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Dogging site index

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Warming the Bed
Well what an interesting thread !
Seems to me there are several different bones of contention going on here.
Firstly I agree that by advertising dogging sites, we run the risk of "inviting" undesirables to attend and cause disruption and trouble. However, I can also understand the frustration "newbies" must have at not knowing where to go. If nobody tells them, how can they get to be known as genuine ?
I have to disagree with jomu in one respect. There is no doubt that some long term members of this site do come across as elitist, I personaly have been a member for nearly 2 years and have come across certain attitudes myself. "we dont know you so we don't want to get to know you" that sort of thing.
I live in Northumberland and the local Police are no trouble at all. Speaking as an "ex" Boy in Blue I can say that the Police in my area are not interested in spoiling peoples fun What they are concerned about is that every on is safe, there is no crime or fear of crime being committed and that the boy racers behave themselves. I can certainly say that no "numbers" are taken and plain clothes officers do not approach peoples cars. So if any North East doggers fancy a meet just let me know, there are still a few quiet unspoilt spots up here.
It's not "elitism" I keep saying, it's "fed-up-ism".
Layby, nightime.
Couple present. Other guys just waiting (as In people need time to suss things and get going).
In drives the new guy/s, straight onto the car and out in a flash, in all probability with pants about ankles.. With all the info about it just ISN'T possible that all of them know nothing.
Now, we come to the nitty-gritty....and I have chatted to the guys in blue about this (not Lauratv in the blue dress either)....what they're waiting for, and not in humerous mode either, is the inevitable event where the woman in the party is given no choice...THEY know it's do many in the game. It's inevitable, with so many trying the game.
You may well consider me alarmist, but then I've been doing this for over 30 I've plenty of "previous" to help me.
You want a "laugh", read this:
(site conditions of post mean editing has been carried out)
A ******* Heath man has been fined £1,000 for exposing himself to a young couple at a popular nature spot.
Neil *****r, of ****** Road, appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court after pleading guilty to a charge of outraging public decency.
The 41-year-old exposed himself at around 11pm on October 10, last year, after he saw the couple turn their car lights on and off while parked in ******** Wood, *********
Flashing lights on and off is a signal often used by "doggers" people who meet in public places to watch or take part in sexual acts.
But the couple, a man, 20 and a woman, 18, who had been sat with their car engine running, had only switched the lights on to check the petrol gauge.
According to police, ****** mistook the flashing as an invitation, pulled up alongside the couple, opened the door of his car and started performing a sexual act. The male got out of the vehicle and confronted *****r, asking him what he was doing.
Realising his mistake, ****** drove off with his trousers around his ankles, added police.
The couple followed ******, who pulled over and apologised saying he thought their flashing of the car lights was an invitation for him to come over, said officers.
When the man explained he was going to report the incident to police, ****** was said to have driven away.
Police traced his car's licence plate and he was picked out of an identity parade by the man and woman.
Speaking after the court case on Friday, January 21, when ******* was also ordered to pay £100 compensation to each victim, PC David ****, from the community action team at *********, said: "**** ***** Wood is used by many people of all ages. They should be able to do this safely. Full credit should go to the young couple who reported this incident for their determination to bring this man to justice.
"Police regularly patrol this area and I would ask members of the public who use the woods to report any suspicious incidents."
9:22am Friday 11th February 2005
If I need to I can provide the URL for the above story....
Not so funny ?
And some ask why when they "flash" their lights people still don't come over.
Car parks are full of cars full of idiots flashing away and waiting for people to approach.
Site policy, no advertising of places.
Still ask why the locations are not updated ?
Got a good place ?
Keep it quiet...
It DOES make sense.............