This post was edited by FredFlintstone to remove foul and abusive language aimed at another forum member.
This users accout will also be disabled for this.
You have been warned!
Oops, maybe a moderator could delete my post?
I forgot about not being offensive and rude to other members. :doh: :doh: :doh:
I am going to respectfully request you both to delete your postings now.
They are offensive and personal
You wanna fight like this take it elsewhere please.
If I do it I will more than just delete your postings.
I have deleted your posting novice 1 as you requested - thank you for remembering the rules.
Young male - you have a PM - read it please!
Now, let me see - what nights do we have free to meet you? On second thought, we'll give it a miss, as no doubt we'll be crushed in the rush - NOT!
How to write an ad and influence people - especially people you do not know, and now never will!
I decline to respond to any further posts on this thread, and to lower myself to your levels of personal insult when after all, I was only pointing out that writing in capitals is considered rude, and shouting.
You are the weakest link - goodbye
Could not have put it better myself novice1