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Apologies for the cam award idea

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apologies to all about the cam award idea, it was actually a couple who thought it was a good idea and I said I would put up a post about it to see what the concensus was, that seems to be have been expressed, so no more will be mentioned about it.
I apologise for any upset, but in order to find out what people think, one has to ask questions.
Anyway, apologies again and take care,
BTW, anyone know why the subject was locked so quickly?
You shouldn't have to apologise for having an idea, just because some others don't like it. If no-one had ideas then we would never make progress. The thread was probably locked because there was nothing more to say really.
Quote by Davinaukcd
You shouldn't have to apologise for having an idea, just because some others don't like it. If no-one had ideas then we would never make progress. The thread was probably locked because there was nothing more to say really.

Totally agree with this it allows people the opportunity to express their views. There was no way of predicting the reponse until you'd posted so well done for provoking debate.
Why it was locked I don't know. Some threads seem to go on forever, while others, such as yours, get locked fairly rapidly. I don't know what the criteria is but it was refreshing to read the fairly unanimous views.
Quote by bbw_lover
You shouldn't have to apologise for having an idea, just because some others don't like it. If no-one had ideas then we would never make progress. The thread was probably locked because there was nothing more to say really.

Totally agree with this it allows people the opportunity to express their views. There was no way of predicting the reponse until you'd posted so well done for provoking debate.
Why it was locked I don't know. Some threads seem to go on forever, while others, such as yours, get locked fairly rapidly. I don't know what the criteria is but it was refreshing to read the fairly unanimous views.
totally agree with the above. :thumbup:
Good point, deserves an answer if anyone can provide one. Does seem a little inconsistent to lock one and not the other.
well spotted and its not like it was years ago either it was a relitavly recent post
Some people can spot a conspiracy without even trying!
I locked it cos there was not a point to the thread - and it was in danger of becoming nasty. Why I didn't lock the other one... simple.. I wasn't around at the time and didn't see it.
Now roll up your theories and put them away for the next time!
Why has my post/thread been locked/deleted!?
Firstly, please carefully read our Forum Posting Guidelines to gain some insight as to why this may have happened. Also, refamiliarize yourself with the forum registration terms you agreed to, paying particular attention to this section: You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
Usually when a post is locked the reason is given by the Moderator who locked it. If your post/thread was deleted then it was most likely considered so pointless or such an infringement of the AUP that it should no longer remain on the site.
The possible reasons your post/thread was locked or deleted are too numerous to mention here, so we simply ask you to accept the decision and move on. What we certainly do NOT want to see is yet another post asking why your previous one was locked or deleted.
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Quote by flower411
As to the conspiracy theory, I was seriously wondering if some long term posters can post certain things purely because they have been around for a while. There are loads of situations in life where it would be inappropriate for a newcomer to say something that an established member of a group could say without fear of of being put down.
I have loads of conspiracy theories for anyone that wants to hear !!! lol

The thread was left to roll as everyone has the right to post a question. It matters NOT ONE JOT to me whether it's an established member or a newbie and I could easily take offence at the insinuation! It's transparent why the thread got locked. People didn't like the idea and it was about to get nasty - one more alcohol fuelled night and there would be one TTTT who would have triggered off a nightmare.
Now.. can I lock THIS thread or will there be a great big hissy fit from some people??? Hissy fit PMs to the usual address.....not that that would be a change.
.. and I'm locking this one! smile :) :)
For the record, muses, my first thought was that it could have been a good idea, but after watching the thread for a while and reading some of the arguments against it, I soon realised that it was not as I first thought.
Still nothing ventured, nothing gained and the thread served it's purpose as it asked the question and generated discussion.
Now where are my keys?? confused :? :? lol wink
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Now where are my keys?? confused :? :? lol wink

I pinched them before you could use them! Ha! And you weren't even looking...
:wink: :wink:
Quote by flower411
I was seriously wondering if some long term posters can post certain things purely because they have been around for a while. There are loads of situations in life where it would be inappropriate for a newcomer to say something that an established member of a group could say without fear of of being put down.

This is the Chatroom Forum - I think you need the Cafe. Down the road, 2nd on the left!! wink