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beacon fell and singleton layby

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i went up to becon fell this evening there where to meny familes and kids there, but may be i was to erley could eney one tell me a good time to go,, or is there eney where else aroud thats good for dogging, singelton as never eney one there when i pass or is that bad timing on my part
if eney one would like to put a show on for me please get in touch
please let me know if eney one as had eney fun at these places thanx dave
p s sorry about spelling am crap at it
You've more chance of winning Lotto than seeing action round Beacon this time of year - too many tourists and too much press coverage. I'd go elsewhere if I were you.
Have been to Beacon Fell a few times, lucky once.... allways thought it was a good place and highly underused!
thanx for your replys blue and frogster, my be i will try looking for some where else, or may be just stick to the clubs ,,, iv allway done well there
When we were at Uni we used to go there and have BBQ's, and let off fireworks sometimes when it was the right season, but there are Wyreside rangers who do patrol there after 10pm.
I have been there after 10:00, never seen any rangers.... not disputing there are some, just I have never seen them! biggrin
may be we will can meet up frogster,,,, you can show me some places mate
I think Satin used to go up Beacon somewhere at one time with one of his shag-pieces. I don't think he had any trouble with rangers, the only trouble he ever got into was going there with someone else and not inviting me sad dunno :eeek: :uhoh: wink . He used to go there very very late at night/ early in the morning when all the families are tucked up in bed. As it's a large area that I don't know too well, I could ask Satin where he exactly used to go, then again he probably won't remember properly anyway rolleyes :wink: .
In edit: I asked him and he doesn't know, so don't bother PMing me and him for exact locations in that area confused :wink: .
Anyways, now off to do something I know a little bit about :roll: :wink:
"Singleton Layby" sounds like it could be the alter ego of any number of members here. Perhaps Beacon Fell forgot the pill.