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Exeter nearly put us off!

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This post is for all those single men out there, we decided to give dogging a try on Sat just gone, seeing as we live in Cornwall and very few dogging sites around we decided to travel up to Exeter. Now we are not daft, we know dogging sites are frequented by lots of single men, of which quite a few are happy to play with another man, so we expected a bit of interest being a cpl.
We drove into the area, around the `circuit' and parked up by ourselves and switched off the lights. On our way round we saw 6 cars parked up, all occupied by single men, in less than a minute of parking up, 3 cars moved to our spot, after about 5 mins 2 of the cars moved off leaving 1 car to the side of us. Being our first attempt at dogging we were both nervous but sat talking about different things. At this point I must stress that no invitation was offered by ourselves in any way, i.e flashing of interior light, brake lights etc
Whilst talking with my partner, the guy in the car beside us (drivers side) got out & lit a fag, he then walked away from his car and dissappeared, about a minute later I noticed his face GLUED to the front passenger window, thankfully my partner did not see him otherwise she would of freaked big style, after another minute he walked back to his car to get another fag and promplty walk up to my window at which point I opened my door and asked what the feck he was up to without being invited.
Needless to say that experience has made us think twice about dogging in that particular area.
We do know that dogging is for people to watch and/or join in with other people, but sneaking up on cars in darkness without being invited in our opinionis a definate no no.
hi guys,i agree with what your saying but please dont be put off by a...holes like pees me me off to as it spoils it for us genuine males like myself who totatlly respect couples like yourselves who will only cum and watch and maybe join in at your invitation.i live in devon about 50 mins from the location your talking about so you can see how it f..ks me off driving all that way then to the ignorent twats who do things like you said and balls it up for you would liked to be watched by a geniune dogger like myself then pm me when and where you like to care dogging and remember sum of us males are very non pushy and respect everyone on the scenexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
Evening All,
Could not agree more with you Jim. Just glad I did not go out Exeter way on Saturday as I planned. Get fed up with the idiots who think that the way to dog is to scare the hell out all of all & sundry. When out & about show a bit of respect & decorum to other participants and wait until they invite you to join in with whats going on.
When I go dogging this is how I treat the couples & i hope that they treat me in the sameway. If nothing happens after a while I just bid them good night and move on.
Unfortunately it appears that the majority of single guys are having the scene spoilt by the mindless minority. No wonder couples are setting up private sites and leaving the genuine single guys out of it. As they cannot tell the good guys from the bad.
Warming the Bed
As yet, I have never had the experience of dogging in Devon & quite frankly if this is what goes on, I'm getting quite worried. Used to have a great time out when I lived in the Midlands, my fella & I used to put on quite a show, even outside the car, safe in the knowledge that no-one would approach us unless invited. (And they often were!) I can't blame the odd few gents who are feeling frustrated, my advice would be to build up some trust with a few couples, let them get to know you & hopefully you will get an invite to a private meet sometime. May the ill-mannered ones have fruitless times ahead!! Bx
Appologies for the opening sentance of my original post, I do know there are decent single men out there (I used to be one a few years ago) but as usual the idiotic few ruin it for the rest. We haven't been put of totaly you will be pleased to hear, but it will be a while before we venture anywhere on the spur of the moment.
By the way, if anyone knows of anywhere in Cornwall/Devon where couples DO actually go please let us know and you might get to see/join us there one day.
mrcarrot & cream
thats good to hear mrcarrot_n_cream_ cos sum of us guys dont only enjoy the sexual side but also the side of making new freinds who we feel comfortable will be good to meet up with the couples and the singles on this site,so to see who we are all communicating all seem very nice to talk to you all,hope to meet sum of you at sum point in the not to distant future
hope this isnt sounding to soppy lol smile
sorry to hear about your experience in exeter,but,i can assure you that the behaviour you witnessed is pretty common throughout the individuals that spoil the fun,not the answer is to never reward those people with shows or involvemet,its unfair on the genuine find it very frustrating at our venue,to see the resident arseholes getting results by bully tactics,it just makes the genuine doggers feel they have to employ similar tactics to get a look ,in our experience its not worth getting wound up by these people,it just spoils your evening,far better to look upon these saddos with until you get followed home for 20 plus miles,its happened to us 3 times now!
Well i guess we agree about the cars parking next to you . The legless doggers as we call them , but dont see anything really wrong with the guy having a look through the window , after all that is what you wanted wasnt it ?
Im not having a go , and im sure you were nervous , but truthfully if your girl would have lost it because of a face at the window then maybe you are a little too sensitive for the dogging game . Perhaps youd prefer a club , or even arranging a nice safe well behaved voyeur at home . Just an idea.
sorry silk and big but i disagree.i agree that yes thats why couples are there but the point was is that the guy was'nt invited,this is where i say you should respect the dogging scene .matey may well had got an invite if he ha djust been pataint....... but no he had to be pushy and f..k the nite up not only for the couple but all the genuine couples and singles there.
aaah silk,give them a break,they obviously aren't veterans how you felt on your first outings,maybe you re made of sterner stuff,but we shat ourselves when guys pushed thier faces into the we moan when they dont,but thats another story!there is so much confusion with all this signal stuff anyway,we can understand why guys do approach when no obvious signs are given,but convention dictates that pouncing on a motor in the manner described is a no no.
well we must have assumed wrongly then, obviously if people think its ok to shove their face against a window UNINVITED in the hope of seeing something then its not for us, we can carry on doing same room full swap and visiting chams in the knowledge that only people who are INVITED to watch/play do so
Quote by mrcarrot_n_cream_41398
we can carry on doing same room full swap and visiting chams in the knowledge that only people who are INVITED to watch/play do so

Thats what we said !
Incidentally if you want some invitations printed , ive got some lovely hand made gold edge paper .
Quote by dirtydoggers
aaah silk,give them a break,they obviously aren't veterans how you felt on your first outings,maybe you re made of sterner stuff,but we shat ourselves when guys pushed thier faces into the we moan when they dont,but thats another story!there is so much confusion with all this signal stuff anyway,we can understand why guys do approach when no obvious signs are given,but convention dictates that pouncing on a motor in the manner described is a no no.

Ah you guys are cool :-) we always pretty much agree with your posts . but look above and you'll see that what we have is another in the endless procession of Dogging Whinge that has made this part of the board so dull for us all . As you know were not ones to get all heavy about anything but dont you just tire of it ?
I wasnt telling them what to do , or criticising , just recognising the complaints of the many many swingers who decide to try dogging and find it isnt for them . That it seems is what they have found , so good luck to em having fun other ways .
The difference I wouldnt mind betting between you and people in their situation is a simple one . I bet a pound to a pinch of shit that first time you went out you were tense and scared and excited and when the face appeared you shat a brick ..............and then both had a right good giggle about it ! Then after the giggle you gathered yourself up and had another go. Am I right ? You sure didnt look for somewhere to make an official complaint did ya ?
maybe im being hard , but its so so dull now thats all guys .
yeah,must admit,we were nervous as hell,got that feeling in the stomach like going over a hump back bridge!and yes,we had a laugh those were the days!!pity we are so "hardened" now,we used to enjoy that adrenalin fix,maybe we will walk in,naked,next time,see if that does it? yeah,we take your points,and must admit we didn't know those guys were swingers before,sort of jumped in on the thread without doing me homework again!not that it makes that much difference you both on another thread,byyyeeee.
yes it might be another whinge but if no one whinged about anything then no one else would find about about the bad things would they. This is a forum for posts about dogging meets and experiences, if you find the fact that people are put off by idiots dull then dont bother, and yes we do find certain replies critical and no we didnt giggle about it afterwards.
I certainly wouldnt critical about other people on this site without knowing/chatting with them for a bit first, but then why should this site be any different from the real world where there are way to many critical people
I can see both sides of this, Big G is correct that what happened is what's supposed to happen, if in a rather abrupt manner.
On the other hand, if I'd taken my girlfriend out for a shag at a local beauty spot something like that would really spoil the evening. Lets face it, most of my generation had our early sex in cars, and they probably still do despite their parents more understanding views. Probably a high percentage of any car park late on a Saturday night are there for a private feel with their best friend and not to put on a show for anyone.
In fact we didnt criticise you at all . We just pointed out that it sounded like you were not neccessarily going to like dogging and might prefer another activity . As you point out if people didnt comment then no one would learn anything . Of course we learned very little from your original post that hasnt been repeated over and over and over again in this very forum , on this very page . That isnt criticism of you , because you are quite right I dont know enough about you to criticise . All that I know about you is what happened when you first went out dogging , and what your reaction to what happened was . I made a non-critical comment based on what you told me . If you didnt want any comments about what happened that night then I guess the best approach would be not to post it , or perhaps you do want just any comments but only comments that confirm and reiterate what you already think you know .
I wont go on and list all the reasons why I think your reaction suggests dogging isnt what you want -as Ive already been into that several times on the board , I was just giving some advise to someone I thought was asking for it . If you never meant to ask peoples opinion then perhaps the post was for information and guidance ? If it was , what are your suggestions about what should have happened , please let us know and we'll tell you the likelihood of them ever happening . Thats not in a critical way , but just as a positive kind of thread that might actually act as some advise for new people trying it out rather than just another "arent doggers idiots" thread.
Sorry if I offended you , its an opinion thats all , thats what were here for .
Peace G
Warming the Bed
ok if you go dogging there is no need to be impolite and tell the guys to f--k off there is no need for it all you have to do is say sorry or no thanks your not what we are looking for there is no need for nastiness at all it seems dogging is not for you
yeah,mostly harmless,who wrote that? douglas adams wasn't it?,oh well,who cares.i think the problem here is this,we didn't experience the situation,and are commenting on what is very little info...ok,it seems a guy pulls up inside the couples "percieved comfort zone",then,after a short interlude,peers into the window of their car...situation normal for dogging couples,but unacceptable behaviour in the eyes of these first to whether individuals should be told to fuck off,well i'm sure most couples have resorted to that at some time,i know we have,to applause!!personal boundries vary,and couples enjoy the power they hold,ie the female has the power to excite,the male has the power of being in charge,when he feels his authority being undermined,he sometimes acts in a hostile manner,ie driving off aggressivley or being abusive,or,venting his frustration on the forum!taken from desmond morris,"the naked dogger".
Rofl is that out in paperback yet guys ???
Warming the Bed
Mr carrot & cream. as we have previously stated on this forum, we used to visit the location you refer to and park in the same spot. Unfortunately the same happened to us in as much as guys trying to open the doors and actually getting in the car. Hence, we very rarely visit anymore and as you prefer to go to Chameleons (the nearest to the southwest I think) if we do visit Exeter it is during the day when we can see who is about.
Unfortunately there does appear to be an exceptional amount of single guys in this location. Although saying that we have met some very nice singles there and continued to see them on occassions and built up a good friendship.
Please get in touch if you find another location.