above are several choices about success when out dogging, try to be as honest as you can and let us know what you consider a good night out
As you no wrats I have probably done all them especially sit for hours and see or do nothing but the ultimate has got to be if a couple appear and let you join in.
that i do know alan, but its the difference between good night and bad night i want to know, not a red letter night/day
A good night is when a couple appear and let you join in or watch but it happens about as often as England winning at football. Most of the time you just sit there and wait i have become an expert on stars at night and types of tree in fact i ahve sat and watch some trees grow lol
we think we may have met the guy that voted for the "watched couple eat chips " tonight, to be honest we met several that seemed happy that way, oh yes plus a moron with loud haler and powerful torch........well what ever gets it hard lol
:P Hi ya
For me a good night would be to chat to someone, be it male, female or a couple anything more than that is a bonus, i love to chat to people at these sites, find out whats going on, what have they seen, and yes i get blokes asking me for the time or a lite, but what else can they do to start a conservation lol,
I have been lucky enough to have watched about 5 couples in the year ive been doing it on and off and yes thats the best, but like i said, a chat is great the rest is a bonus
A good night for me would be having a chat with friends and the bonus would be getting a guy in my car or possibly picking up a hitch hiker on the way home and getting his jeans off so I can play with his cock.