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People who don't like rejection.

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Horrible evening screening messages from a guy I'd decided wasn't for me.
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.
Does this happen a lot to other men/women here?
I dont hear of this happening often but its not the first time...
Hope it didnt spoil your night :therethere:
If this is happening in chatrooms then block the user from sending you whispers, if its via PM then add him to your ignore list. Should they still insist on being a complete tosser then contact chat ops / moderators or even the site admin.
Lots of awsome people on this site, please dont let this negative experience put you off ;)
ditto what Fraser said......
kiss dee x
Quote by groundhogday_1
Horrible evening screening messages from a guy I'd decided wasn't for me.
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.
Does this happen a lot to other men/women here?

1 Block them from whispering you in the chatroom. Press the X
or ::settings > chatroom tab > add user (name)> Add.
2 If he's sending you mails at the bottom of the mail there is an 'ignore' icon that'll stop any mail from them arriving.
3 Report the profile, giving us the room name, approx time(s) and if you can cut&paste the offending whisper into the report.
4 Do not respond back to any further chat.
Quote by groundhogday_1
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.

Single fem survival guide - no second chances! Block, report, delete! As soon as you have a small inkling someone is going to hassle you, bin them. Your join date says you are new here - because of this you may be attracting more than your fair share of bullies - I've had them too when I first joined, and really couldn't hack it :/ They will "test" you, press you, where you give an inch they will take a mile - all in the hope of getting to you while you're still dazed from landing on here! They are at the bottom of the feeding chain here, just ignore. Plenty of nice people to meet, so move swiftly on! And welcome to the forum smile
It happens to me a lot too!
I'm quite hardened to it now, but of course when it first happens it can be upsetting. I've had guys turn nasty just because I haven't liked their opening line and haven't succumbed to their 'charms' - yeah right! More like they need to learn how to approach someone rather than just throwing insults.
Now I just block from whispering, then add to ignore list if needed, and move on.
I only have a select few that I actually talk to privately on the chatrooms and certainly for me I always respond better to someone if they've at least said hello in the room first smile
Oh and remember 'don't feed the trolls!' lol
As others have said, block/delete etc, but first please put in a report. If you ignore them they'll just go on to do it to someone else, and continue to breach the Site AUP:
If enough reports are received/substantiated they'll lose their account and go elsewhere to cause trouble.
I'm on it. No more entertaining this sort of behaviour.
Quote by pebble
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.

Single fem survival guide - no second chances! Block, report, delete! As soon as you have a small inkling someone is going to hassle you, bin them. Your join date says you are new here - because of this you may be attracting more than your fair share of bullies - I've had them too when I first joined, and really couldn't hack it :/ They will "test" you, press you, where you give an inch they will take a mile - all in the hope of getting to you while you're still dazed from landing on here! They are at the bottom of the feeding chain here, just ignore. Plenty of nice people to meet, so move swiftly on! And welcome to the forum smile
I am finding chatrooms too much right now for some reason.
Too much like a hunt.
Quote by groundhogday_1
I am finding chatrooms too much right now for some reason.
Too much like a hunt.

If you see me in chat then I would happily escort you if requested ;)
I could be the bouncer on a 'Dont harrass the girls' room, if they idiots get past me we can put Kat and Dee on the door instead, they have a pet snake for backup lol
wot they said :rascal:
Quote by Cubes
As others have said, block/delete etc, but first please put in a report. If you ignore them they'll just go on to do it to someone else, and continue to breach the Site AUP:
If enough reports are received/substantiated they'll lose their account and go elsewhere to cause trouble.

ggeeesss just dont send them to the aussie site.. we have enough of those all ready..... :P
Quote by TheRose
ggeeesss just dont send them to the aussie site.. we have enough of those all ready..... :P

The thought never entered my mind......
Until now! :twisted:
Hello Rose sweetie! Hope you're well and getting ready for winter? kiss
lmao you was always evil... ppfftt we are right in the middle of it...
Im trying to get used to it my self lmao ... just not working, might have to stay away from the uk
Quote by Big_Fraser
I am finding chatrooms too much right now for some reason.
Too much like a hunt.

If you see me in chat then I would happily escort you if requested ;)
I could be the bouncer on a 'Dont harrass the girls' room, if they idiots get past me we can put Kat and Dee on the door instead, they have a pet snake for backup lol
yup kinky dinky kat....kinky dinky dee and the pet snake. Pop in and say hiya to us.
we dont bite unless someone rattles us :lol:
Now that's a thought, Dee & Kat on door duty
Quote by Cubes
ggeeesss just dont send them to the aussie site.. we have enough of those all ready..... :P

The thought never entered my mind......
Until now! :twisted:

All for traditional activities, once lapsed, being revived.
Anyone know any large sailboats/tall ships we can send them on again ?
Just look out for icebergs :P
Quote by groundhogday_1
Horrible evening screening messages from a guy I'd decided wasn't for me.
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.
Does this happen a lot to other men/women here?

Yep, happened to me last night. Constant messages from a guy, I told him wasn't interested and then out comes the abuse. Jeeeez, they need to grow a pair of balls.
Block immediately and report to host. Too many nutters out there of both sexes who ignore common decency and basic manners because they think they can't be identified.
We are having a pretty dire time of it in the chatrooms recently with people we have blocked. Usually aggressive and abusive in one form or another and not unusual for others to join in. We had 3 different members at us at one point last night.
We have long lost confidence in the reporting process which leaves us in a pretty hopeless situation. We knew it would be a rough few months after the total block was introduced but has got loads worse in recent weeks. Not good days!
I dont really block people. I just ignore anyone who behaves like a prat.
Then you dont have to put up with abuse in the chatroom :smile:
Rejection ?
I'm used to it by now...
Quote by DirtynSquirty
We are having a pretty dire time of it in the chatrooms recently with people we have blocked. Usually aggressive and abusive in one form or another and not unusual for others to join in. We had 3 different members at us at one point last night.
We have long lost confidence in the reporting process which leaves us in a pretty hopeless situation. We knew it would be a rough few months after the total block was introduced but has got loads worse in recent weeks. Not good days!

The report system is the for all to use and is an effective method of bringing issues to the Ops/Mods/Admins attention. Not every report made will result in action being taken against the reported member and what 'some' members consider as 'reportable' sometimes is not (but is still looked at/considered)
In 'almost' all cases the action(s) taken on the report are not fed back to the reporter but where warranted a reported profile will usually be spoken to/advised or their account edited/actioned upon. Your losing faith is for you to deal with, we're always happy to help.
As for your blocking and suffering aggressive/abusive in one form or another? If you could point me to any verifiable instances I'd be happy to look at it.
For me personally the idea of blocking is to remove the ability of those you find troublesome or who have crossed your bow in a negative manner but I read on an all too often basis members blocking others for the most trivial of reasons such as them being sent an unsolicited whisper or heavens above they have members daring to view their camera without first announcing it.
Every member has the ability to block another but it is those members using the block in an seemingly indiscriminate manner that occasionally seem to attract the ire of a disgruntled and now blocked member. It in unfortunate when this happens but as no plausible reason is offered as to why then I do to a point understand their irritation (this does not mean we wont step in if their irritation becomes vocal/abusive.)
Quote by Toots
We are having a pretty dire time of it in the chatrooms recently with people we have blocked. Usually aggressive and abusive in one form or another and not unusual for others to join in. We had 3 different members at us at one point last night.
We have long lost confidence in the reporting process which leaves us in a pretty hopeless situation. We knew it would be a rough few months after the total block was introduced but has got loads worse in recent weeks. Not good days!

The report system is the for all to use and is an effective method of bring issues to the Ops/Mods/Admins attention. Not every report made will result in action being taken against the reported member and what 'some' members consider as 'reportable' sometimes is not (but is still looked at/considered)
In 'almost' all cases the action(s) taken on the report are not fed back to the reporter but where warranted a reported profile will usually be spoken to/advised or their account edited/actioned upon. Your losing faith is for you to deal with, we're always happy to help.
As for your blocking and suffering aggressive/abusive in one form or another? If you could point me to any verifiable instances I'd be happy to look at it.
For me personally the idea of blocking is to remove the ability of those you find troublesome or who have crossed your bow in a negative manner but I read on an all too often basis members blocking others for the most trivial of reasons such as them being sent an unsolicited whisper or heavens above they have members daring to view their camera without fist announcing it and whilst it is every members right to block who they want it is those members using the block in an almost indiscriminate manner that seem to occasionally attract the ire of a disgruntled and now blocked member.
Yes, would agree that reporting is an effective way of bringing issues to Ops/Mods/Admins attention but unfortunately that's all it is good for. We were initially all for the softly softly approach when it began but have steadily changed our minds on it through a combination of bad experience and seeing the same rule breakers still plying the same trade months and years later. The tickle across the knuckles isn't working Toots.
The hassle we are having is almost on a daily basis currently which we would call a lot more than 'occasionally'. We know that the term 'naming and shaming' is a vague and ill-defined term but surely asking 'Have you blocked us' etc is bringing something into the open that only the parties know and is a prime example of it.
Would be good if pro-actively something was put up in the chatrooms to deal with this increasingly unpleasant issue.
I would concur with a lot said above. I regularly pop into chat to seek appropriate males for my wife to chat/cam with. I usually always respond with a simple yes or no in mail communications but what pisses me off is the fact that some guys either act rudely or crudely in our mail chat and are blocked then they appear in open chat being rude/aggressive wanting to know why they were blocked and letting others know their point of view. No dignity and no class but thankfully there are many more guys with class but does not stop it being irritating.
Why cant some guys just learn to take a gentle rejection with dignity??
Quote by DirtynSquirty
The hassle we are having is almost on a daily basis currently which we would call a lot more than 'occasionally'. We know that the term 'naming and shaming' is a vague and ill-defined term but surely asking 'Have you blocked us' etc is bringing something into the open that only the parties know and is a prime example of it.
Would be good if pro-actively something was put up in the chatrooms to deal with this increasingly unpleasant issue.

I take that point (in bold) but putting something up in the Chatrooms via the Welcome Message to the Room, well, who reads that? *smiling*
I've pointed the admin to this thread and indeed your recent comments, they will read it (I'll keep bludgeoning then with constant emails until they do) but it may be that they can add something in somewhere that helps with what you have highlighted.
Quote by Toots

The hassle we are having is almost on a daily basis currently which we would call a lot more than 'occasionally'. We know that the term 'naming and shaming' is a vague and ill-defined term but surely asking 'Have you blocked us' etc is bringing something into the open that only the parties know and is a prime example of it.
Would be good if pro-actively something was put up in the chatrooms to deal with this increasingly unpleasant issue.

I take that point (in bold) but putting something up in the Chatrooms via the Welcome Message to the Room, well, who reads that? *smiling*
I've pointed the admin to this thread and indeed your recent comments, they will read it (I'll keep bludgeoning then with constant emails until they do) but it may be that they can add something in somewhere that helps with what you have highlighted.
Thank you Toots, anything pro-active by the site would be welcome in dealing with this unpleasantness. Might be a good idea to ask some of the regular key-holders to be vigilant with this as well before it becomes a free-for-all.
Well those cheeky chappies in brown aka Admin (locally known as teaboyz/gurlz) have taken a looksie at this thread, given it some thought ( I was sitting on them until they'd thought about it and at 43st I take some moving ) with the end result being the below.
The message when viewing a blocked profile has been adjusted
Old version:
"Sorry but (insert name here) profile cannot be viewed by your account"
New Version
"Sorry but (insert name here) profile cannot be viewed by your account, please DO NOT ask or comment in the Chatroom as to why you have been blocked as this could be viewed as harassment and result in action being taken against your account."