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Expedition to darkest Northants

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13 replies
1 watcher
Packed the free gifts for the natives....beads, bangles and pear drops.
Set out from home, first stop Brogborough. Nothing.
Second stop, MK. Nothing.
Next stop, lovers lane deep in the countryside (much fun in the recent past but nowt on Saturday night.)
Next stop, Pittsford reservoir. Loads of assholes having a barby. And loads of parked cars full of single guys, plus me. One couple came in and immediately went out. Didn't blame them. Another couple in an estate plucked up courage and carrying something like a blanket headed towards the fields....followed by 4 guys. Who stopped at the gate and went no further. Puzzling. Is the field on the other side a no-go zone ?
Then in came a jap tonka toy 4wd. Loads of brain-dead-testosterone-packed idiots in, who decided that insults to all-and-sundry were the order of the day...out they duly went after getting no interest.
Got bored, went to the A43. Empty, just one lorry and two cars. No scrapheap derby yet.
Waited. Waited. Waited. Waited. Went to sleep. Rudely awakened by some prat pushing his face through the window.
0045z. Nothing, scrapheap derby running though. About 15 cars doing the hokey-cokey. One guy wandering about in a knee length skirt, effect spoilt by the boots, as in work type.
Another stands by the car and gets his dick out. Interesting. There is someone with a smaller dick than me then.
Told him to fuck off. Decided to move to the other side, get out of the gayzone.
Waited for the mystery woman renowned to show up, sometime. No show.
Nothing new there then, if I went to a nudist beach everyone would be wearing boiler suits. (I did go to a nudist wood in Cambs last week...all over 60...felt almost at home)
Decided to go at Checked the gay park in Northampton on the way back.... ..the place was least someone shags in the hot weather then, almost restored my faith in inhuman nature.
Next stop, the A428 layby.....single guy flashing....brakelights, that is. Pass. Someone will tell me later that there's a couple who go there at 3 in the morning and flash their brake lights for attention.
Checked the layby near police guy wandering about with no kit on...well, it was hot.
Fell asleep driving down the bypass, good thing about the rumble strips at the side. Slept in the next layby...woke up at dawn and went home...
Can't beat it.
Busy night then, Jomu lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by jomu
Packed the free gifts for the natives....beads, bangles and pear drops.
Set out from home, first stop Brogborough. Nothing.
Second stop, MK. Nothing.
Next stop, lovers lane deep in the countryside (much fun in the recent past but nowt on Saturday night.)
Next stop, Pittsford reservoir. Loads of assholes having a barby. And loads of parked cars full of single guys, plus me. One couple came in and immediately went out. Didn't blame them. Another couple in an estate plucked up courage and carrying something like a blanket headed towards the fields....followed by 4 guys. Who stopped at the gate and went no further. Puzzling. Is the field on the other side a no-go zone ?
Then in came a jap tonka toy 4wd. Loads of brain-dead-testosterone-packed idiots in, who decided that insults to all-and-sundry were the order of the day...out they duly went after getting no interest.
Got bored, went to the A43. Empty, just one lorry and two cars. No scrapheap derby yet.
Waited. Waited. Waited. Waited. Went to sleep. Rudely awakened by some prat pushing his face through the window.
0045z. Nothing, scrapheap derby running though. About 15 cars doing the hokey-cokey. One guy wandering about in a knee length skirt, effect spoilt by the boots, as in work type.
Another stands by the car and gets his dick out. Interesting. There is someone with a smaller dick than me then.
Told him to fuck off. Decided to move to the other side, get out of the gayzone.
Waited for the mystery woman renowned to show up, sometime. No show.
Nothing new there then, if I went to a nudist beach everyone would be wearing boiler suits. (I did go to a nudist wood in Cambs last week...all over 60...felt almost at home)
Decided to go at Checked the gay park in Northampton on the way back.... ..the place was least someone shags in the hot weather then, almost restored my faith in inhuman nature.
Next stop, the A428 layby.....single guy flashing....brakelights, that is. Pass. Someone will tell me later that there's a couple who go there at 3 in the morning and flash their brake lights for attention.
Checked the layby near police guy wandering about with no kit on...well, it was hot.
Fell asleep driving down the bypass, good thing about the rumble strips at the side. Slept in the next layby...woke up at dawn and went home...
Can't beat it.

Bloody hell mate!, do you do that regularly?, sounds a bit of a sad existence, still each to his own I guess . . .
As I said, expedition.
A voyage of discovery.
Done a few times a year, this one was a waste of time. Usually,. they are better than this.
However, I've found another picnic site so maybe this weekend will be better.
All the well known sites are packed with wannabees, and wouldwannabeesbutain'tgotthebottle.
Quote by jomu
As I said, expedition.
A voyage of discovery.
Done a few times a year, this one was a waste of time. Usually,. they are better than this.
However, I've found another picnic site so maybe this weekend will be better.
All the well known sites are packed with wannabees, and wouldwannabeesbutain'tgotthebottle.

Well I have to say I've never been into dogging but judging by the number of posts here it seems a lot of people are pretty keen and good luck to them, whatever lights your candle as they say. I don't often look in here but your post just caught my eye, I have to say I just don't see the fun in spending your Saturday night driving around from one carpark to another then sleeping all night in a lay-by, if thats what you have to do when you go dogging - no thanks!. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself Saturday evening because I was sitting out in the garden with just a book and a bottle of wine for company, but in comparison I reckon I had loads of fun!, but like I said each to his own. Hope you find what you are looking for in one of those dark carparks, good luck.
Pardon me asking, but what the f**k are you doing on here then ?
Most people I know would rather not be sitting alone drinking wine.
In terms of oddities, it seems to me that on this site YOU stand out from the crowd.
Quote by jomu
Pardon me asking, but what the f**k are you doing on here then ?
Most people I know would rather not be sitting alone drinking wine.
In terms of oddities, it seems to me that on this site YOU stand out from the crowd.

Yes you're right, I'm sure I am the oddity here, I usually hang out in the other forums but when I looked in here and saw your first post I was just totally amazed how anybody would want to devote so much time and effort to something like that, and then having to sleep in a lay-by at the end of it all. If it comes to a choice between sitting in a dark lay-by watching blokes prance around in skirts and wander about with their dicks hanging out and staying at home, I would choose staying at home with a good book and a bottle of wine everytime!!
If the options are staying at home watching TV or going out and watching guys prance round in skirts with their dicks hanging out.... I prefer the latter EVERY TIME.
Each to their own cool
Quote by chrishants
Most true doggers would find staying at home with a bottle of wine and a book, almost as boring as watching daytime TV.....................wonder if you get off on that as well?

Well Chris funnily enough the answer is no, as I am pleased to say I don't have a TV!, - certainly some female company (but not in a lay-by!) would be preferable to sitting reading a book alone. I also have to say if somebody tells me they find reading books boring it certainly tells me a whole load about them whether they are doggers or not.
Quote by Mechanical Man
I also have to say if somebody tells me they find reading books boring it certainly tells me a whole load about them whether they are doggers or not.

I'm bored with reading my book and I haven't even coloured in all the pages yet.
I'm sure you're very intelligent, I'm impressed.
I read books as well, I'm staggering through quantum -well laser diodes at the moment. Although my preference is sci-fi.
Fortunately, I read fast, and retain the info well.
Lets see now, where were we...oh yes, dogging.
Hopefully, when I die it will be on-site. My remains can then be cremated and the ashes sprinkled over the visitor centre floor at the local country park. I don't get on well with the wardens alive and it would be nice to get on with them worse after death.
I may well write a novella about this game, and the other sub-games running alongside it.
Sitting in your snoozing room with your "female" companion you don't know the half of it.
You just wouldn't believe what folks get-up to. I see it all the time and I still don't believe it.
Some of the guys I notice getting their ends away in laybys I also see later, in daytime, behind post office counters...and worse.
I've seen one fem who's in this game, on TV.
You don't see life in normal society, you see a socially acceptable routine.
Quote by jomu
You just wouldn't believe what folks get-up to. I see it all the time and I still don't believe it.
Some of the guys I notice getting their ends away in laybys I also see later, in daytime, behind post office counters...and worse.
I've seen one fem who's in this game, on TV.
You don't see life in normal society, you see a socially acceptable routine.

How true. I am absolutely hopeless at names and faces but I see people from time to time who grin at me or who spark some recognition and I wonder, "where did I see you last"?