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hi trying to reserect the past

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Hi there I am out and about in Norfolk and looking to meet up with couples for some chillie fun it seems since I have been out of the county all the usual spots have turned into late night car parks for bored single men..... I am 32 clean discrete w/e and just into a bit of outdoor fun surely evrey couple who used to enjoy putting on a little show hasnt dissappeared or moved drop me a PM with any sugestions.... i know its a waiting game but getting a little long to wait or should I swap the car for a motor home and move lol.
Wish we could help you but not our area i'm afraid, you can bet some of the others on here will have the info you are looking for.
Just in case they dont i would consider the motor home option lol
Wow thanks for replying at least I know there are people out there.. I used to really enjoy a bit of dogging as a past time but it seems It is destined to be a past time lol.. although judging by some of the posts i see it does still exist ...........
Oh it exist alright many of us enjoy dogging as you used to do, it has changed slightly due to some peoples expectation of a quick shag.
But there are still nice people out and about.
:welcome: to the site by the way. wink
we are a couple :thumbup: and guess what? we are actively dogging the norfolk carparks wink lets have a chat.
ok, so you are an experienced dogger, and so i'm going to assume you are making reference to the carparks around thetford forest? seeing as they have always been the most popular in the region..
well, yes, in part, the action has moved away from the main advertised site..its because its advertised, that the dogging mafia stake it out, as visiting couples will invairably make it their first port of call..this same mafia are only seeking new conquests, so its clearly in their interests to set their trap there..
of course, the mafia are only concearned with sexual involvement, and their priority is to get in miss such an oppertunity would be too humiliating, so every new couple, wether visiting hardcore, experienced or newbie potential "showers" are always greeted with the same spectacle of a mass vehicle clamp down followed by vigorous window tapping and organ readiness demonstration..the ploy works just often enough to justify the means..they are active hunters, as opposed to passive sportsmen such as fishermen..they enjoy the persuit..if you watch them, you will observe that they are life's "go getters"..they throw caffine down their necks in the form of red bull, smoke nervously, rarely sit in the same spot for long, chew gum really fast and rap their fingers on the steering wheel with one hand whilst making a string of mobile phone calls with the other..
the upshot of all this is, that although a small percentage of couples are delighted with this no nonsense approach, and end up having a wonderfull night in likeminded company, the greater proportion of couples end up bolting..their departure is normally followed up with a mass exodus by the still optomistic mafia, then, the rest of the lads, thinking that someone is in the know, tend to follow suit..for the newbie couple, its a parting salvo they'll long remember lol recently however, the mafia have twigged that their mad max departure attracts too much attention, and have taken to going 5 up in a single, powerfull flange persuit vehicle thus ensuring a monopoly.
what usually happens is this..once a new playing couple have been bagged, interest in them from the mafia very quickly wanes, and so they are released to the general dogging population. ..of course, the couples think that they have a choice in this,ultimately of course, they do..but to remain harmoneous, its play it their way, or no way..the mafia will sometimes even escort other doggers back to their vehicles and demand they leave, as "its private" unbeknown to the couple, that is :lol:
most of the doggers now, knowing they won't stand a chance, have relocated to another, the regular participating couples now go there the mafia will send a scout or two, every thirty minutes or so, just to make sure no fresh blood has escaped the net, but in general, its a better place to , all in all, its kinda works out..except for one thing...
"showcouples" are virtually extinct there..not fully, we ourselves saw a show about two weeks ago, but most of the doggers said, it was the first they could remember in months. we are a "showcouple" too, and as explained on a recent thread, we find that the levels of assumption have become so high, regarding the expectation of at least a gobble, we struggle to actually find a satisfied customer there these days :lol:
you see, the whole scene there has evolved, and the guys have become really desensitised to it all..the catch 22 situation is, the showcouples and newbies leave..this means that on any given night, the overwhelming majority of action will be participation, mostly multiple..the guys see little else, so no wonder they soon come to assume that dogging is mostly gangbang sex over the picnic table, with a little frantic shagging on the backseat with the fem partner of a "soft" couple at the very least..given that voyeurs aren't particularly welcome, they too vacate the place, leaving only involving couples and playing males..the assumption comes partly from this when a newbie showcouple arrives, there aren't really any what we'd call real voyeurs there anyway.
please don't think this is an anti dogging post, it isn't..its a factual account, in my observation, of how the main regional site might have changed in your absence from the county..if you are a male looking for involvement, then i'd say the scene here is very bouyant.i have no grudge with the mafia either, they play their game without regard to others, sure, but thats just the way it is, they get their results, and are extremely dedicated fellas..we do know some of them, and pleasant company they are too..they know what we think, and they explain their angle to us, we agree to 'd also differentuate between them, and the guys that sit in the carpark for five minutes, then complain dogging must be dead because they haven't been blown by a supermodel..quite a seperate breed. :wink:
as for ourselves, we've been rediscovering the many hidden little niches that abound in the county..being somewhat acustomed to playing to a packed house, the, often lonely nights take some getting used to, but the results are rewarding in their own way, we'll also be casting our net to embrace some of the far flung arenas..for all we've said, we do still enjoy the buzz of the bigger would just be nice to not be known quite so well :wink:
just one more point of note..increasingly, couples at the larger site are seeking couple only, and are similarly dismissive of non involving couples, its another aspect of a changing scene that isn't particularly attractive to showcouples..many couples are now less than tolerant of voyeurs at that site, the couple seeking couples are non tolerating towards doggers in general..its getting harder for the guys too :lol: ok, now pm us with what you know, if its less than us, we'll fill you in..otherwise, enjoy, its still out there..but wanking has evidently made many forum users blind :wink:
What an interesting read .... didnt know so many diverse things happened.
I just sit there for an hour or so hoping to get an invite but invariably nothing happens but at least its peaceful.
So am I now in the wrong area looking for the wrong thing I ask myself. Suppose I am happy when the elusve show happens but really now a days its a far from regular occurrence.
Suupoose us quiet ones who sit and wait to be invited will never know the true meaning of the dogging lifestyle because we are alone in the wilderness so to speak.
Once again thanks DD for enlightening me. When I go out later I will now look at everything completely different. Probably get the same result but never mind.
Tony xx
hi tony mate..ha, don't know about the wrong place for shows, but i'll say this, hand on heart, we've seen more shows away from the main dogging sites this last four months than we've witnessed at them..and our watching has always been by mutual consent..
if you use the norwich site, then we understand, its not been without its problems? am i right in saying one of the boys found a boy racer's head to be suitably dense to use as a battering ram? lol :lol:
there was a fella on the forum once..sneakerguy..he was having trouble finding pussy in the pm, i pointed him in the right direction..he's not been heard of since :lol: the last contact i had with him was via 'd gone out, found three couples at play, got the best gobble of his life and was feeling kinda chuffed..of course, it'll all be old hat to him soon bless him..but he was having quite a time of it last i heard wink
anyway, we recently got a lovely pm off a member here, who kindly availed us of a little carpark used by a handfull of lads..were we to show, then it would make their can we say no to enthusiasm like that? i'm not so pleased myself though..mrs dirty asked me to trim her fanny in anticipation of our outing..i've just fucked up a perfectly good lawnmower :lol: take care. :wink:
Guaranteed viewing if its pre-planned and away from the crowd, what a bonus. Lucky guys.
Well perhaps you can steer me to sites away from the known areas because I spent 3 hours last night waiting but only saw the mafia as you call them ... well presume thats who they where lol. A group of old hands exchanging views and chatting, but a full moon and not cold so I thought perfect environment for the show folk to be out.
Look at everyone differently now since your enlightenment, isnt that strange. Thought we all did it one way .... obviously we have different styles to feel comfortable with approaching vehicles but all well mannered and wait for the invitation.
Tony x
morning tony..i'll try and explain with a little more clarity, now the veil of jack daniel's has been lifted :cry:
ok, re the pm we was to tell us of a site in the area which is occassionally dogged by fellas..the action there, by all accounts, is infrequent, and as such, the blokes there haven't become jaded by what is often percieved as "just a show" we ourselves are a "showcouple" only, obviously that has an appeal, in that our little offering will be appreciated, and the guys enthusiasm in return, will make our night far more erotically rewarding..
we will point out however, that we never have, nor will we do arranged meets..if we turn up at that site, then nothing is guarenteed..thats how we like it..if none of the guys are there that night, no problem..we'll keep going back until they are wink
ok, the mafia, and i use the term lightheartedly lol they constitute a group of about seven guys, who have pooled their resources to ensure any action that enters is theirs. their methods mean that they aren't well liked by the mainstream doggers because any couple less than willing to play their game are effectively ousted from the of course, these guys aren't there every day, all day..but when they are, they do tend to stick together..but its not usually obvious..the small group of old hands you describe, were probably not them..the mafia tend not to leave their vehicles unless a couple enters the carpark, in which case they can be seen running straight over..if the couple take fright, these lads will sprint back to their vehicles shouting "you get in with me, you, go and look down xxxxxxx"! its really quite a spectacle :lol:
as for you seeing nothing last i hope i didn't give you the impression that things down the woods were non stop rampant away from the big site :lol: ok, i tend to enthuse about the good stuff, but the bleak nights are still there, especially during the week..however, three or four weeks ago, all hell was breaking loose, and those things tend to stick in my the fisherman, down the "pike and weasel" relating his tale of a prize catch, but not mentioning the three rain soaked days on the riverbank without a bite prior to the trophy carp.
for me, i love the diversity of dogging at a large site, and yes, i do often note the differing , i think its what makes the game so exciting. far from being anti-dogger, i often emphasise with them, some male partners of a dogging couple are seriously strange :lol: and totally smitten with the psuedo power they feel their position affords..if the lads don't tilt their caps and bow as the couple enter they become aggresive and controlling..mostly the lads are fine..
see, in a way its easy for us..we can go out now, tonight or next week, all on a whim, and virtually guarantee a good time..even at the big site, just watching..we also differ in that aspect to some couples here, in that although we always go out with the intention of :"showing", we'll often hang around to see some action ourselves..for two years, thats been fun..the problems we made regarding the social side were of our own making..we've also seen some incredible things along the way, which is why i'm able to talk to you from both sides of the dogging fence..also, as a couple, we've seen, and heard many things that as a single guy, you may not be party too..although from your previous posts, i understand you briefly experienced dogging from such a perspective also.
regarding the "showfolk"..having spoken to many, over the is quite clear that they will not use the sites at thetford again..i'll not turn this into a gripe post, but suffice to say, the assumption from many of the boys there has made the experience a little too interesting :lol: ok, i accept that newbie couples often have the wrong idea of what to expect, and to turn up at such a site on a saturday night is courting to try and show when the guys are shining torches in, shouting through the window, sitting on the bonnet and laughing loudly amongst themselves is often a little too circus like for most..i'll now say its not always like that, far from it, far from it..but such couples have a knack for picking the daftest times to arrive :lol: they assume that if they arrive at the weekend, there will be loads of stuff happening for them to see..then, when they are ready, a quick headlight flash, and two fellas will politely walk over to watch....wrong, seriously wrong :lol: :lol: there might well be a gangbang going on, but if there are 40 cars in, 37 of them will still be occupied..most of the boys have been there and done that..they only have to see the same thing two or three times and thats it, forget it..if a new couple arrive, bingo, 37 fellas suddenly come to life :lol: :wink:
to give you an example..personally, i'm aware of two single girls that are currently active in the area..there were three, but at this time, i can only be certain of two..i'm also personally aware of 18 couples, all involving, that are regular features on the norfolk dogging that, i'm not restricting the circuit to thetford, i'm embracing the county..these are couples i know by name, and some are good friends of ours..of course, there are many many more that arrive from time to time..that sounds a lot doesn't it? and i dare say, if i were to reel off their names to the boys, they would say things like "oh yeah, i didn't think of her", or "yeah, ok, i wasn't counting them"..thats because they are regulars, and soon become part of the furniture so to speak..any of those couples could be out on a given night, but when 5 of them turn up on the same night, in the same place, then things get real interesting :lol:
anyway, to wrap it up, i don't think i can share anything with you that you don't already know..sure, i can give you the name of the alternative site, but as you know the main site, i feel you will already know of the alternative..if i've given anyone the impression that there is a 24/7 gangbang party happening, then no, that wasn't what i meant :lol: all those wonderfull sexy couples are out there, for real..others appear on a weekly basis, visitors, maybe newbies..some come and stay, some never seen again..if you can happily sit in a carpark, enjoying the seasons and gazing at the heavens, then i'd say, spiritually, you were made of the dogging right stuff, and probably doing it right all along...if you pm me with the details of the sites you know and use, then as i said to the origional poster, if i can steer you in a more profitable direction, then i will..
by the way, you can learn about yourself from watching others, but you'll know more about others from watching yourself :wink:
Quote by dirtydoggers
the mafia tend not to leave their vehicles unless a couple enters the carpark, in which case they can be seen running straight over..if the couple take fright, these lads will sprint back to their vehicles shouting "you get in with me, you, go and look down xxxxxxx"! its really quite a spectacle lol

Crikey! :shock:
Do these guys wear hunting pink and blow a horn? sounds an awful lot like a hunt!!! :lol:
Sounds hilarious to witness but for the poor couple it must be hugely aggravating!
Another masterpiece DD.
Thanks for the explicit descriptions and I was unaware of the mafia as such ... must seem a bit frightening at first. Have spoken with guys who are on the mobile from one site to another but thought this just matey so to speak.
Taken a freind for some action and she loved it ... maybe we where lucky on who we met.
Will drop you a pm when I have more time but do agree and have experienced most of what you say.
Yes it can be rewarding sitting alone watching a full moon cast its light over the car parks in all weathers. And that is serious!!
Maybe catch you one day when you are out on the off chance or maybe I have lol
Thats what I find exciting about it all .... the anonymity and spontanaetisy of it all (one of them must be spelt wrong)_
Thanks again for being so helpful
Tony x
Quote by Serendipity
the mafia tend not to leave their vehicles unless a couple enters the carpark, in which case they can be seen running straight over..if the couple take fright, these lads will sprint back to their vehicles shouting "you get in with me, you, go and look down xxxxxxx"! its really quite a spectacle lol

Crikey! :shock:
Does these guys wear hunting pink and blow a horn? sounds an awful lot like a hunt!!! :lol:
Sounds hilarious to witness but for the poor couple it must be hugely aggravating! are closer to the truth with the hunting analogy than you might imagine :lol:
actually, having watched these fellas for many many months, gotton to know some too, its quite clear that their enjoyment comes from persuing their quarry..of course, nervous first timers will flee for their lives..where once these guys would take off in persuit in seven vehicles, now they tend to jump into two..naturally, the terrain here is littered with forest tracks, and we have five areas in a five mile catchment where carparks can be used for dogging, and often are..these fellas take their dogging seriously, and although it flies in the face of traditional dogging, they do get results..some visiting couples looking for fun without the usual stand offs etc will be more than happy with their approach, and then there are the couples that enjoy the thrill of the chase too..most would condemn their tactics, but i'll reserve judgement..for these guys, the frantic phone calls, getting in before the crowd, racing down the tracks in search of a "lost" couple is all part of the game..the couples that flee, will brush themselves down, and re-appraise the situation without the rose tinted goggles, or give't we can do..others will do as we did, sit it out, grin and bear it until the dust settles.."doggingtwo" are another couple off this board that done just that...
ok, i'll run you through some actual events :lol:
scenario one. a couple enter, the lads stand around in anticipation, one lets out a groan of "oh no, here we fucking go again, tweedle dee and tweedle dumb"! whats happened is that two of the leading members of the site's casa nostra are already on the car, a third is moving his vehicle to the rear whilst a forth poises himself by the exit.."why the fuck do they do it, they're going to piss it right up again" says a casual mafiosa does something to upset the couple, he might have tried the door, nobody knows for sure..the couple start their car and prepare to move off..suddenly the sound of desperate running footsteps fills the air..shouts of "you get in with me, it'll be quicker" four lads clamber into a vehicle, and depart after the couple in a hail of minutes later they return, only to tear around the carpark only pausing when they see a car of similar description..evidently however, the couple, somehow escaped their within, the display screen of a mobile phone lights up, then dissapears, the mafia exit once again, leaving only the smell of hot rubber in their game is afoot once more.
scenario two.a couple enters, and parks..instantly they are surrounded..two doggers mutter their disaproval, "why do those idiots never learn"? the other replies "yeah, fucking ruin it for everyone".the sound of a door opening draws attention..have the boys gone too far this time? no, evidently not..a lady steps out and talks with them, before gladly being led to the picnic table..moments later she has a cock in each hand, one stuck out of her mouth whilst being battered by a ballsack in her jack and danny :lol: the voyeurs now approach, but are given short thrift by the mafia, until they have done..the boys are polite, and the girl thanks them for the shared mafia are delighted with their night's work, all ends well..if the girl stays, then the regular doggers are able to join in at this point..sometimes though, the action is bareback only, which results in some embarred foot shuffling whilst they balance the desire for a shag, against the desire to not pass on anything incriminating to her indoors :lol: redface
the passive doggers and the pro active guys are two different breeds with seperate is sometimes entertaining to watch, but you have to feel for the couples that come in, with the notion of controlling the nights events with coy little gestures such as one headlight flash or two? :lol: :lol: it is a hardcore site, no doubt, but its also a wonderfull venue..very little trouble from the wasters or police..the mafia are a sound bunch of fellas once you get into their thinking, bloody hooligans, yes, but just having their fun :lol:
right, who should we discuss now..the businessman on an overnighter, or the newbies, still with their copies of "the sport" under their arm, awaiting their payed for text alert, tipping them off as to when that gorgeous model is going to show with her lesbian friend, then, its gobbles all round for the boys :lol: :lol: ah, bless em and let live eh? :lol
yeah, nice talking with you who sits in an empty carpark and can appreciate the light cast by the moon as it caresses the rugged dew sodden bark of the trees..the gentle rustle of the russet leaves as they dance on an almost imperceptable breeze gets my vote..fuck yeah? :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
scenario two.a couple enters, and parks..instantly they are surrounded..two doggers mutter their disaproval, "why do those idiots never learn"? the other replies "yeah, fucking ruin it for everyone".the sound of a door opening draws attention..have the boys gone too far this time? no, evidently not..a lady steps out and talks with them, before gladly being led to the picnic table..moments later she has a cock in each hand, one stuck out of her mouth whilst being battered by a ballsack in her jack and danny lol the voyeurs now approach, but are given short thrift by the mafia, until they have done..the boys are polite, and the girl thanks them for the shared mafia are delighted with their night's work, all ends well..if the girl stays, then the regular doggers are able to join in..

So, if I'm reading that right they're doggers who want to very enthusiastically participate but they object to being watched by other voyeurs on the site? or is it just that they want them out of reach of the object of desire rather than out of sight - kind of like lions who eat the best bit of the zebra and leave the scraps for others? (awful comparison, sorry ladies! :lol: )
Do you ever see these guys dogging solo or is always a team event?
(When I had a drink with a couple of SH members on Monday night, I was babbling on about how much diversity there is just within dogging - but I hadn't even considered tag team dogging! :lol: )
ok, serendipity..they do, to a degree, resent being watched..not so much being watched, but voyeurs in general, they simply don't see the point..but then the majority of couples that survive the site think the same way.. and yes, i've seen that first hand..a comment of "too many watchers, not enough doers" comes to mind..what had happened was that the mafia had gotten their fill of a certain young lady, who was now looking to the assembled crowd for more participation..some of the guys were a little reluctant, which prompted the comment..of course, as you suggested, the main concearn is to keep the doggers at a distance, but if appropiate, ie, small numbers, they would keep them well away from the said before, i've seen guys marched back to their vehicles on more than one occassion lol usually when the couple have entered a small carpark in which we are sat, then followed in by a lone dogger..the "privacy" status is designated by the mafia, rather than the couple, who, in accepting the whole in yer face scenario are prepared to go with the flow..
in answer to your second question, yes, these guys do occassional dog in a solo capacity, and are usually an altogether different dogger when they do. :lol: :lol:
i've just recalled the three occassions where harry the rock's non intercourse status got him into strife..once he had to be rescued from a picnic table, when a girl, her partner and some doggers tried pinning him down for her to straddle the poor lad :lol: :lol: then, with another couple, thinking he got a right result, ended up recieving a lot of verbal because he wouldn't do the dirty deed..then, we all remember the ongoing verbal abuse from a certain serial banned female who found h's reluctance to stick his organ where the sun doesn't shine to be most offensive...these ladys are maneaters dear serendips :lol: its something in the water m'dear wink
i've just noticed, my posts bar isn't full yet..can i have a special one for members that don't post much, but rabbit like fuck when they do? it should be on words written, not posts.. :lol: :lol:
Wow! I never realised there was so much involved in this game. I thought the fishing comparison was what its all about - 99% hanging about - 1% passive watching (and pud pulling) then live on the memory for a few weeks. Thanks again dirtydoggers - I'm so glad i found this site.
hey, are right mate, for sure..dogging is a waiting game, for most...i'm just saying that not all the guys tend to play that game though, and indeed, some couples enjoy the instant attention too..i'm really only relating to the way one site has evolved in our opinion, all be it an opinion forged out of experience and observation wink
you talk about fishing, and yes, there are many parallels to be the lone angler, sitting in the rain for hours waiting for a fish to amble along..often he is a content man, and his reason for sitting on that riverbank goes beyond catching fish..he is an outdoor spirit who will be gazing into the still waters and enjoying the ambience and nature all around him...the fish will be a bonus, of course, but he'll be doing it all over again tomorrow, whatever the contents of his keepnet..then contrast that with the motives of the commercial fisherman, offshore, casting his mile long net to earn his living..they are both fishermen, and might both love their craft, but still quite different..then put a headline in the local paper "carp swallows a 5000 pound diamond at local lake"..well, fishing will take off big time. lol :lol: :wink: but will the new faces rushing to the water's edge be fishermen, just because they are casting a rod? or are they just chancers looking to make a fast buck?
Love the image - your websites pretty cool, too! Just a thought - I realise you don't do pre-arranged meets, so am not asking for one, but is there any chance of a PM giving me pointers to hotspots in the area - i know about the one between Stowmkt and BSE which is where I've been dangling to no avail off and on for a fortnight. Cheers JC
ta for the compliments crusin wink erm, yeah, i'll pm you for sure, but it might not happen tonight mate..i've just spent the last hour answering pm's lol :lol: oh its good to talk :wink: i think i know the site to which you refer, its one we've used to you later, i'm all typed out, and just seen two more pm's arriving in me box before writing this :lol: :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
i'm not so pleased myself though..mrs dirty asked me to trim her fanny in anticipation of our outing..i've just fucked up a perfectly good lawnmower lol take care. wink

rotflmao Thanks for the reminisces mate and I think you deserve a full purple bar, as your posts are the equivalent of at least five of us lesser mortals posts and a hundred times longer than a newbies come shag me post :lol:
Oh and Serendipity, I dog solo and still long for the day I get to meet you biggrin
Harry Jones
Quote by Serendipity

(When I had a drink with a couple of SH members on Monday night, I was babbling on about how much diversity there is just within dogging - but I hadn't even considered tag team dogging! lol )
Tag Team Dogging - I like the sound of that!
Quote by dirtydoggers
as said before, i've seen guys marched back to their vehicles on more than one occassion lol

No wonder you refer to them as the mafia, that's pretty outrageous....but then there's no rule book so I guess a busy dogging spot is down to survival of the fittest! (I have to stop with the safari comparisons! :lol: )
Quote by dirtydoggers
in answer to your second question, yes, these guys do occassional dog in a solo capacity, and are usually an altogether different dogger when they do. :lol: :lol:

I thought as much, but do they get sidelined by couples when solo or does the mafia reputation precede them confused
Quote by HarryJones
Oh and Serendipity, I dog solo and still long for the day I get to meet you biggrin

The idea of a dogging tag team in matching flat caps (Team Harry) or a group in green lycra catsuits (Team Drexx) is fantastic - that's worth seeing in a car park with or without dogging action :grin:
Quote by Serendipity

Oh and Serendipity, I dog solo and still long for the day I get to meet you biggrin

The idea of a dogging tag team in matching flat caps (Team Harry) or a group in green lycra catsuits (Team Drexx) is fantastic - that's worth seeing in a car park with or without dogging action :grin:
Ooh Team Harry needs sexy women in jumpsuits just like Team Williams or other formula teams, the vision I'm having now of Serendipity in a half opened jump suit :D
Harry Jones
Quote by HarryJones
Ooh Team Harry needs sexy women in jumpsuits just like Team Williams or other formula teams, the vision I'm having now of Serendipity in a half opened jump suit biggrin
Harry Jones

Harry I know you're going away on a 70s weekend but there's no need to inflict a disco flashback on the rest of us!! Not even the Norfolk Mafia would want to see that! lol
Quote by Serendipity

Ooh Team Harry needs sexy women in jumpsuits just like Team Williams or other formula teams, the vision I'm having now of Serendipity in a half opened jump suit biggrin
Harry Jones

Harry I know you're going away on a 70s weekend but there's no need to inflict a disco flashback on the rest of us!! Not even the Norfolk Mafia would want to see that! lol
Keep up my dear, I've been, it was last weekend and here is a disco flashback just for you (and yes I have worn that outfit in broad daylight walking through Cambridge) :!:

Harry Jones
I've now got this vision in my head of our car being surrounded by a team of guys in flat caps and bicycle clips saying 'I don't BELIEVE it' just like Victor Meldrew.
Quote by Lissa
I've now got this vision in my head of our car being surrounded by a team of guys in flat caps and bicycle clips saying 'I don't BELIEVE it' just like Victor Meldrew.

:laughabove: If I weren't feeling so crap I'd make a photo up of your vision lol
Harry Jones
Quote by Serendipity
as said before, i've seen guys marched back to their vehicles on more than one occassion lol

No wonder you refer to them as the mafia, that's pretty outrageous....but then there's no rule book so I guess a busy dogging spot is down to survival of the fittest! (I have to stop with the safari comparisons! :lol: )
Quote by dirtydoggers
in answer to your second question, yes, these guys do occassional dog in a solo capacity, and are usually an altogether different dogger when they do. :lol: :lol:

I thought as much, but do they get sidelined by couples when solo or does the mafia reputation precede them confused
erm, yeah, it really is survival of the fittest :lol: , darwinian dogging theory at its best..regarding your question, as to wether these guys, when dogging alone, are generally shunned by , its a i stated earlier, for these guys, its the thrill of the chase, yeah, the sex is important, but usually only as an end reward to the successfull conclusion of a well excecuted hunt and compliant ensnarement..once such a couple have been "bagged", really, there is, with a few notable exceptions, very little ongoing interest. i've seen these guys casually chatting through open windows, only yards away from a picnic table gangbang without aknowledgement, whereas, only weeks before, the same girl, then a stranger, had been the centre of their most enthusiastic attentions..
of course, many couples, having had what they would consider an "intimidating" experience as a result of the mafia gameplay will have no more to do with them on subsequent visits..naturally they will be subjected to the same manic scenario, but often will resort to playing cat and mouse games, only this time, from a position of controlled intent, instead of the bewildered panic that sent them fleeing a first reaction for newbies when being approached mob handed is fear..when sitting in a dark carpark, with figures looming out of the shadows towards your vehicle and those shadowy forms solidifying into the figures of testorerone charged males sexually fixated upon your beloved, your whole subconscious defence mechanism is going to kick into hyperdrive..everything about the situation is going to register as "potentially, this is bad, get out of here, quick" might well ask, well, wasn't that the point of going out dogging?, and of course, the answer has to be yes..but people often forget, that these subconcious devices lay dormant..they read the forum, the rules and ettiquette, then form a mental script of how the evening will, or should play out..however, these automated responses to situations like the above, are not something they bargained on, which leads to feelings of confusion, frustration and anger..these responses have been inherited..our ancestors had them, its what kept them alive in the savannah long enough to procreate, those that had less efficient "auto responders" inevitably died out, therefore what has been passed on to us comes from the long chain of forefathers with highly developed "auto appraisers"..things are easier now, but those instincts are still there, ready to come to our rescue in such times of need..they cannot be removed, they are ingrained too deeply, unlike a "learned response" which can, with thought, be overridden, an inherited appraiser cannot be entirely removed..familiarity can put it into backburner mode, but as soon as something different enters the equasion, the initial fear is back with a vengence, although sometimes only fleetingly..this fear aspect is part of the adrenalin "rush" that makes the game so enthralling, and its just the same emotion for the doggers, as it is for the couples, although it might be felt more keenly with the first reaction is fear, then depending on the individual, or/and circumstances, this can very quickly be replaced with anger..most newbie couples, upon encountering the mafia, will flee..some will become angry about becoming fearfull in the first place, and seek to redress the balance,to get even, to become controlling..some will vent their displeasure on the forum, and others will have a good laugh about it, chill out and return to the combat zone with a cheery smile..what usually happens also, and as a result, is that the short term instant gains by the mafia with certain experienced couples become their only niche..the couples that return with the intent of escalating their game to full involvement often resent the mafia to the degree that they will happily entertain the mainstream doggers, but will vocally reject any advances from the cosa nostra., much to the satisfaction of the male partner :lol: but,..thats where things often get messy, and these guys will drive at couples with headlights glaring in an attempt to cause maximum disruption :lol: :lol: they won't take that rejection well, its too big a bug to bear..naturally, when one such member is passively dogging in a solo capacity, his outcast status will reduce him to sitting in his vehicle having to endure the often very vocal squeals of passion eminating from the one that got away and fanny farts in the face of satan. :lol: thats why their game is often conducive to short term gain, but in the long term, its not the most efficient stratedgy for ongoing fun and satisfaction..its also doubtfull that such fellas will ever be a girl's dogging first, whereas "the master" has, on a few occassions, had the honour of being the female partner's first sexual experience outside of the at it, i think such mafia types are usually "driven".their outlook on life and sex is that oppertunities need to be siezed, not given..often they are high achievers,.however, our most amusing encounters have been at the hands of affluent businessmen on an overnighter,some of these guys, and i do stress, "some", can make the mafia look like novices wink :lol: :lol:
Quote by HarryJones
Oh and Serendipity, I dog solo and still long for the day I get to meet you biggrin

The idea of a dogging tag team in matching flat caps (Team Harry) or a group in green lycra catsuits (Team Drexx) is fantastic - that's worth seeing in a car park with or without dogging action :grin:
on a lighter note rolleyes lol harry mate, what the fuck do you look like? when i saw that pic, i thought it was "action dogger" available from all good toyshops for christmas..i've been in talks with the BBC, and they've agreed to film a pilot for a new series, "one man and his dogger"..i bag H as my trained 3 legged friend (i've seen what the lads packing) wink i'll be stood on a rocky outcrop overlooking a moorland pasture in deepest derbyshire..the commentator will be shouting, in a yorkshire accent, "that doggers gone wide".as harry responds to my whistles as i attempt to get him into a suitable piking position before the other doggers get onto the motor..the thought of harry collapsing onto his stomach on cue, eyes blazing with enthusiasm, his little pink tongue hanging down his chin and ears attuned to the pitch of the whistle has a certain appeal, what do you say mate? me and you, lets take it on the road, we'll sleep on straw in rustic barns, the sky will be our roof, the stars our day, we'll walk the road, and by the twilight, we'll dog the nations carparks..
Quote by dirtydoggers
on a lighter note rolleyes lol harry mate, what the fuck do you look like? when i saw that pic, i thought it was "action dogger" available from all good toyshops for christmas

Now that I've finished crying my eyes out laughing I'll try and respond, I hate to think what my neighbours are thinking the strange laughing noises I've just been making :!:
Quote by dirtydoggers
..i've been in talks with the BBC, and they've agreed to film a pilot for a new series, "one man and his dogger"..i bag H as my trained 3 legged friend (i've seen what the lads packing) wink i'll be stood on a rocky outcrop overlooking a moorland pasture in deepest derbyshire..the commentator will be shouting, in a yorkshire accent, "that doggers gone wide".as harry responds to my whistles as i attempt to get him into a suitable piking position before the other doggers get onto the motor..the thought of harry collapsing onto his stomach on cue, eyes blazing with enthusiasm, his little pink tongue hanging down his chin and ears attuned to the pitch of the whistle has a certain appeal, what do you say mate? me and you, lets take it on the road, we'll sleep on straw in rustic barns, the sky will be our roof, the stars our day, we'll walk the road, and by the twilight, we'll dog the nations carparks..
More laughter. Sounds great mate, been ages since Ive been dogging.
Harry Jones
Don't come into this forum much but it seems everytime I do dirtydoggers is on form !
Thanks for an interesting, and educational read smile