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Dogging site index

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Isn't it time the dogging site INDEX was updated / revamped?
Many sites have either been closed for various reasons, or become no - go areas for safe dogging. More uptodate information is needed from, and for us all.
One answer: No.
In fact, the original producer of "the doggers guide" should be shot.
From this august publication has been spawned the legions of abject morons, driving from site to site clutching hastily printed A4 sheets featuring road maps to sexual delight.
These dogging tourists have decimated this great game.
Nah...the guy's a footballer....he was probably clutching his own A4 sheets and asking for directions
Quote by Silk and Big G
So it wasnt Stans fault then ?

Nor was it the couple who lured Stan into the life of dogging either...oh the joys of being on the Birmingham scene, and the things one sees etc... wink trust me, what you read in the papers was only "tabloid truth", not the whole truth!
Quote by jomu
One answer: No.
In fact, the original producer of "the doggers guide" should be shot.
From this august publication has been spawned the legions of abject morons, driving from site to site clutching hastily printed A4 sheets featuring road maps to sexual delight.
These dogging tourists have decimated this great game.

not remove it then? confused
Why not ignore it if you dont want to use it , or better still start your own site and have whatever you want on it ? Better still look up 'constructive criticism'
Quote by Silk and Big G
Why not ignore it if you dont want to use it , or better still start your own site and have whatever you want on it ? Better still look up 'constructive criticism'

Any criticism positive, or negative has the potential to promote lively regret it's existence, and some wish for more information.
It seems clear that others reading this index to do so to learn of, and often do spoil/disrupt events.
As for constructive criticism, perhaps if you stepped down from the lofty pedestal of a time served SH, 'inner sanctum' forumer you might open up your mind , and realize newer forumers have an opinion too.
(did i hear you say, 'Ban the upstart')?
I hope not,
Rob smile
hey jomu , are you the elitist types they get at golf clubs who wants " to keep things just between us" , how do you expect couples to know where to go if there's no information.
It doesn't bother me if the index is scrapped , I know about most of the good sites anyway.
You're the type that would gladly stand by my car window if me and my wife were there , but would scowl at me the next day if I dared turn up on my own
Warming the Bed
great points cc and nutty
i also have noted the 'SH' power brokers who patronise with more than a slight snotty edge- almost like having that unhelpful person in the office on your first day on the new job
cmon people give some of us the 'benefit' occasionaly
Lets see.....until a few years ago dogging was a nice quiet hobby....virtually unknown except to those involved.
Then the inet struck....first on newsgroups, where "the doggers guide" started, then on mainstream on everything from mobile phone messaging alerts to pre-programmed GPS navigators.
As a DIRECT RESULT of all this publicity we now have parks, car parks and other places being closed in alarming numbers.
And that was only the start of a large amount of attention NOW being paid to both dogging and cruising (which tend to be active in the same places)....I have been in touch with the author of the above document, and a lot of his research came from websites...including this one.
So, before you start the "ELITIST" cant and start frothing at the mouth I suggest you think.
Any couple hoping to have a quiet night shagging at one of the popular sites with just a few spectators is in for a frightening time. I suggest they ADVERTISE their availability in a particular COUNTY or two and pick a couple of guys out of the SCORES of replies they'll get. Then pick a place THEMSELVES (even then there is bound to be one who'll be texting to his mates)
A lot of the newbies about now, on here and elsewhere, just don't listen or read.
Most couples don't play with anyone except each other, but some of you guys out there just ain't interested in the extent that you try to open the doors...some guys even get really insulting if the couple won't play...
Strange, with all the advice about....
As for "how do a couple know where to go"..............................if you can find a carpark without a guy dogging it, tell me....I like rarities.
Nothing "elitist"......
Just hobby-preservation
Hi guys thanks for your comments on the index and firstly saying it should be updated and then saying it should be removed, so not sure what you are in fact asking for, but that could be me having another blonde moment!
As for being Forum regulars, yes you are right and the people you have quoted are regulars but at one time they were also newbies (just like me and I still think of myself as a newbie). What you have got to understand is that most of us joined this site after 'finding' dogging by other means and realising we just love it. This site was a way to talk to others who have the same 'hobby' but who realise than any publicity, whether it be good or bad, just leads to car parks full of people looking for something to take the boredon out of their boring evening!
We all started by being very trusting, thinking that only genuine people would be bothered joining the site, only genuine people would ask for meets, only genuine people would ask for details of sites. How wrong we all were!
Ok, you may all be very genuine, but you have got to realise that we dont know you, and dont really know anything about you. We have all learned the hard way by trusting someone who says they are genuine only to be let down yet again. We give out details of a site (by pm only of course) and when we get there, its full of cars, boy racers, groups of men/boys waiting for the elusive couple. As soon as the couple turns up they swarm round the car and bang on the window when it is obvious the couple will not put on a show. We have experienced this and believe me, it is not a very nice situation to be in. We did speak to one of the guys and he told us he had read something on the internet and though he would go along and see for himself. When he realised that couples did go out, he then sent a text to a few of his mates and invited them along!
Now I am not saying for one minute you would do that, but I dont know, I dont know you, and neither do any of the regulars on here!
Most 'propper' doggers do not use the internet to find sites, they do not necessarily do pre-arranged meets, but they take the time to go out and investigae for themselves, and when they do find a decent place, they DO NOT text or tell their mates.
So before you automatically think that the 'regulars' are being 'elitist' or part of the 'inner-sanctum' think about why they are like this! Take time to get to know people before automatically jumping into defence mode, and if you think the 'regulars' are being defensive, think why!
As for the index, which is what this topic started of about, I personally have never used it and dont think I would. At least the boy racers who are looking for somewhere to cause riots have a reference point for looking up these places, and then the proper dogging sites are left for the proper doggers!
Right, I will shut up and go now! lol A woman of few words, thats me :lol:
Bloody hell, Jomu, did you copy of me, or me of you!!!!!
Great minds think alike (well, dont know about my mind, think mine is just naughty) lol
Oh, mine's not naughty, just dirty.
Honed to the perfection of filthiness by repeatedly looking at naughty couples having sex.
It's a shit life, but someone has to do it.
And it's better me than some poor, easily-led person with a weak mind.
Oh well, it's Tuesday evening and I've just got to get cleaned-up and then out to a site and watch a new couple....who haven't decided what to do opposed to Saturday nights couple, who knew what to do and did it at great lehgth...and Thursday nights couple who put on a good show as well....
jomu , I will agree that there are some people out there who totally ignore any rules with regard to dogging but not all " newbies" are the same , in fact the very term newbies indicates someone who needs to"earn their stripes" before they are accepted.
I may be newcomer to this site but I have in fact been dogging for many years and have never approched a car without a clear signal and certainly never opened the door.
My wife and I occasionally go out and I know of quite a few " rarities" as you call them , where we go and there are very few men there , in fact we went dogging in the daytime for the first ever time last week and failed to have any spectators at all because it was so quiet. ( my wife is VERY attractive so it wasn't knowledge of dogging came from the net so it isn't all bad.
I for one don't like the set up feeling of advertising for meets as we both feel this takes the spontanaity out of dogging , there's no better feeling than being horny and just going out for a ride on the spur of the moment. Also we have never experienced someone opening our car door.
I think we all agree that people who just cruise from site to site generally making a nuisance of themselves are a pain in the arse but all I ask is don't tag every "newbie" with the same brush. It takes couples AND single men to make dogging work.
Quote by nutty200
jomu , I will agree that there are some people out there who totally ignore any rules with regard to dogging but not all " newbies" are the same , in fact the very term newbies indicates someone who needs to"earn their stripes" before they are accepted.
....... but all I ask is don't tag every "newbie" with the same brush. It takes couples AND single men to make dogging work.

But you are still missing the point! How do we know you are one of the genuine guys/couples. We dont know you. You are new to the site and for all we know you could be a reporter just waiting for a nice juicy story!
You do need to 'earn your stripes', or at least build up some trust! The fact that you cant understand why people are doubtful of giving out information to 'newbies' just shows that you dont understand a single word of what Jomu and myself said in our posts! Everyone has been trying to give out some good advice and explain why we need to know people before we trust them, but you just dont seem willing to listen!
OOh I missed this one :-)
Well in I will admit to being snotty from time to time , its a personality trait that i cant deny . If you took the trouble to examine what I write though you'd find that I am never ever snotty just on the basis of their 'time served' . I rather enjoy the odd post from new people its what refreshes the air in here , but to assume that all criticiam is good because it provokes an exchange of views is also to assume that exchange of views is always good . I would suggest that the constant repetitive exchage of the same views without any constructive suggestions forthcoming is at best redundant and more likely just the ravings of someone with little positive to say .
Swinging heaven is run provided and hosted for free , almost all of its content comes from its members , including the dogging sites which can be updated by anyone using the system provided , so to join-read the list- and then condemn it , without attempting to make any suggestions is quite simply nonsense , especially after contributing so little to the community yourself .
I am not a person that subscribes to the " Top Secret" school of dogging that many doggers do , I believe that no rules should apply except those the individuals involved impose. I do however find it irritating when people have a quick scan through the list , pick a couple of sites and then after two or three visits come in here whining that they havent had the success they imagined . If they had taken the trouble to read some of the thousands of posts and experiences here before they set out they would have realised that dogging isnt a quick fix for an ailing sex life and a lack of social skills.
As for my being in some lofty position , well I didnt ride the horse in I merely climbed up on that high saddle behind the rider , so he could hear clearly what i was saying .
Peace G
Hi all first post in the forum but been reading the threads for months. We (That is the boss and I) have been swinging/dogging for a few years now so not exactly newbies smile Got very interested in this thread about the doggers guide and would like to add a thought or two. The first thing is the guide, it's older than the bible and some of the sites must have been invented in the bar of the Phoenix club. I'm sorry but cannot agree that Stan the Man was not to blame for the increase in problems around dogging sites, we certainly noticed an increase in the number of undesirables/shady types that started to turn up after all the National press coverage. The other effect of this was the increase of local councillers who suddenly discovered they actually had car parks they never heard of before in their patch lol and they were not slow to jump on the if we ban or stop these activities it may win us votes campaign. From our own view point arranged meets out doors rather take away the fun element from dogging, clearly our pastime ain't what it used to be. Our motto is If we are unhappy about a place/situation we up sticks and move on to plan B. Sexual freedom is on the up and up look how many gay/bi's openly advertise themselves now and perhaps the answer to the dogging "Problem" is to lobby our MP's for more carparks :lol: not blame the doggers guide. Addios and happy times
Stan only jumped onto a bandwagon that was rolling....he didn't invent it and he isn't responsible for the down-side of it.
If you BOTHER to read the "Byrne report", which was PAID FOR by various public concerns you will find out that "public sex environments" (car parks and similar, to you and me) have been a concern for years...for people to imagine that problems in a country park up north are of no concern to similar down south, is to display a considerable amount of ignorance about the amount of communication between various local authorities and also police forces.
As for the "local councillors discovering they had car parks"...............hey, most of them had been cruising them for years anyway, and they only got vocal when they filled-up with guys wanting women....
Another thing about all the "new influx" is that they don't want to watch, they want to "get in there"....I was in a car park watching a small show last week, there was another guy there also....watching....when he asked me when he got to join in....I told him the couple didn't play, just showed....he was REALLY pissed....stropped off muttering about wasting his time with a pair of prick-teasers....sad guy, but just one of many now.
Anyway, who cares ?
I get what I want, and if people don't want to wait, or just watch, well......I do and will.
Fuck them anyway....
Just remember this, before you tell others about a great place you've found....tell one and you tell the world.
Ummmmm Hi and welcome to the forum would have been nice still whatever. Perhaps I was not quite fair on Stan, it was his fame and the peeps who set him up with the press who are to blame for the rapid increase of the "new breed" of doggers after it was splashed all over the national try to tell us this was not case is a little insulting. The average age of single guys dogging on the sites we went on (and they are some of the most popular ones throughout the North of England) was around 35, post Stan it's dropped down to early/ mid 20 somethings and the numbers of "doggers" shot up. The best comment on this was overheard in a pub we visited it ran along the lines of "Hey read that about the dogging thing Collymore got caught at, theres some nice quiet carparks over the tops we giving it a go when the pub shuts?" to which his 5 mates all agreed they fancied a quick shag before they went home, so is that fiction?
Yes I did bother to read the Byrne report which was only a small part of a much larger look into crime, disorder and other matters affecting the countryside which is why it got the funding, to imply it was the number one concern for them over the use of car parks for sex etc is utter nonsense. I wonder if you ever heard the radio 4 farming today program which one Sunday morning devoted a good slice of its air time to dogging. They interviewed the Author (Sensationalist twit) Park wardens, the Police and bless her cotton socks UKR. the author was preaching about prostitutes, under age girls being forced to be sex slaves and every thing else he could think of does that sound like your normal dogging site? To the Park Wardens it was nearly a joke apart from having to shift used condoms etc (doggers plz take note) and the Police apart from the usual comments about personal safety saw no real problems or to put it bluntly NO CAUSE FOR CONCERN.
I agree with the latter parts of your comments, sometimes we only put on a show and if they don't apreaciate that then they ain't got any chance if maybe next time or later we are playing.
My point is to blame the doggers guide or someone who foolisly posts details of a meet is way off line, it like Stan is only a part of a bigger problem caused by people who were never affected by our activities before the publicity but now are and the thrill seeking self centered morons who jumped on the band waggon.
Addio's and happy hunting
Hell for a man of few words I went on there a bit biggrin
well you made my day punk lol sweat not mate, i have those moments too! anyway, i've not read the report, neither do i wish too, so i'll bow out of your gunfight with jomu..where is my measuring tape..
Me too not read the report, so wont comment on anything I know nout about! (crikey thats makes a change). Anyway, welcome to the site Mr Clint, nice to see you posting and hope this is just the start of many!
PS You will soon get used to Mr Dirty, he tells some fabulous tales which we are totally engorssed by, but he has an habbit of using long words and I always need to have my dictionary at hand lol
Shucks thanks for the welcome Maam, Mr Dirty.
Being the str8 kinda guy I am hoped no one would think I just rode into town to "shoot up the sheriff" lol
Perhaps you could wander over to my local country park then mate.....and have a word with the rangers.....they and the law take reg numbers of cars driving about and then the owners have a visit from the crime prevention unit.....and they have got a "no-tolerance" attitude now as well, they walk through the car park/s at night and bang on the windows and tell the occupants to get out...beds police seem to have a different attitude to yours, they were driving up-and-down a local layby (gay, dogging and tv) at 6pm and taking drivers details the week before last....they even went as far as to wander into the woods adjacent to the fact, all the known spots have regular and night..
Thanks Silk and Big G.
Sorry your local boys in blue seem to have adopted such an aggresive stance Jomu, our police have been taking car regs for years now and send in the odd plain clothes guy from time to time (you wouldn't know he was not a dogger till he opens up his bomber jacket and shows you the lovely warrent card on a chain around his neck and he starts to talk to his sleeve biggrin then his buddy in the marked car rolls in).
One suspects there is more to the attitude of the Beds police than meets the eye here, could be crime related or pressure from the local council, MP or even the local church brigade. Police forces through out the UK have quite good data bases of car numbers involved in dogging (if they turn up and see your car the reg usually goes down) and should a serious crime such as a or murder take place in one of these spots you more than likely will get a visit from the boys in blue, which is fine unless your partner is unaware of your pastime or worse still in the case of a company vehicle your boss.
The park rangers are fed up of all the mess around and they have to blame some one it's never the couples with their little angels who launch empty pop bottles, soiled nappys and god knows whatever else out of the car is it? Besides the park rangers like playing at being Policemen don't they? Bit like stewards etc etc.
If a paticular place goes down hill do what we do use plan B and move on and like you suggest keep it to the chosen few, but someone will let the cat out of the bag sooner or later 4 or 5 cars in the middle of nowhere is usually a good clue sad
Any way I wish you luck I was not trying to pick a fight with you merely trying to add our pennys worth to the debate.
I never pick fights.
It means I'd have to put the zimmer down and then I'd fall-over.
The law have developed a strategy...they go heavy on a location for a few weeks and then move to others and do the same....mainly they're very light on things, but there are a few who fancy themselves a bit....