Quote by Kiss
In my view people do overreact and look ridiculous in the process. Also, to be fair the fella is right. It is nothing like the pub at all.
God knows why people get arsey about them. Its just another high horse thing - something to moan about from what i can see.
May I ask if you've been in this situation - on the receiving end? When a room is quite full and busy it tends to move quite fast anyway but when every other line is an unwanted whisper it does tend to get quite tedious.
Not only that but I'd think that if I'd made it apparent that I didn't want whispers, why would a guy think he's going to get anywhere with me by doing something I've already asked, repeatedly and politely, for him not to do? Is he just doing it to annoy? To get a rise out of me? In which case I feel completely within my rights to think him a bit of an arse.
Ignore them. It takes longer to paste that nonsense and then argue. Yes I have by the way been subject to some prolonged unwanted whispers and I just laugh. Its just childish on both sides as far as I can see. I guess my bugbear is the polar oppposite of yours. Why give them time when its busy? Its not a race after all. In the end he wants to fuck you not steal your heart, so is he worth the bother?
Taking ther moral high ground on an issue like this, when this site advocates dogging (which people dont like, get offended by and is very likely illegal - very similar to the issues you mention earlier) is a bit hypocritical in my view.
Just a personal opinion and one i do find amusing.
Each to their own i guess.
Take care.
If you advocate ignoring these types of situations... why are you replying?
Also you can't choose who whispers and who doesn't, you can however choose whether to visit the dogging section or not. :doh:
I find your 'arguments' show a lack of insight and are weak, to put it politely.
Each to their own I guess There is a difference between a debate and an argument. If people invite a respone on this issue then its worth putting that perspective across, is it not?
In that your insight is poor, to put it politely.
Its not a test its an adult debate. People dont need to agree or disagree. Its not difficult.
Please dont try to be so condescending. Its a weak trait.
You completely miss the point about dogging. Asa site that advocates it, isnt it true that they are doing to the general public what whisperers are doing to H-x? Imposing something upon them that they have no right to do? Plenty of people have had the misfortune to stumble across it.
Its the issue of imposition that is the point. You cant have it both ways.
Of course, not everyone goes dogging but on a site like this the moral high ground strikes me as being a little rich. The parallel is very obvious.
If you wish to respond please try it with an element of erudition rather than the quality of your last post. That is a request. I assume you will adhere to it?