It isn't totally dead but considering how good the weather is it is very quiet at the moment. Spent all last night looking up places on the Chase and all that I found was boy racers hope to have more luck Monday. Don't give up though one thing you need is patience.
well you could have said hello Alan
wild rose n staggy keeping it alive in staffs
we haven't been out yet this year, but as the weather is so nice and more importantly the kids are away, looks like we might get up to the Chase on Wednesday...............
see you there , we just cant keep out of trouble these days
the problem with the chase is that there's lots of boy racers around now and quiet secluded places just aint that anymore.
we go over sometimes but go for a walk now - that way we're away from the 'busy' car parks. that way you can also see the person wandering around easier - and then decide if you want to show or not.
You can still find quiet spots if you look hard enough.
I'm new on hear but when out on the chase Friday evening and all i found was a famliy playing badminton till 10pm and boy racers. Would like to find a nice spot. So if you know of any please pm me.
Here's a thought why dont we have a doggers social meet of our own. I assume that you have all read the thread of the same name posted by naughty wigan couple.
What a great idea it is, well what are your thoughts.
We would prefer to have a predominantly a couples orientated meet, i know the single guys on here are gonna be a bit pissed at this but we only speak for ourselves.
Would anyone like to suggest venues etc.
Yes it was disappointing on Friday evening with the infamous boy racers and yes I saw the family playing badminton and it was almost there were quiet places still to be found but they were short of any action.
you could all try telford we have a few good spots and my brother is a boy racer site leader so im sure i can keep em away
anyone fancy this ?
telford is a nice place and has alot to offer and i can assure no boy racers aswell let me know the night u wanna do it and i can tell my brother and his cronies a decent place to go racing and they will all sod off and leace us alone
soooo telford anyone ?????
we just might try it tonight, if it's not too hot or too busy with idiots that is lol
where bouts u goin ill be out and about tonight what make of car will look out for ya
busy by day but by night??????? you have a pm a+d
anyway suns shining see you up there :shock:
a + d see you again soon hopefully it it was you i think it may have been telford is rockin at the moment people get yaselves up here dont miss out we need doggers to not just people watchin here folks
Has the idea of meeting up somewhere died. If not anyone willing to get it sorted. I would offer to do it but don't know anyone as yet :cry:. But would love to get to know you all alittle better.
We did arrange a few meets on here but not for a while now. There seems to be too many boy-racers or police around the popular places these days. but we're not going to give up!
We'd love to meet some others from here for some fun times and we definately know some good places in Shrops where ew won't get disturbed. Unfortunately we both work at odd times during the week (and some weekends) so we can only arrange some meets during the weekend.
What do other couples in Shrops/Staffs think?
D (J is asleep, lol)
id love to know which guys are off here and not just doggers perhaps a dress code would be fun, all sh doggers wear a flasher mac lol
or a twirly bow tie perhaps!!!!!
better yet, don't hunt in groups - really puts the women off :doh:
we've sussed it all out, we have adopted the watching you watching me theme , one copy of the bargain pages, a pair of scissors ,to cut the eye holes, and hey presto we can spy on the doggers as they spy on us, no one will ever guess, it does however impede the twirly bow tie a little.