All rooms set at zero, browser crashes if attempting entry...
yep, i cant get in either, and all room counts are at 0....must be the site ghosties at it again!!
There is obviously a problem with server 1, which has now been happening for a few days.
Would be nice if admin would let the users of the chatroom know, what is going on! As effectivly there is only 2 servers working.
Be fun when the new chat room
It seems there is a problem with server 1, which has been happening for a few days now.
It is strange that this site has been going for years and still seems to have the same problems, over and over again. We understand that there may be issues from time to time, but really annoying when problems persist. As we have said in the forum many times, if this chat has been going for this long, and still has problems, then why continue with the Beta chat, which as long standing members, most do not like at all.
Hopefully whatever the issue is with server 1, it can be sorted out quickly, but would be nice to know from admin that they are dealing with it, rather than being left in the dark....yes I know " submit a support ticket ", but we know lots already have!
Server 1 is now fixed for today.
Not one to enter an argument, but when I post it was working and had been fixed, and I even had a pm off admin to confirm it was working, and before I posted I went and checked for my self.
Please flower end off this. thank you