turned around and started pushing my arse into his groan, this got around of cheers from the others.

I felt H who was holding my hips slid his hands down my legs and as he brought them back up so was my skirt, this certainly earned him an applause, I could see that the others were now just staring at me dancing with my hold up stockings and g string on show.

We continued dancing when Tom came across and sandwiched me between him and H. Tom grabbed my hair pulling it back started to kiss me. I found myself snogging him back.

H who was still behind me reached around grabbing the front of my blouse with both hands and pulled it apart, the buttons all went flying and he continued to remove it, now I was in my room half naked snogging an 18yr old and another undressing me.

H continued to remove my skirt in which I obliged by stepping out of.
" my just look at our mill's body dudes, isn't it great"
Stood there in my black with red lace bra and matching thong black self hold up stocks and black stilettos. There was a series of flashes as I saw the others were photographing me.
" gotta be done milf, it's for my wank bank later"
That got everyone laughing.

H took my hand, led me over and pushed me onto the bed.

" now it's time for me to remove those pants with my teeth"

I was breathing heavily, I was nolonger scared but extremely aroused and excited, it was obvious now that I was going to be shagged senseless and I couldn't wait.

H climbed ontop of me and we started kissing, I found myself wrapping my legs around him and I heard one of the others shout " look our milf is desperate for it now" the others cheered.

H then started down my body kissing my neck my chest groping both boobs and kissing them through my bra onto my stomach stopping at the top of my knickers. H grabbed the waist band in his teeth and as he started to pull my knickers down I lifted my bum to help them come down.

H stopped turned around to the others
" dudes this bitch is sooo wet down here, I think she really does want us "

H stopped pulling my knickers down, instead he grabbed them and in one motion totally ripped them from me.
" these are now mine as I watched him place them in his pocket"

H then returned parting my legs where he then started to lick my pussy. I found myself in ecstasy, I wasnt aware but the others had stripped and when I opened my eyes there were two cocks right above my face.

I grabbed both of them taking it in turns to suck on them. This was a completely new experience for me, until today I've only ever had sex with 2 men the first was pathetic a fumble with my first boyfriend that only lasted a week and my husband, now I'm going to double that number in one night.

The 4th bloke started to remove my bra telling the others that this was his trophy, once off the 4th youth started groping and sucking on my nipples.

Couldn't believe the level of arousal I was experiencing, sex is never gonna be the same after tonight.

H had stopped sucking my pussy and told me to turn over onto my knees which I did, I felt H position behind me, his cock rubbing against the entrance to my pussy. I was that turned on I couldn't wait any longer I started begging him to push his cock into me.

The others found this so funny, H still just rubbing his cock against my pussy refused to enter me choosing to tease me instead.

" please please shove you cock into me, I need it now, please fuck me hard"

" look at our pet milf dudes shes so gagging now, shall we fuck her senseless dudes"

H then rammed his cock straight into me, fuck it felt so good. H continued fucking me fast and the 2 other cocks were once again pushed into my face.

I soon has my first climax and surprised myself how loud a cried out during it, I also knew this was going to become first of many and this turned me on even more.

Tom swapped with H who had a completely different motion when he fucked me, his motion was great as it really caught my clit in a great way and before he had finished I was screaming another climax.

" blimmey lads this bitch either never has sex or you and H are great sex gods"
Everyone cheered, as I sucked on one of the cocks I felt it twitching and before I could pull away the lad grabbed my head and held it firm on his cock, I felt a torrent of hot sperm hit the back of my throat.

This was not only the first time I've ever sucked a cock it was certainly the first time I've had spunk in my mouth.

Sid the smallest of the 4 lay down next to me and invited me to come and ride his cock, I rolled over throwing my leg over his body, I grabbed his cock and guided it into my pussy, I then started riding his cock.

H was kneeling next to us, I reached across and grabbed his cock, as I stared I realised and appreciated what a truely impressive thing it was.

I felt someone grab my hair, it was Kev the fourth lad who was guiding my head down towards his cock which I happily started sucking, still holding H's which I started wanking.

I'm on a boring buisness trip in a 5 star hotel being gang banged with 4 young lads.

Tom went behind me and started fingering my anus, I looked from Kevs cock to complain.

" Hey dudes ive found a limit for our pet milf, she's a shit hole virgin"
As you can imagine this obviously stirred up a challenge for the group.

Tom announced that it was his duty to rectify and train their pet milf in the art of anal sex, to the cheers of the group.

Tom requested the others to lift me from Sid and bend me over the settee. I wasnt feeling to good about this but what was about to happen was going to happen whether I liked it or not. I preyed I wasnt going to be too bad.

Tom started fingering my cunt then pushing them into my arse, he did thus for several minutes, as he did he was inserting another finger at a time.

I found myself actually enjoying the sensation, then with the cheers of the others Tom started to probe my anus with the top of his cock, he told me to relax, secretly i couldn't wait.

Tom started to tease my opening slightly inserting then pulling away, after the third time I couldn't contain myself and found myself shouting "please Tom fuck me up the arse " at this Tom started to push hard his cock up my anus.

Wow once the initial pain subsided the feeling and pleasure I was experiencing was out if this world.

I turned to Tom " I ordered him to thrust harder you pussy"

OMG I actually called Tom a pussy, this amused them all and one by one they all fucked me up the arse leaving H last, they reckon they all needed to prepare me for his giant dick and they weren't wrong.

H told the others that it was time to leave, they left me on the settee come still dribbling from my arse and I watched them get dressed.

They all kissed me as they left with H quickly fingering my cunt, I whispered for him to stay as I still hot for his cock, he laughed saying another day I have your number as he winked and left.

By the time I'd showed, it wasnt worth going to bed as the meeting was just a couple of hours away. I sorted my buisness suit out, fresh tights but rummaging through my suitcase i could not find any underwear, instead I discovered a note

' thank you for all the souvenirs '

Bastards they have took all me knickers, I had to stand giving a speech infront of dozens of buisness owners totally commando, this did bring a smile to my face.

Once home hubby asked if it was another boring meeting, the worse I said secretly smiling.

Written by Lonely_H

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