I just got a acer netbook and tried to use the inbuilt cam in chatroom it lets me have the cam on but no picture appears. Can anyone help as I know sod all about them.
Have you tried right-clicking, in chatroom, to select and adjust 'Settings'?
Perhaps you need to change the camera settings to identify the cam as a USB device? Try the different options for this and see what happens.
Sometimes this works because inbuilt cams can use different connections to the one you'd expect, and by just adjusting this you can make the cam work.
unfortunately with a net book you get very little options to change things limited operating system and limited access to it all.
We got one from pc world last weekend, tried it on chat saturday night, 5 mins later it was back in its box...!
Thankfully PC world changed it for a mini dell on monday, funny thing was they agreed with me that it was crap.
No good news for you, so sorry ...perhaps if you have not had it long you could do the same.
thanks Redhotandready I'll go back to the shop and see if I can exchange it for something that does work