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has dogging been killed by the internet

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Warming the Bed
I remember when i was regularly dogging a few years ago that there was far more couples etc out being watched.
i remember the thrill of going to a location hoping that you may see someone. I remember catching a glimpse of something and thinking you had done really well. I remember meeting some very nice people, male and female who were alot of fun and genuinely nice people.
these days it appears that you arrange to meet someone and then go back somewhere for fun. thats not dogging, wheres the fun in that, wheres the fun in shagging on a sofa compared to the back of a car or even the floor or a picnic table...
any thoughts love to get back to the old days. not so long ago
Yes, it's been seriously damaged by inet.
No, nobody gives a fuck.
New entrants arrange a meet over the net, then go to a park (etc) the woman gets shagged and the guys go home...
Couples who just want to shag each other get harassed and insulted, so they pack it in.
Local councils use the net to find out hot-spots in their area, from those convenient pay-sites that allow locations and times to be posted, and then close them or arrange patrols for the times given.
I was chatting to a guy last night...he had received a text message ( a shot) telling him there was going to be a gand-bang at ************** ************* at he sprinted over from herts and waited....yes, no gang-bang....
And the "local vigilantes" did my car window...again....that's the price being paid for all this press attention....the local "gay" site is full of dogging cruisers....and the locals are pissed off about it all....the local park is full of 4-to-a-car doggers.....and the rangers are pissed off as well....
Had a decent show last week, going well, nice new young comes another useless shithead and sits with his lights on watching.....went over and asked him to put them off....the guy says he's got a right to I turned them off for him....on they go again...out come his keys and over the hedge with them....
And it's like this everywhere....
Warming the Bed
it used to be alot of fun. these days what happens...
if you don't have mindless little kiddies in their stolen cars having (how to drive really fast lessons) then you get idiots who go to locations ith the attitude as you say that its their right to see..
i have at times been accused as most people will have been of moving in on another doggers patch as it were. i look at it that you need to give people space however if someone is that far away that when the couple single for him to come over and he can't see because his nite sites won't go that far then its fair game.
i also have a problem with clubs that charge outrageous prices for single males.
finaly and i will then get off my soapbox. i trend i have noticed over the last few years becomming more prevalent is the COUPLES FOR COUPLES ONLY groups. i don't have a problem with this however if single fellas are respectfull and not trying to get in the car with the couples then i can't see a problem with them being veiwed at a respectable distance. alot of COUPLES FOR COUPLES meet up near the fellas then find it strange that the fellas want to watch and don't like it when they do. i have also noticed a trend of couples who seek out other couples only then to get them to join the COUPLES FOR COUPLES GROUP
dont know if i'm alone on this one
sorry for being a tad angry but dogging used to be quite a social pastime. sometimes on the odd occasion god forbid couples and singles met and no shagging took place and everyone went home happy..
well we had a terrible night(not), tonight. we were watched by 2 guys who came over to have a look , after they were invited. we gave them a very horny show, they were both polite and thanked us when we were finished and they went on thier merry way....
you might not believe this, but we managed all this fun without the use of the inet, no adverts looking for watchers and to top it all it was at a very well known site which people never seem to stop moaning about! it's not all bad, if it wasn't for the inet, we'd never of heard of dogging.
Quote by funcouple_gd
you might not believe this, but we managed all this fun without the use of the inet,

For me, that is how dogging should be! I love the internet and love chatting on here but for us, proper dogging is about going out and finding the right places and the genuine doggers.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
you might not believe this, but we managed all this fun without the use of the inet,

For me, that is how dogging should be! I love the internet and love chatting on here but for us, proper dogging is about going out and finding the right places and the genuine doggers.
We couldn't agree more Naughty Wigan Couple.
Other than when we arrange meets on here, most of the doggers we meet, don't have the internet...strangely, they seem to be the nicer, more polite guys too that protect you from the morons, when they turn up.
It hasn't for us.
When we set out to show off, we really want each other and fancy a fuck. There's been times when we've been to a site and its been over run, but we never fail to see the funny side of it. We've never had a horrible experience, but I can only put that down to the people that we are, and when we have been in other social settings and recognising a bad one. If a place seems a bit of a heat score, we wont stick around.
There's been times when we have set out, shown up at a popular place and there's not been a soul, but still, that's our choice to not advertise. We accept that and once again reason for being out is because we fancy a shag outdoors and carry on enjoying ourselves. There's also been some really fantastic experiences and been lucky enough to have a really eager audience.
I don't know if its really fair to comment though because its a different ball game for blokes. We know that we'll have fun no matter what and we don't need to wait around in a dark car park hoping for some action. I can't begin to imagine the frustration, but I suppose if you're able to shrug it off and see the humour in it, the night wont seem a total loss.
Easy words, I know.
Silky xxx
Warming the Bed
would it help if you made sites PAY TO BE A MEMBER that way you could keep the numbers down to those true swingers!! and not anyone thinking it could just be an easy lay????? thats my opinion!
summers coming and so are we wink
Quote by bartfarst
would it help if you made sites PAY TO BE A MEMBER that way you could keep the numbers down to those true swingers!! and not anyone thinking it could just be an easy lay????? thats my opinion!
summers coming and so are we wink

Why dont you start a 'pay to be a member site' then??
Warming the Bed
that was my opinion!!!! weve all got our own opinions aint we??
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
you might not believe this, but we managed all this fun without the use of the inet,

I quite agree We have been dogging for around 12 years now and found that back in the early years we could drive into certain car parks and know before we got there that there would be at least one other couple and a few polite single guys of various ages sitting patiently.
However on our latest outings things have been very different. We didnt advertise our intentions to be out and just turned up one Saturday night Low & behold all of our usual dogging sites were empty! Not a soul about we drove around for hours visiting many car parks and not a sausage! not a couple or single guy in sight! (We still enjoyed ourselves and obviously kept ourselves entertained)
The next time we planned to go out we advertised the fact that we would be going out on a particular Saturday night and received 4 mails from other couples expressing a desire to meet up and 9 or 10 from single guys. Believe it or not we ended up travelling 150 miles around the North East to car parks where couples had said they would be only to find once again we ended up dissappointed... More timewasters mad Luckily because we had also arranged to meet up with a couple of single guys we knew were genuine we still enjoyed our night out.
I do think the Internet has changed dogging & although useful it does allow lots of timewasters the chance to wind genuine people up as well as the obvious benifits to the local Councils and Boys in Blue, but I guess it's just a sign of the times!
I don't know if the 4 couples who arranged to meet us last Saturday are members of this forum (To be honest I couldnt care if they were) But I will still make use of this valuable tool because I feel this is now the only way forward.
Quote by bartfarst
that was my opinion!!!! weve all got our own opinions aint we??

I wasnt having a go! mad :x :x :x :x :x
What I was suggesting is that you think a 'Pay for Membership' site would work better, why not look opportunity in the eye and do it!
Warming the Bed
biggrin I dont really know that it would work!! i just thought this being (i think) the only free site that paying would keep the riff raff out that so many long serving doggers swingers moan about :D
Warming the Bed
biggrin and having just seen your website i havent got half as much experience at building websites as you silk redface
Unfortunately "riff raff" have credit cards would deter some elements but unless you also have private land and can control who comes in and out it won't necessarily stop the four in a car MBB turning up at car parks.
With regard to sites, if I were running one I'd probably limit access to certain areas until members reached a certain number of posts, it might get rid of some of the one line wonders out there who are looking for trouble.......but I'm not running one and it's not a perfect solution. Sadly, dogging/swinging is still the favourite whipping boy of the press, for now, so things won't that the fault of the internet? indirectly - I'd say it's the fault of the internet users who publicly announce where, when and what time.
I do generally agree with Andy's comment about couple for couples only dogging, if you're into dogging then why have an issue with solo doggers watching? that's what dogging is.....actually, according to what I understand from discussions on here with people who've been doing this for a few years, that's probably what dogging used to be. The lines have been blurred between dogging and outdoor swinging but people have the right to choose what they want.
So in answer to your original questions Andy, yes and no? lol
Quote by Serendipity
Unfortunately "riff raff" have credit cards too.....

Agree totally Serene Hun. Hell, we've managed to come across as riff raff several times and we have a credit card <weg>
Also, Swinging Heaven is so unique and some of that boils down to the free membership. As bartfarst said in a previous post,
Quote by bartfarst
it would keep the site for serious swingers
but there are hundreds of people on here who aren't serious about the lifestyle and God bless 'em for stopping by.
We aren't serious about dogging. We don't need it. We don't do it because we're serious about it. We dog cause it's fun. We dog because we fancied a drive and wanted each other. Simple.
If someone thinks a Paid membership is the answer, then I say go for it and wish you luck at every step.
I can't deny it hasn't already been done and I suspect the success rate hasn't been up to expectations. What you will find is a whole plethora of problems, one of them is the realisations that you aren't going to get laid because you've paid for your membership.
Quote by Silk and Big G
Hell, we've managed to come across as riff raff several times and we have a credit card <weg>

lol Riff raff in thigh high boots is acceptable though! wink
Quote by Silk and Big G
We aren't serious about dogging. We don't need it. We don't do it because we're serious about it. We dog cause it's fun. We dog because we fancied a drive and wanted each other. Simple.

This is a good point, there must be a lot of couples who just go out for some al fresco fornication and if someone spots them, so be it!
I also meant to say, with regard to Andy's comment about less couples, is that the number of people out dogging who assume participation is an automatic part of the deal has to be a factor. The doggers I've come to know best here share a similar view - paticipation is welcome but watching is a thrill in itself. Where has the perception come from that a couple who only show are timewasters or teasers?
Is it from the internet, the press, jaded doggers or young guys/girls who are on a hormonal rampage? Perhaps vouyeurism is a dying thrill now that porn is so freely available? I worked in a newsagent on weekends when I was 16, the mens mags on the top shelf were things of awe, I used to sneak a peek in the stockroom furtively, then pinched a magazine ( redface ) called Forum which was a swingers mag I think.....I kept that magazine for two years! It was enticing because it wasn't something the average teenager could get their hands on.
Sorry, I'm rambling! I suppose my point is, are people desensitised to erotic thrills?
in some ways yes the inet has been bad for dogging ie boyracers,police patrols,council clampdowns,timewasters and bad mannerd single guys,
but we are stuck with it and we have to use it to go forward, i know a lot of cpls are getting disheartened with dogging in the north east(dont know about anywhere else) because of the problems i have mentioned above' but i believe if we use the net, ie pms,email or phone and new locations we can get it back to the way it was,
ok you will still get timewasters and the odd dickhead but we will be one step ahead of the old bill and councils.
in eight years of dogging iv'e advertised once and that was this easter for a daytime meet which i dont normally do i got 4 pms and 2 emails 5 single guys and 1 cpl i binned the guys replies but got chatting to cpl and then met them in a place i didn't know existed and had a brill time,quick,easy,safe thanx to my computer.
dogging is not dead i can still go to several good lacations around the n/e and have minimal trouble and still get too play' its just changing and its up to us in how we change it. smile :)
Alot of the problems are not necessarily caused by the Internet but by the Newspapers which seem to be enjoying advertising dogging, explaining how these 'guys' can just jump in their car, drive to a local car park and get an automatic shag'. These 'guys' then go and do a search on google or someother search engine and up pops hundreds of internet sites!
The issue with the internet is the users, not the internet itself. Many people seem to think it is ok to advertise sites, put full directions and times on and then they complain when things go wrong.
A lot of the sites listed on here are not used, or they are full of MBB's who have read something in the newspapers, have done the obligatory search on the Internet and have found posts like the one placed a few days ago advertising a site in the North West (the fact this site was discussed, highlighted the fact it was still in use). These so-called doggers then toddle off to the site expecting it to be full of single women and couples who are there waiting for them to come along and shag them (soz for bluntness).
What Reddog says is right, we are stuck with it and is now upto the genuine doggers (singles and couples) to find new places and make dogging what it should be - a safe, pleasureable pastime for us all. We can use the internet to our own good, talking about experiences, having a laugh and a joke, but at all times making sure we dont disclose places, we dont invite people along who we dont trust, and that we treat the 'fancy a shag' one liners with the same respect they are obviously showing us by putting in all that effort to place a post.
We regularly visit various sites in the North West, some of which are advertised, others which we have found 'accidently' and we can recognise the genuine doggers, the ones who dont try to block in your car, the ones who wait for a signal before they come over, the ones who dont drop their pants 20 feet away from your car and then stand having a w**k at your window and your only eating a bag of crips and the ones who dont bloody complain cause they are only being offered a show! There are loads of genuine doggers out there and we need to be graeful for them (from a couples perspective) but it is up to us (couples and singles) to make sure we dont advertise places and make the situation worse.
The Internet is a fantastic invention, nearly as good as sliced bread lol , but its the users who spoil it.
Warming the Bed
I didn't realise i would get such a response. I agree and disagree with quite a few comments however the fact that people have a genuine opinion about the subject it gratifying and makes me realise that there are still alot of genuine doggers out there.
I agree that the lines have been blured however i don't mind watching a couple if they are just wanting a bit of al fresco sex and as long as they are happy with that then wheres the harm....
I do think that dogging has changed, i suppose that it hit its high prior to mr collymore and then with the newspapers advertising sites (IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST MIND YOU) it came to the attention of the police. the thing is when i used to go quite regularly which wasn't that long ago, the police where there at times and used to chase people etc. So it does seem daft that the police want to be more visible.
Talking about lines being blurred i used to like visiting naturist beaches which also seems to have dwindled. As was said earlier about the availability of porn these days, you would think that topless beaches etc would be more prevalent. Funnily enough the last time i saw a bare boob was in asda when a very lovely mature lady was reaching into one of the freezers. FORGET ABOUT DOGGING AND NUDE BEACHES LETS ALL GO TO ASDA. (SORRY ABOUT THE ADVERT FOR ASDA) IF THE MODERATOR IS WATCHING PLEASE DON'T BAR ME FOR ADVERTISING AND NO I DO NOT WORK FOR THEM EITHER...
Sex God
Quote by andy_loki

Ooooh, Mods are everywhere... even in ASDA lol :lol: :lol:
well we really love to visit nudist beaches, but we don't go there for dogging, just to sunbathe nude.....
i think the main problem with internet is that it has. with the help of the media, gloryfied dogging and made to look a lot more rampant than it really is. people who actually go out and sit around waiting for a glimpse will know this, but people who just see posts on forums telling of " 21 yr old hot blondes with huge boobs and wet pussies to take on all cummers" are amazed when they get there and are met with nothing more than dark carpark in the middle of the night, with no spaces left to park in. soryy to be the bearer of bad tidings, but in all our outings we've never seen a 21 yr old hot blonde out to play, let alone a 21 hot blonde nympho! but we have seen and met some very sexy cpls and had some great watchers and we've never been called timewasters and prickteasers ( to our faces anyway!)
I think dogging to a certain extent has been killed by the internet & by the dreaded mobile phone. You still get the genuine doggers who are prepared to sit at locations for hours in hope but the most popular sites that are all over the net on different web sites seem to have put couples off dogging either because they are overrun by boy racers or are put off by the hoards of doggers. By the way there seems to be a trend with new doggers that think if a couple appear they are guaranteed a shag and not happy with just a show .
The first person to pull out a mobile at a dogging site should get shot! biggrin
I was watching a show (in a wood) when a guy started taking pics on his mobile....exit couple.
He came.
He saw.
He cocked-up.
Warming the Bed
the problem these days is that with the threat of the police taking you to court etc putting name in paper etc. then everyone has got very very edgy. understandably so in my opinion however i have not seen anyone arrested myself and talking to other like minded night owls no alot of people have seen or heard anything apart from some rumours. yes it is a threat however i remember at a beach one time when a couple were playing to the crowd and a lad went home got his camcorder came back and started taping it. absolutely amazing the couple didn't mind at all. as always the couples hold the upper hand as is right and the single fellas are willing observers . with the advent of internet balnce has changed and more single fellas than ever before.
Master of Sex
Hi everyone,I must admit I've never seen an advert on here for the area I go dogging or by any of the couples I've met,for me not knowing who or if any couples will be there is more is a waiting game which isn't the case of a pre-arranged knowing if you will be invited to watch or join in is part of the game rather than a guarateed shag.I personally prefer it that way,I have met up with members from the lets meet forum and had lots of fun but thats not dogging,Dogging is more horny if its my twopenneth.
Sex God
had a few dogging experiences but again none at the sites stated here. would never go near any site advertised on the web. I think the internet has opened up what was once a sort of secret society(maybe thats the wrong choice of words but its the best I can come up with at this late hour). now anyone with a pc has access to that society. :cry:
Hello all , I got a bit bored with SH for a bit and havent been around , but I thought id pop in and take a look tonight .
Seems like I havent been away after this thread . Some six post D'wad , five of em moaning about people who advertise ( the other one advertising) .
Some useful comments from them that know ( because they can be arsed to actually go out and find out for themselves) and the usually obvious fact that they arent taking a blind bit of notice .
Thought we all stopped rising to this bait moons and moons ago.
Anyway Dear everyone who doesnt enjoy dogging anymore .......just stop doing it then !