Quote by Toots
Well those cheeky chappies in brown aka Admin (locally known as teaboyz/gurlz) have taken a looksie at this thread, given it some thought ( I was sitting on them until they'd thought about it and at 43st I take some moving ) with the end result being the below.
The message when viewing a blocked profile has been adjusted
Old version:
"Sorry but (insert name here) profile cannot be viewed by your account"
New Version
"Sorry but (insert name here) profile cannot be viewed by your account, please DO NOT ask or comment in the Chatroom as to why you have been blocked as this could be viewed as harassment and result in action being taken against your account."
Phewwwww .... let's hope this sorts things out and then we can all settle down and start enjoying the site as we're meant to. :thumbup: