I have been a member only for a short time but I am astonished how most of the ads are from guys who think they need only advertise in the dogging section and they are going to be either tossed of, blow jobbed or fucked. Do they think thgis is a site for desperate people waiting for them to respond and be available.
I am genuinely interested in dogging and watching and becoming involved, if invited. I do not expect treatment and I think it is the expectation of being asked to participate that causes more exctement together with the watching.
This is a site for grown ups not for immature tossers nor older losers in the sexual arena.
I would like to hear from any others who share my views or maybe disagree with me. I'm in Kent for anyone who wishes to know.
We couldn't agree with you more.
We have a standard letter that we send to guys with whom we do not want to meet.
"Thanks for your e-mail and pic.
We are sorry to say that you are not what Sue is looking for.
No offence intended and we hope none is taken.
Your e-mail along with your pic will be deleted.
Pete & Sue."
After sending this e-mail to a young guy he replied asking what it was about him that we didn't like. We don't usually respond to these e-mails but on this occasion we did. We replied saying that everyone has their preferences and that it wasn't personal. A big mistake on our part.
What we got for our efforts was a very abusive reply.
Not to worry, we all live and learn.
Very good idea that it polite nice and saves embarrasment.
Unless your a paranoid dillusional kid of course.
Or just my friend moonunit kept tellin me there's someone out there for everyone,but I still can't find a woman with a hole in the back of her neck who can breathe out her ears..*sigh* still..keep looking eh
Whilst we agree the chat room of this site can get s/guy top heavy and some of them do act as the originator of this string suggests we wory that there is an over reaction.
4 times this weekend alone whilst chatting in other sites and recomending this site (quickly becoming our favourite) we have had the response "Have heard it is full of people complaining about s/guys and not actually talking about swinging". we have streniously defended the site however we wory that people are going to miss out on a great experience and hope the site does not get labeled.
As far as the forums and adds are concerned (this seems to be the complaint of the originator) we see no evidence of any bleating from single guys at all and very little in the forums so have to asume the originatior actually means the chat room.
Come on guys lets all live together in harmany and if you are anoyed at someones attitude ignore or report to moderator lets not advertise to the rest of the world all our thoughts (risking a reputation of whingers)
Have fun and be nice to each other
Paul and Olive
Have to agree with Paul n Olive here.
The chat room reflects this thread in that "fit bloke in essex with 12" know - anyone wanna shag" is oft said and more frequently ignored.
As Moderators we get asked regulary why there is not one room for couples and one for single males. It will never work for about 30 different reasons which I won't go into here. But what I will say is that most of the people who get booted from the chat room do so for pvting people without asking or for being abusive. But have to say some couples and single females are offenders as well - let's not just blame the single males!
As to the bleating idiots and one liners - they are just an annoyance at worst and entertainment the rest of the time! There is also some justification for some of their bleating - the number of times these people say hi and get ignored is sometimes rude.
I always say hi when they say hi and wilma will always chat to them when they ask to chat. She always tells em to read the ad and leaves them under no illusion that it is just chat because they are single males- but she always chats to them.
They may seem like dillusioned, diseased, demented dogs at times - but not all of them are! Some of them have become firm friends in the chat room - and if a new single male asks me how it works - I always give them the fartherly advice on how to fit in and then try and introduce them to the room with a bit of banter - I can usually rely on a couple of regulars to help me work them in!
One sad note though Paul - when you first came to the room you did treat me quite badly by chopping me off at the knees when I first spoke to you, and I have seen you do it to others that are regulars that you made assumptions about! When you challenged me as to why we were not called "Fred&Wilma" so it showed we were a couple I could not be bothered to explain that we had to have seperate and clearly distinguised nicks because I was a moderator and Wilma was not because at that point you had been rude to me!
Fred (Male part of the Flintstones - husband to Wilma - but signs in seperately because she lets me out on my own sometimes - even if it is only in a virtual world!)
I always try to be civil to everyone - have a laugh and a joke.
OOOOOOPS bugered that up sory Fred
meant to qoute passage in reply.
anyway point taken we fully acknowledge we was rude to you and have since apologised in room hope you noticed.
Yes i think we all make assumptions at times and can be guilty of cutting people short however we have tried not to recently and mostly you will see our standard reply to pmers.
although our reply apears sharp it is just our light hearted way of informin pmers (all not just single guys) that we prefer to chat in room and those that do single or cpls we will chat to.
please accept our appology for our behaviour when we first discovered this room once again and rest assured we do try to be friendly and will respond positively to any reminders if we slip.
love to both yourself and Wilma
Paul n Olive :P
Being a single guy I read the thread with interest.
This is an old chestnut I know, but we are not all to be tarred with the same brush, there are genuine and honest singles out there who both in the chat room and forums or when replying to ads are, who and what they say they are.
I appreciate that there are the " 10" heavy cummers, all day repeaters, driving jaguars (wich turn out to be Mondeos), looking for single women/couples for all afternoon, (coz they have to go home to the wife/back to the office) no strings sex in the ads section I also understand the people in the chat room who come on as zzguest and pm everybody who sounds remotley female with open room lines such as, "any female sluts gagging for it this afternoon"? The thing is they have spent an hour trawling through the photo ads and are horny as hell, annoying but best ignored.
I don't run about much in the chat room, but have met some honest and quite frankly very nice people in here. I do try to give as much information as I can about myself and don't mind if the meeting process takes weeks, or if telephone confirmation is required to prove my/their genuinity.
I like this site because it is free and honest (even if some people here are not!!!) Fred is right be nice to those who say hi in the room, if this was a pub and someone said hi to you, some of the putdowns or snubs would probably result in a thick ear.
it's not an ideal world I know - But life is too short...lets have some respect people - both ways
Hi all
This is a sad thread.
What is all the fuss about?
Just use this site to have fun and a laugh you are all taking it too serious like the lonely hearts page.
We are all strangers in cyberspace here just chat see if someone takes your fancy and see how things develop.
You may after such correspondence arrange a meet and sexual fun may ensue or you may just continue in a world of cyber flirting.
Just act like you would in normal life trying to meet people.
I went over to a dogging site last Thursday near to me and met up with some regulars no couples turned up at all but what a laugh we were telling jokes all night it was a great atmosphere.
This said the week before at the same spot with the same regulars we had two successful shows with full joining in with two sepearte couples.
We kept the atmosphere fun and everyone had agreat time.
Please please mirror this situation within the site.
You are already getting too heavy the lot of you.
If any of you are that hormonly challenged get a porn movie or visit a prostitiute for relief.
Go safe and be happy.
Some people seem to be missing the point made.
Well, no they're not (missing the point)
It's just that the point has been made at great length in the past. Frequently.
Basically, it's horses-for-courses.
Some will like the basic up-front-and-crude ad, others think it's...crude.
If it works, don't knock it.
People who write like that either get clued-up fast or get peed off and go away.
As for dogging sites, the whole gamut of humanity gathers at them.
Mr Crude, with his new diesel mondeo.
Mr Subtle, with his elderly fiesta
Mr Horny, with his Subaru (estate option with child seat)
And Mr No-Chance with his "B" reg original mini (both types)
We all get together for the party, hopefully each will get what he/she wants, some will get what they don't want.
As in life.
So, let them get-on with it. It all enhances the fabric of society.
And in the end, those who are crude and insulting and lie, will get lost.