hi there
ive asked 3 times over the last few years ive been on this site to become a chat op and been told no 3 times, just noticed more new chat op's on the site if site admin dont want me to be 1 or the chat op's on here dont want me, why havent they said sorry jo but we dont want you to be a chat op on this site
ive been a chat op before on other sites and even been a manager of a porn site
must be just me hey
would you become a chat op or stay well clear ?
thanks jo
like i said yes i have applied 3 times and been told no thanks and aksed admin to keep my name for the future
thanks jo
i would do it but under another profile and not the one we use to have fun as i think you need to keep the 2 seperate. try again jo
think dawnie says take the message hey
thanks jo x
think dawnie says take the message hey
dawie do i take the message or ask again ?
thanks jo
hi dawnie
you highlighted the and been told no thanksso took that as you saying take the messgae they said no thanks 3 times sorry if i got this mixed up
but like you said whats the point of asking again
thanks jo
I have a fear, if it was down to a vote, I'd get a very strong "NO" despite beign a chat-op on two different sites. Lol.
Personally I dont think there are enough chatroom ops, you have trouble finding one during the day if you need one and yet you can find 3 in the same room in the evening.
Personally I wouldnt mind being one, I have asked but again I got told no, think its a case of its who you know.
not shallow just comment fact. You cant find an op during the day cos most people work so when someone is available to be an op during the day they are turned down.
finding ops during the day is a problem as a lot of them have jobs to go to (unlike me :-( ) but a vote is taken on every application by all serving ops so its as fair as can be really....
In my experience, those who don't want to be ops, mods or whatever you call them, generally make the best ones.
I'm usually around during the day. I may not be showing online but if you drop me a PM then I get an email notification and can attempt to help out or find someone who can. :thumbup:
I personally think that if mods or ops are online and "working" they should show as online...
Some do show as online but as DG says above some dont..
Its probably OK for the likes of me that knows the score on getting in touch with someone but for those a little less savvy its not so easy if you get my drift :-)