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"A fake couple try to bring down a celebrity councelor"

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Hey there.  So a new story for all our loyal readers.  It’s essentially a pornographic rom-com.


  “That is the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard,” Megan stated, arms folded, face expressionless after hearing the plan.

  “That’s not a ‘no’ though,” Mitchell replied.  Megan considered the proposition a moment longer, took a sip of her drink and then decided to stick around.

  “Why are you doing this?” Megan asked, her interest piqued at the strangeness of the idea.

  “Two reasons, money and I hate that smug asshole,” Mitchell explained, his voice simmering with a quiet resentment hovering beneath.  “He thinks he’s so big, but I bet, I just bet that he can’t tell a fake relationship from a real one”.

  “Both are good reasons,” Megan responded honestly.  She too knew the gentleman Mitchell was talking about and his condescending manner was enough to put anyone off their cereal.  “I just don’t see how we can get close enough to do this and walk away with the money”.

  “Trust me.  I’ve considered every angle and have done all the groundwork.  This guy’s entire shtick is if you’re not happy after twelve months of couple’s therapy you get double your money back.  That’s ten grand,” Mitchell re-iterated, enthusiastically.

  “A year of therapy just to get ten grand back doesn’t seem like a great return,” Megan reflected.  Mitchell was about to leap in but Megan halted him.  “But he is a smug prick.  He probably deserves it”.

  “Exactly!  Right!” Mitchell chimed, encouragingly.

  “So how do we create this fake relationship?” Megan asked, wondering how they’d fool everyone’s favourite, or most hated, celebrity TV Doctor, Dr Grant Grantham, PhD.

  “On various social media in private mode I’ve created numerous blank photo posts on private mode without photo’s,” Mitchell explained.  “I also used other fake accounts to comment and like those pics.  In the next two months we’ll take pics, I’ll fake them up a little and drop them into the slots they’re meant to be at.  Voila!  One ready-made relationship”.

  Megan took a sip of her coffee and pondered the idea.  It was crazy, ridiculous and almost certain to be doomed to fail, but…it also seemed like it might be fun, something different, an adventure, and for Megan that was the worthwhile part.

  “Okay, I’m in.  Let’s roast this chicken”.

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  Mitchell and Megan were sitting in the waiting room, their cover story secure, their relationship seemingly in tatters waiting for their first appointment with Doctor Grant Grantham PhD.  Doctor Grant had hosted a number of TV shows on the U.K. network Channel 4 and had advertised all over the place a series of ads bigging-up his own near-superhuman abilities to fix relationships that was one part sincere, one-part cheesy and two parts cringeworthy.  As Mitchell and Megan sat in the waiting room the various adverts were playing on a loop, almost like hypnosis.

  “Hi.  I’m Doctor Grant Grantham PhD.  You might remember me from such shows as ‘The Relationship Whisperer’ or ‘Two wrongs can make Mr Right’.  Well I’m here to tell you that with my tailored couples therapy course I can guarantee a happy you after 12 months or double your money back.”

  “God, I hate this guy.  He’s so goddamned smug,” Mitchell whispered under his breath.

  “So what are you waiting for?  Just a year of weekly sessions for up to twelve months and you too can be transformed,” Doctor Grant concluded, before a different advert popped up on screen with different boasts but the same conclusion.  Mitchell looked over to the receptionist, a woman with a straight brown bobbed haircut that framed her face like tied back curtains resting on her shoulders.  She looked at Mitchell and rolled her eyes in a “tell me about it” fashion.  Mitchell smiled back at her.

  “AHEM!” Megan coughed, breaking his attention.  “Eyes on the prize, Romeo.  Eyes on the prize,” Megan whispered, reminding Mitchell exactly what was at stake.  Mitchell nodded, although he found his eyes drawn back to the receptionist till the door opened and an attractive thirty-something couple left the office with Doctor Grant in tow, still trying to give advice on whatever relationship issues they were going through.

  “So try and do those exercises I gave you and we’ll talk again next week, okay?” Doctor Grant chimed, his voice upbeat and melodic.  “And don’t forget I need to see video proof that you’re doing this.  Understood?” 

  “Yes, Doctor,” the couple replied together before leaving looking somewhat sheepish as they pondered the Doctor’s mysterious instructions, his receptionist watching him with a bored and distant expression.  “Okay.  Who’s next?”

  Mitchell and Megan got up holding hands to try and sell the illusion of their relationship more and headed towards the celebrity Doctor, trying to appear the perfect blend of into each other and yet on-the-rocks at the same time.  Doctor Grant Grantham PhD stepped aside letting the fake couple enter his office then, with a disdainful glance at his receptionist that she bounced back with equal displeasure, he blankly and silently closed the door.

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“Thank you both for coming in.  How can I help your relationship?” Dr Grant asked as he slouched back in his over-the-top leather chair.  Megan glanced at Mitchell and could detect his hidden rage at the Doctor’s pomposity.  

  “We’ve been having problems?” Mitchell responded, squeezing Megan’s hand angrily as he bristled from Dr Grant’s words.  

  “Hmmm.  I see,” said Dr Grant, placing his hand on his chin as he came across mockingly towards the fake couple.  “Oh, wait!  What am I doing?  Have you both signed the disclaimer?”

  Doctor Grant rifled through his drawers and pulled out a document a few pages thick that resembled a purchase agreement for a car.  He handed the document over to Mitchell and Megan and then slouched right back into his previous position in the chair.  Mitchell took a quick glance at the document before glaring back to Doctor Grant.

  “You don’t expect us to sign this do you?” Mitchell queried.  

  “Very much so,” Doctor Grant confirmed, sitting forward in his seat.  “Therapy is a big step in every relationship, but so is trust.  I’ve seen people try therapy in a half-hearted, almost whimsical way and when it doesn’t give them the results they crave, they blame their therapist,” he explained as Mitchell and Megan gazed at each other sheepishly.

  “It all seems a bit much,” Megan interjected to try and divert the Doctor away from the contract and back to the therapy.

  “Whereas I see it as wholly necessary.  No signed paperwork, no commitment on your part,” Doctor Grant responded, earnestly but cuttingly at the same time.  “But hey…I’m not a monster.  Please read through it before you commit to the future sessions”.

  Mitchell and Megan cast their eyes over the contract, trying to take it all in with most of it reading like they were actually applying for a credit card with a few choice phrases standing out such as…

Minimum required sessions.

Video proof of compliance.

Whole-hearted engagement.

Guaranteed relationship happiness.

  Mitchell flicked his eyes over to Megan once he’d finished reading and, upon her nod, he added his signature to the bottom of the page.  They passed the document back to Doctor Grant whose smile widened as he slowly and sinisterly moved the paperwork over to himself.

  “Very good.  Now that that's out of the way, let’s start with the thing that’s usually the problem in troubled relationships…sex!” Doctor Grant exclaimed, gleefully, his eyes almost rolling back in his head in excitement.  “How often do the two of you have sex?” 

  “Hardly ever,” Megan replied, confidently.  Both Mitchell and Megan had already crafted answers to awkward questions that they could leap into fearlessly by making sure they were both honest…ish.

  “Hmmm.  You see straight away, that tells me a lot,” Doctor Grant began, almost squirming in delight in his seat.  “You see a good sex life is the key to a successful relationship,” the Doctor continued as he typed frantically on his laptop, clearly searching for something.

  “What’s the most daring sexual thing you’ve ever done?”

  Mitchell and Megan exchanged a shocked glance.  They’d covered many scenarios in terms of questions but this was one they’d just not foreseen.  For a moment all they could do was move their mouths, wordlessly before Megan spat out an honest reply, just to give a reply.

  “Had sex in a public place!” Megan blurted.  Mitchell turned to face his faking partner who merely raised her eyebrows provocatively back at him.

  “Hmmm.  Well that’s interesting,” Dr Grant admitted whilst shimmying uncomfortably in his seat, a strangely uneasy smirk flirting over Doctor Grant’s expression.  “How did it feel?”

  “It felt…dangerous…exhilarating…exposed,” Megan explained as she recalled the experience of her and her boyfriend years ago in a nightclub.  Mitchell’s eyes never left Megan as he imagined her younger self sliding up and down her boyfriend’s pole as she glanced around furtively.

  “Please, tell us more,” Doctor Grant responded as he sat back, crossing his legs and rubbing his thighs together.

  “It was years ago and I knew I wanted to try it so I put on a big flowing dress so we could disguise what we were doing,” Megan explained as she brushed her hair back, a blush appearing on her face as she pressed her legs together, the memory turning her on as she revealed it to both men present.  “When we got in the club I could feel the hunger inside so I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the seats at the back of the club.  We sat down and as soon as we had we started kissing”.

  “Mmmm, uh-huh, uh-huh,” Doctor Grant replied, letting one hand fall beneath the desk so he could use it to stroke his hidden but growing bulge.

  “I then moved onto his lap and undid his fly as we kept on the lookout for people watching,” Megan continued, enjoying watching the two men get more turned on by her story.  “I removed his cock from his pants which was pretty solid by this point, and then rose up, moved it between my legs, pointed straight at my pussy…and slid right down it”.

  “Yes, yes.  Very interesting.  Let me write this down,” Doctor Grant replied as he hunched forward to disguise his discomfort around his waist as he imagined Megan as a younger woman, exploring the daring side of her sexuality, slowly riding her boyfriend as he kissed her neck, his hands on her breasts as she eyed the club, trying to see if anyone was watching.  “Did you…orgasm?” Doctor Grant asked, trying to seem unconcerned as he shimmied about in his seat.

  “Not immediately.  But as I rode on his cock, the feel of his hot prick filling my insides, my clit rubbing against his hip bone on every downward thrust, I started to get more turned on as he kissed my neck and moved his hands to my breasts, feeling them beneath my dress,' Megan breathed as she felt herself get increasingly turned on.  "I could feel him nibbling my neck as I took myself all the way down to the base of his cock, filling me completely".

  "Mmmm, yes, yes...filling you completely," Doctor Grant wrote as he imagined Megan in the club that night, sneakily having sex in a crowded room, eyes roving over her body as she ground herself on her lover like Dua Lipa gyrating fiercely.  It took every ounce of inner strength for him not to whip his rod out and start beating away at it in his office.

  "And that's when it happened...what pushed me over the edge,' Megan continued, head bowed, eyes lidded seductively as she drew the two men deeply into her story as she took her lover's pole inside her that night.

  "What was it?" Mitchell asked, his voice croaky from dryness as he'd been sitting there, mouth agape, feeling increasingly turned on from Megan's story.

  "I was moving slowly on his lap and I looked over and saw another woman looking over at me, a blonde girl about my age.  As his cock exploded inside me she bit her lip and placed one hand on her tit and another between her legs as she watched the two of us and that set me off the edge and I came, right there on his lap," Megan confessed, feeling elated at the clear discomfort she was causing between the two men's legs.  It' been some time since she had enjoyed making someone squirm in arousal and this was hitting all her buttons as well as there's.

  "AHHH, right.  Well...thank you for sharing that," Doctor Grant breathed as he himself was on the verge of coming in his pants.  He placed his hands in a steeple and composed himself for a moment, desperate to feel in control of his body, which, right now, he most certainly wasn't.  "So, it's clear that although you may be suffering sexual problems..."

  "Well, I don't think these are the only problems we are facing..." Mitchell began before Doctor Grant waved away his comment with a nonchalant flick of his hand.

  "Neh, neh, neh.  Trust me, I've seen it all.  Ninety-nine percent of most relationship problems are down to the sex.  We get that right and the happiness you seek is virtually guaranteed," Doctor Grant gesticulated as he postured like the pompous ass that both Mitchell and Megan assumed he was.   Doctor Grant began typing away furiously on his computer and loading something up, unseen to his patients.  He smiled at the screen then placed his steepled hands together, elbows on the table as he pressed his point home.  "Let me show you the kind of experimentation you will need to be doing".

  With that the Doctor turned the screen around to show his new patients the kind of thing he would be expecting of them, their eyes going wide as they stared at the screen in shock. The video playing was of a man and a woman toying with a blindfolded woman between them, all three of them naked.  She had her legs spread wide as the man pumped a double ended dildo into her pussy and ass, the woman whimpering at every deliberate insertion whilst she used her right hand to pump his cock.  Megan and Mitchell crossed their legs as they watched out of curious excitement, Mitchell adjusting his painfully erect tool and Megan involuntarily raising a hand to her left breast as she watched the female of the couple pull on a chain between two nipple clamps pressing against both nips as she was sliding her fingers into the woman's wet slit.  Doctor Grant enjoyed watching the pretend couple squirm uncomfortably as they digested his pleasures and torments.

  "The point of this therapy was to explore this couple's hidden passions," the Doctor revealed, glibly as the sounds of the video reached him without the picture, with Mitchell and Megan's reaction revealing what was happening, as the man let go of the dildo and gripped the chain, getting up and placing his cock at the young woman's lips, touching them before she licked between them, touching the tip before opening them up and swallowing it whole as he tugged on the chain, causing her breasts to jiggle upwards as she slurped over his prick in her mouth whilst the woman removed the dildo from her pussy but keeping it in her ass, moved between the woman's legs and placed her mouth over her quim.


  "Did...did it work?" Mitchell gulped.

  "Erm...well, there's still a few more sessions we have to do, but I feel they're making great progress,' Doctor Grant enthused, whilst Mitchell and Megan’s eyes remained locked on the erotic scene played in front of them.  The guy was thrusting his hips forward now, his prick going gently in and out of the woman’s mouth as she gobbled down his staff, sighing as the woman drooled over her wet pussy, lips red from the flexible, doubled-ended phallus, sphincter still open as she slowly moved it inside her.  

  Mitchell and Megan were now trying and failing to disguise their clenching and unclenching of their legs as they watched the guy hold the woman’s head in place as he let out a groan and withdrew his tool as it exploded over her face and tits, before the doctor turned the laptop around and switched off the video, eliciting mild groans of disappointment from both Mitchell and Megan that caused him to smile slightly as he closed the laptop down.

  “Is it proper for us to see that?  Surely it violates your Hippocratic oath?” Megan enquired as she ran her hands up and down her legs that were tingling in delight.  

  “Oh no.  It’s only a violation if I give information that reveals patient details.  Obviously you have no idea who they are?” Doctor Grant lied as he sat back in his chair, having taken back control from the couple opposite him.  “So with this in mind, I have a sexual assignment for the two of you…unless either of you have a problem with that?”

  Both Mitchell and Megan sat up at this remark as they both bristled awkwardly at the thought of having to fake intimacy so soon into their charade, the pair of them trying to express their uncomfortableness without giving the game away before Megan spoke for the two of them.

  "We just thought that you'd want to tackle the emotional issues between us first," Megan confessed as she grabbed Mitchell's hand, automatically.

  "I usually find that tackling the physical act of love-making, or the more visceral act of fucking tends to solve problems in a very immediate way," Doctor Grant explained.  The two artificial lovebirds shared a glance before nodding reluctantly giving Doctor Grant the opportunity to continue.  "I think the two of you, before our next session, should engage in outdoor's coitus," the Doctor suggested.  "With video evidence of course'.

  Mitchell swallowed hard and was just about to bring the entire thing down before Megan squeezed his hand, hard, and spoke.

  "Okay.  Any suggestions where we can do that know...not get caught?" 


  "I hear that Wallows' Fell is quite a good location for such activity.  You could try there," Doctor Grant offered, before fidgeting around his desk, giving himself time for his erection that he got in each session with patients to dissipate.  The Doctor smirked as he reflected on the fact that Wallow's Fell was also a well-known dogging area but telling them that would also spoil his fun and there was no way he was about to do that.


  "And if we don't agree I take it you'll stop our therapy sessions?" Mitchell queried.

  "It occurs to me that there's little point in helping people who do not wish to be helped," Doctor Grant continued with a mildly sarcastic grimace dancing across his features.

  "Okay.  We'll try that then," Mitchell confirmed.  Doctor Grant clapped his hands together loudly and enthusiastically that both Megan and Mitchell jumped in their seats in surprise.

  "That's great.  You know...I think you may well find this therapy to be transformative,” Doctor Grant leered, in a most unnerving manner as he began to ruminate on exactly how he was going to invigorate and elevate this couples’ sex lives and use them as pawns in his sordid fantasy games.

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  The threesome left the office with Mitchell and Megan feeling decidedly worse for the success of their plan.  They had thought they could just head inside, have a maximum of fifty-two therapy sessions and just walk-away, a few thousand better off.  Now here they were, being expected to engage in physical intimacy and proving it.  

  “So, just book in with Jenny and I’ll see you both in a week’s time,” Doctor Grant informed his two new patients, intently watching as they made the necessaries with his secretary and then leaving sheepishly.  As the door closed Doctor Grant made his way over to his secretary, his eyes remaining on the closed wooden structure picturing them there still.  “What do you think?”

  “They seem nice enough,” Jenny lied, knowing that whatever she said Doctor Grant would disregard anyway as she tapped her pencil against her cheek.

  “I don’t like it,” Doctor Grant continued.  “Do a little digging will ya?  I want to know everything about these two.  I’ve just got a bad feeling about them”.

  "Uh-huh," Jenny replied, still tapping her pencil on her face in a bored manner.  "So...will I be seeing you later tonight?" Jenny enquired, feeling herself getting slightly aroused as she tapped his pencil on her face, imagining it was his solid length in her fingers, dreaming of him smacking his cock against her clit before running the bulbous end up and down her slit as she admired his chiselled torso.

  "No, not tonight," Doctor Grant replied, dispassionately, his eyes never leaving the door.  "I have a thing to attend with my wife," he continued, before leaving the waiting room and heading back into his office, his gaze never once travelling over to where Jenny was sitting, the warmth between her legs growing colder as he walked away, untroubled by any sense of guilt or disloyalty.

  "What a smug asshole," Jenny muttered under her breath before placing the pencil down and opening up Edge to see what she could dig up on Mitchel and Megan, but doing as disinterestedly as possible.

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  The two pretend lovers pulled into the darkness that was Wallows Fell and stared out into the blackness of the forest.  Mitchell and Megan had picked the exact location that the Doctor suggested for their outdoors tryst.  Mitchell switched the car off and the two of them remained in their seats, stationary as they contemplated what they were about to do, before the two of them blurted out to each other.

  “We don’t have to do this!”

  “Do you want to get started then!”

  “What?!” the two of them asked, simultaneously after Mitchell offered a way out and Megan offered a starting point.  Mitchell swallowed hard as his eyes travelled over Megan’s body.  He’d been looking for someone for whom he could get on mentally but he’d not expected that she’d also be a stunner with her straight shoulder-length hair, cartoonishly curvy frame and sunflower eyes that Van Gogh would struggle to get right.

  Megan stared deeply at Mitchell.  It had been a while since she’d been dating and it had been an intense fjord of emotional peaks and deep despairs.  Hanging with Mitchell has been fun but she hadn’t had any sexual release for a while, and he was tall enough, slim enough, broad shouldered enough and packing enough (women have needs) to make an outdoor sexual excursion fun.

  “It’s a business transaction.  We have to get video proof and we have to be convincing,” Megan reminded Mitchell.  

  He nodded nervously.  Sure he’d fantasised about Megan and hoped she had him, but in those fantasies it was far from mechanical.  Mitchell looked about the trees, fearing that a bear or a coyote or serial killer may be out there.  “Meg do you think we should…oh my!”

  As Mitchell flicked his eyes back to Megan he saw that she’d already shed her skirt to reveal a pair of lacy knickers that barely covered her crotch and fancy patterned hold-ups that accentuated her pale skin, Mitchell’s instinctively licking his lips as he imagined her juices on her tongue, his cock hardening instantly in his pants.

  Megan leaned forward and moved her hand over his bulge.  There was definitely something there she could work with.  She felt the warmth spreading between her legs and her insides dropped, that need within to feel his hot meat between her legs was growing as she considered what they were about to do.

  “Do you want to get your phone out?  You know...for the evidence?” Megan asked as her hand rubbed Mitch’s growing bulge more aggressively before her fingers delicately moved to the button and the zip, unfastening his jeans and plunging her hand inside.

  “HURR!  Huh, uh-huh,” Mitch mumbled as he removed his phone and started filming Megan’s hand wrestled out his prick as she ran her fingers up and down his shaft, massaging it to its full size almost immediately.  

  “How about I get a little affection back from you?” Megan asked as she wriggled on the heated seat.  Mitchell moved over and slipped his trembling hand down the front of Megan’s black underwear.  Mitch felt somewhat uneasy as she had dressed for action and was looking far sexier than him, until his fingers moved over her shaved mound as he moved his phone camera from his meat to her panties as his hand moved in them, gliding over her stubble till finally it hit her warmth.  “Hmmm,” Megan purred as his middle finger slipped inside her sticky love-box, his digit enveloped by her hot warmness.  

  “Is this what it was like in the club?” Mitchell asked as he slid his finger inside and out as Megan’s hand moved firmly up and down his pole, the two of them breathing deeply as they teased each other.

  “A bit.  I’m more worried here about getting caught by the police.  It’s not like anyone can see us,” Megan sighed as Mitchell rubbed her bean with his thumb whilst Megan licked her palm and returned it to Mitchell’s prick as he filmed the entire spectacle to prove to the good doctor that they were seriously trying to improve their non-existent partnership.

  “You don’t think he uses these to get off do you?” Mitchell asked, as he licked his lips while he watched his hand move inside Megan’s scanty panties.

  “Right now...I don't even care if he does," Megan replied as she shimmied out of her seat and moved onto Mitchell's lap, her face inches away from his as she maintained a grip on his stiffy, now pointed upwards between her legs as she reached down and pulled her black panties to one side, her lips parting as she positioned his knob at her entrance.  

  "In for a penny?" Mitchell asked as he moved his seat back, giving Megan extra room to be able to move above him as she licked her lips excitedly.

  "Well...I'm certainly in for a pounding," Megan chuckled, before sliding down Mitchell's engorged length till she all the way down to his lap, his cock filling her damp hole, causing Megan to close her eyes and moan in delight as Mitchell caught his breath as he savoured the sensation of being inside this sensuous creature currently perched on his lap.  Mitchell's hand trembled as he pointed his phone down between his legs so he could get the image of Megan sliding up and down his cock whilst they were parked among the car-park, surrounded by trees atop Wallows Fell.

  "Christ, your cunt's delightful!" Mitchell breathed  as Megan placed her hands on his chest to control her movements more.  She had no idea that this would be were this would lead so quickly but she was not complaining as his thickness fit her body perfectly, just stretching her insides in a not unpleasant way, the two of them now causing the car to move on every thrust, Mitchell clenching upwards upon every downward move from Megan.  He moved one hand under the black, flimsy material and grabbed himself a good hand of arse cheek, the flesh feeling hot, firm yet squishy glutes in his fingers.

  “Do you think this is helping our relationship?” Megan sighed as she ground her cunt against Mitchell’s hips, the sensation of her clit rubbing against his hip-bone sending shockwaves of pleasure up her body, through her face and up to her head.  Megan gazed out into the trees and her eyes went wide in terror.  “What the…?”

  The two of them looked outside and could see two shadows moving eerily towards the car.  Mitchell tried to get up to start the car but with his seat being so far back and with Megan in the way he couldn't reach about to do so.  Megan didn't know what to do as she was perched over Michell's pole, her heartbeat even more elevated as her emotional state went from arousal to fear as the shadows got bigger, all she could hope for was that the details of how their bodies were discovered would not be revealed in the press if they were about to come to a sticky end, till she noticed what the shadows were doing.

  They had their tools out and were running their fingers up and down them.  This was not just some random area of countryside that the Doc had recommended, but a dogging site.

  "It's okay.  It's okay," Megan breathed as she stared out at the two guys, one who had a standard skinny length and the other, who was pulling back on a curved girthy monster.  Megan started to ride Mitchell with much more verve as he looked out and understood just what it was that was going on as he led back and watched as the two guys yanked away on their rods, exposed in the cold night air.  "Do you think I should....MMMMM...Oh yeah...should I open a window?" Megan asked, as she removed her top, revealing a black bra that was barely holding in her pendulous boobs. 

  "Uh-huh!" Mitchell responded.  He had no idea what Megan was planning on doing, but was fully committed and on for the ride as she continued to bounce on his stiffy with renewed gusto.  He moved his hands around her back, pulling her tightly to him before unhooking her bra before moving his hands back in front and moving his fingers under the dainty, patterned fabric.  

  “Get your phone,” Megan commanded, reminding Mitchell he still needed to be filming as her pace mounted.

  “Huh?  Oh yeah,” Mitchell muttered, before scrambling for the device he’d discarded in a panic and continued to take in the scene as Megan glided up and down his girth whilst reaching outside and grabbing the guy’s cock who was jerking off over the events inside the car.  “Holy fucking Hell!” Mitchell whispered as she moved her hand along the guy's veiny shaft as Mitchell slipped the black bra from Megan's tits.

  "Holy Christ, this different the club...all those...URGH...years ago," Megan exclaimed as she quivered over Mitchell's solid cock as he continued to fill her insides with his thickness before Megan felt the prick of the guy outside explode into the car, getting his sticky residue all over the interior.  "Oh fuck!" Megan cursed, before she stiffened and remained motionless on Mitchell's lap as the orgasm wracked her body, the overlapping visuals proving too much for Mitch as his cock spurted its white thickness deep into Megan's insides.  

  "Get out of here, go on," Mitchell said to the guys outside the car as he began to raise his seat back up as the two men scattered into the wooded area as if they were shadows, just popping out for a bit of fun before lurking back into the darkness.  Megan got off Mitchell and began getting her clothes back on as Mitch switched off his phone and caught his breath.

  "Do you think that'll convince him that we're actually a couple?" Megan asked as refastened her bra?

  "Convince him?" Mitchell queried.  It wouldn't surprise me if he came in his pants reviewing that footage," Mitch advised as he zipped himself up and got a tissue out to clean up the interior of his precious vehicle that he thought would definitely need a full valet service to get the stain out that weren't even his.

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  "Are you coming to bed, dear?" Marjorie Grant asked her husband.  She stood in the doorway of her husband’s home office in a sheer negligee, hand against the door, posing like a traditional nineteen-fifties blonde bombshell and also looking very much like one, as her husband flocked through a number of papers whilst peering over his half-moon glasses in her direction.

  “I’d love to, Honey…but, I’ve got to convert these tapes into paperwork to make sure I meet my professional requirements,” Grant lied as he shuffled various bits of paper on his desk whilst still wearing his dress shirt and open bow tie from Marjorie’s gala for her work.  A boring affair for Grant but one he knew he had to attend.  Grant looked over at his wife as she stayed motionless in the doorway.  The sheer, sexy outfit clinging to her shape, as the translucent material revealed her body underneath.  His wife’s huge, natural boobs, her tapered waist, her knickerless hips revealing a blonde bush atop her stockinged thighs.

  "Well, then.  Guess it's just me and my battery-powered joy stick then.  Goodnight," Marjorie responded before swiftly closing the door, Grant getting the merest of glimpses at her firm and fruity backside.  Grant waited a moment an then darted out of his chair and locked the door, making sure he would not be disturbed as he opened his desk drawer and removed a bottle of lube, coating his hands before unzipping his trousers and fishing his rapidly engorging old lad out as he flipped open his laptop and pressed play on the pre-loaded video he had prepared.

  On screen three women were lying on their sides, their heads between each other’s legs in a triangular daisy-chain, sloppily chomping each other’s juicy slits as they moaned into their snatches, their legs quivering and clenching involuntarily in reaction to the oral stimuli.  Around the bed three naked men were also sitting, their hands stroking their lengths as they gazed intently at the undressed, noisy triad on the bed as they gorged on each other’s hairy pies.

  “This is incredible,” one of the guys off-camera stated as he stared at his partner, her mousy-haired head jammed between the legs of her best friend as she lashed her tongue against her clit, her hands pressing against the cheeks of her arse forcing her minge against her lips.

  “Wish we’d have done this years ago,” one of the other man chimed back as he focussed on his other half as she rolled her head back, biting her lip as her acquaintance’s tongue slipped between her lips, proving her entrance, tasting the naked young woman behind her, making up the triangular daisy chain.

  Doctor Grant watched with his lubed-up cock in hand as the all-female threesome that his “prescription” had created unfolded before his eyes.  His hand sliding up and down his length as he watched his fantasy unfold as his directions to his patients allowed him to live vicariously through the mouths, fingers and genitals of all of his patients.

  Due to his focus on the screen he never heard his wife remove her love wand from her bedside drawer.  Garth missed it as she brought up a fake taxi video from the internet and played it as she pressed the throbbing plastic toy against her sex.  The bad Doctor was absent as she licked her lips when the woman going for the job interview slid her lips up and down the taxi driver’s engorged tool, coating it in saliva.  Grantham was conspicuously unavailable as she watched the fake driver sink his cock inside the porn actress as she enjoyed the hum of the lovestick against her clit, and he was noticeably not there as she quivered to orgasm upstairs as he jerked off over his patients downstairs.

  Dr Grant Grantham didn’t care about his inattentiveness to his missus’ sexual yearnings as long as he got off through his voyeurism and living vicariously through his patients’ increasingly risqué sex lives that he was orchestrating, after all…what could possibly go wrong?


  And that’s the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning depending on how you look at it.  

  Join us next time for more saucy shenanigans in part 2.

Written by goodafterboob

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