Oh time for a moan ........
So we didn't join the site when everyone could open as many accounts as they wanted for free but we are a couple and we have extras so we already pay £60+ a year and kind of begrudge paying out for another account.
Is there anyway that it can be sorted so that couples can both chat in the same room on the same account??
share keyboard but type in diff colours?
and try to keep up with a conversation .... I think not.
This was a serious request. Many people have many accounts as they joined before they had to pay. I'm not asking for another account free, just that we can be in the same chatroom at the same time. For £60+ a year this isnt much to ask is it?? I'm sure that if this was another bonus of extras then many more people would pay the extra.
We deffinetely agree with Funlovers2009 here. It would be so much better if we could both chat off of the same 'extras' profile. We alresdy pay £60 a year, realty can't justify another £60 just to use it for chat. As we already pay for an extras 'Couples' profile why should we have to pay more so we can both chat? We already pay for a couples profile!?!?
I guess as there have been no answers to this that its something that is not to be discussed?? I beleive we shouldn't have to, but we're going to open another account.
Can you just bear with us on this please? It's hopefully going to be discussed... can't make any promises of course but there's no harm in a discussion! :thumbup:
On the current chat room it is unfortunately not possible for a username to exist more than once in the same room. Consequently, I'm sorry this is why, for example as a couple, if you were using different machines, you couldn't both, separately, interact in the same room on the same account.
Hopefully through the newsletters you should be aware that we're developing a new chat room which will be soon be available to use. Once we know that the chat room is stable, we can take on board suggestions and improvements that members want to see happen. We can consider including something for this scenario for example.
It's healthy to discuss what our members want on the site so thanks for bringing this up.
Thank you, it's nice to be listened to.
Oh well, it looks like you just answered my question.
Wifey is at home tonight, and I'm in a hotel, working away. We were quite looking forward to meeting each other in one of the chat rooms tonight and perhaps having a laugh with some of the regulars.
I'll phone her and give her the bad news :sad: