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Applemac users ?

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hiya does anyone else here use an applemac, and if so have any of you had any success in getting a cam to work in chat. Mine works fine with ichat, msn and a few other chat sites but i seem to struggle to get it to run in here, any idea's anyone.
i have 2 different cams available, 1 the isight camera built into my g5 imac and the other a logitech sphere, both run fine with the other apps but not chat rooms here, any help would be greatly appreciated ( p.s. I already runt he toucan driver before anyone suggests it lol)
Hi Sleazy
I also use a Mac and was interested to know the same thing. Mac users are always ignored but there are alwasy solutions it just takes more work to find out.
There is a piece of software called Macam, which you can download from the Apple site aor better still you might want to try;

which will also tell you which cams are supported. I think it supports most logitech cams.
There has also been a discussion about it, which you can read from the link below:
macam is fine to make a webcam work with a mac, but that isn't the problem lol, my cams work with the mac, just not in chat on here, but thank you very much for your suggestions x x x
Hello Sleazy, we also initially had the same problem on our Mac when trying to use the iSight in chat even though it was fine with and iChat.
We solved it by doing this:
When you have SH chat open, Control click (i.e. press the keyboard Cntl key and then the mouse button) on the cam button that you see in the My Camera window.
Then scroll down the menu that appears to Settings and click that.
A new window called Adobe Flash Player Settings will open, click on the image of the webcam and from the drop-down menu that appears just above the cam icon then select the type of camera you have. For our external iSight we chose IIDC Firewire Video.
It worked a treat.
Don't forget you can't be camming on SH and also in another application ( , iChat etc) at the same time).
Hope this sorts out your problem, if not send a PM and we will try to help out.
Same offer to help here. I'm a Mac user and have configured both internal and external iSight plus USB webcam to work OK with SH.
Drop me a line if stuck.
No problems using Mac here! iSight works a treat
Hi there
I sorted my settings some time ago and my mac cam worked fine but recently the site crashes every time I switch it on... has anyone else found this and what can I do to stop it!!??
Happens more when it's busy.
Ta x