Well it was a nice evening Tuesday, and having a couple of hours to kill near dusk I attended at a viewpoint I think may be a dogging site. Not local and tried to read between lines to find one.
Anyway to cut a long story short a couple in a silver 4wd did turn up and became affectionate with each other, and as darkness fell one guy moved to one side of the car and another the other and all seemed ok, so I ventured to approach. As I approached the man viewing from the passenger side turned on me with a kind of garden machete in his hand, raised it towards me and inpolitely told me to fuck off.
In the cause of enlightened amusement it did not seem appropriate to get hospitalised so I limited myself to a comment about his birth and I did "fuck off". Keep your eyes open there are some dangerously unstable weirdos out there.
He was driving a small white car based van of fairly ancient vintage.