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Chat Testers Wanted to Test the New SH CHAT

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Master of Sex
The chat is now open to all premium members for testing.
Hi all,
We're not far off launching the new SH Chatroom. The improvements are too many to list, but i promise it's been worth the wait smile
We need around 200 people, so if you're interested simply reply to this thread and we will include you. First 200 replies will be accepted.
Please don't use this thread for general discussion, just reply and we'll put your name down.
Testing will start either Friday, or early next week, we'll update your homepage with a message when testing starts if you've signed up to be a tester.
Forum Virgin
If you still need testers, I'd like to help smile
I'll throw mi hand in for me over the details and dont ask mi for any more money lol
- Som
Sex God
seen the demo, so yes pls
Warming the Bed
ooooooo yes please put us both down as we have seperate accounts
Warming the Bed
we'll give it a go :-)
Warming the Bed
count me in for testing the new chatroom
Master of Sex
Suppose we ought to...If anyones gonna break it, it's bound to be Jewl.
Warming the Bed
hi yes put our names down as we can do the job lol carl
Considering how often i'm in chat it would be rude not too lol
Count me in!
Forum Virgin
Count me in more the merrier
Happy to help out. Will there be a feature list for testing?