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sign of the times!

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forgive the rather unimaginative title redface lol but unfortunately, that sign heralds the end of an era, for it was the most productive venue in the county of norfolk, probably east anglia..certainly not surprising was getting a little silly rolleyes
Hi Unc, sorrry to see yet another sign that basicaly shuts us down between the hours of sunset to sunrise.
We in the Midlands have been subjected to many of the more enjoyable venues being gated off for some time now. We still have the sites available that have access to a through road or residential area that require entry rights.
Still they can't gate of lay bys can they, well at least not yet.?
No, they don't gate them off.
What they DO do is to dig big trenches at each end.
Or put big posts in a line across each end.
Or make them one-way only, and no right turn at the end.
Or cut down the hedges and trees that hide them from the carriageway.
Or drive slowly through them, noting the vehicles regs, and then write to the registered owner asking why they were there.....nice if you're in the firms car....
All used in this county.
Quote by jomu
No, they don't gate them off.
What they DO do is to dig big trenches at each end.
Or put big posts in a line across each end.
Or make them one-way only, and no right turn at the end.
Or cut down the hedges and trees that hide them from the carriageway.
Or drive slowly through them, noting the vehicles regs, and then write to the registered owner asking why they were there.....nice if you're in the firms car....
All used in this county.

Seems to us that this is an awfull waste of manpower / money / etc / just to make our lives difficult.
Perhaps they think doggers are going to overthrow the establishment. lol
Quote by dirtydoggers

forgive the rather unimaginative title redface lol but unfortunately, that sign heralds the end of an era, for it was the most productive venue in the county of norfolk, probably east anglia..certainly not surprising was getting a little silly rolleyes

Crap mad
Is it one I frequent Uncle confused:
Pming you now anyway
Harry Jones
yes harry..tis the one..sorry mate :cry: ..
when we started out, over three years ago, the then more popular site in the county was subject to a sensationist press expose..national, not local..needless to say, there was an upsurge in interest..not in the least part due to the numerous references to free and easy sex..the reaction from the forestry commission was this.

the sign doesn't state a time for the closure of the scenic picnic area, because it is 24/7..
needless to say, the action moved on, and the new arena of perving choice did appear get to it, neccessatated a one mile detour from the nearest main road, and then, a long slow crawl down a rough track, which culminated into a tranquill forest glade..with the exeption of one house, it was in fact very very secluded...the nature of the location
meant that the police barely showed an interest, and boy racers found it a deterent..given that joe public weren't likely to stumble upon the location by chance, it
even appeared safe from the vehicle swampers....but still the lads manage to fuck it up...clueless might be the word i'm grasping for.. rolleyes
where did it all go wrong? well..i think this is a contributory factor..the place was always notorious in dogging circles for the high levels of sexual involvement..guys came in their droves..other sites in ajoining counties were being systematically cordorned off due to inapropiate behaviour and complaints from the public...the perpetrators came here, and the couples started to feel overwhelmed....the desperation levels soared....the clincher came when the nights drew 5 and 6 pm it is dusk, or dark..BUT the place is still used by members of the public wanting to walk the pooch around the carpark...only the sight that greeted them, was leering nodding faces against the passenger window within 10 seconds of stopping..THEN if the couple left, which they almost certainly would..they'd be followed...when it happened to us, just before christmas, it took five miles to "shake" him...we'd parked up for twenty seconds...but to him, it was somehow seen as an invitation to follow us home for a private session :roll:
that is but one factor..what percentage contributed to it's final downfall, i'm not sure..i know of one carpark that was alledgedly closed as a result of gay men disregarding the fact a carpark is a public space, and the routine of their sexual exploits numbing them to the possibilities of families using them american family from one of the us air force bases visited the carpark in question..with their two kiddies, they walked into the trees through what had become a well trodden path...only to walk straight into a gay gangbang..i was told this by a forestry commission worker, and how much is truth, i cannot say..but having seen it myself, on more than one occassion...AND quite accidently..i wouldn't be surprised..aspects of that are so in yer face as to begger belief..
yesterday afternoon, i decided to visit some of the sites in order to photograph the barriers shown above..i was also photographing some of the rubbish left by boy racers and doggers..driving into the "gay area" of one such carpark at 2pm to take a picture of the discarded bottles of lube, loo roll, condoms and magazines, i was aware i had company..a fella walked straight up to my car and bekoned me into the bushes :shock: needless to say, i didn't get my photograph lol (no, i didn't go into the bushes either) :lol: twats..i relocated some distance down the track, and started to photograph some of the other debris..only the fella had emerged from the undergrowth, and was walking straight towards me redface purposfully too :shock: and the place was full of dog walkers etc etc..
builders rubbish, bathroom suites etc are unsightly..but the carpark would have to be policed around the clock to catch offenders..most doggers don't leave rubbish..but what is left is seen as disgusting..the stuff of perverts..and with that, we are all tarred with the brush..and as there are rather more of us driving around at night, than sets an agenda..
in truth..the closure of the major dogging carparks is of no consequence to us..we abandoned most of them months ago in favour of the small little clearings that abound in out 250,000 acres of lowland pine forest..frankly, we've never looked is a shame for the genuine doggers that struggled there against the odds all things being equall, it was ideal, and offered many a fun night..if the boys manage to fuck that place up, gawd only knows where they'll survive now :cry: the next major site in the region is attracting ever increasing attention from the frustrated juveniles..the dogger numbers are being ever supplimented by the undesireable fallout from other closed carparks...the proper guys will survive, like the master, and singledogger..because they are clued up...but it isn't getting easier for them :cry:

just to further illustrate lol ..i'm not sure how clearly it will show in the photograph..but, those white blobs at the base of, and indeed, in, the tree..are in fact wet wipes..soiled wetwipes...the typical debris strewn without regard as a result of a gangbang...
the location, in this instance isn't in fact one of the popular carparks..but a place where such action does figure..the actual spot, is a parking bay within a scenic and popular carpark much used by the public..fancy that being the first sight to greet you on arrival...nice :cry:
We are seeing similar rubbish left in known place over in peterborough including underware, They have also started to cut down hedges and trees in order to make it more open and less secluded, As you have stated DD pull in to a carpark here and within seconds there are faces around the car no mater what time of day it's got to the point were we will drive in to a carpark and pretty much drive stright back out due to the amount of car some with upto three of four males in it. of the more distastefull aspects here in the summer months, is that of the condoms littering the picnic tables...i clearly remember the look on a mother's face when having sat her young family around one such table, she became aware as to what the various items of litter around the table were..needless to say, they packed the picnic away and marched the kids back to the car..
obviously not all such items can be attributed to doggers or cruisers...but a little respect could go long way..mcdonald's bags are seen as unsightly, builder's debris a nuicance..but sexual rubbish is always regarded as disgusting, and is rather more emotive as a result..specially when discarded in areas where kids could come acroiss it..which is pretty much anywhere..
the problem regarding the swampers is more in yer face than our experience..many guys would prefer daytime..its easier...the 5:30 after work window of pervitunity is rather more appealing at this time of year due to the longer nights..the trouble is, we are experiencing a new generation of shag seeker that assumes if he is looking for a fuck..then he must go to a dogging site..and therefore every couple in said site, must be up for the same...just a question of getting in quick rolleyes
doggers get to use carparks when joe public have finished with them..not the other way around....when joe public arrives, whatever time of day or night that may be..the dogger withdraws into the shadows.....traditionally....but not so today...there are many a norfolk village missing their token idiot i'm afraid...unfortunately, once you call a carpark a dogging site..its gonna attract problems from the hard of thinking..another enduring vision of stupidity engrained on my memory, was the sight of two young girls, probably not yet out of their teens, sat upon the seats around a picnic table on one sunny august afternoon...having a picnic...amongst the gorse bushes circled four or five guys, each poised to move in on what they saw as two lesbian nymphomaniacs seeking a cure by beef injection.. :roll: .on a seperate occassion, a young woman drove into a notorious site, evidently to take, or make a call on her mobile phone..everything about her manner, including the tell tale glow from the phone and parking right in the enterance, suggested an innocent agenda...not so from the lads that ran over to tap on the window for a chat (request for sexual favour)....gawd help us :roll:
oh, and discarded items of underwear feature highly in our landscape too wink lol
In one aspect it is entertaining to see these swappers doing the car ballet around the local car park all trying to get a better view point, but it is causeing problems for local residents when you have car after car going in and out of the carparks looking for the dogging orgy lol , They drive in almost expecting to see and orgy in the middle of the car park. One car park in particular is used by the extar marital affiar brigade and these guys are now getting targeted. With the young boy racers driving in flashing there lights and beeping there horns etc. They have evern on the odd occastion parked next to the car wound down the wind and ask me if i was dogging then procceded to tell me that if i flash my light or honk my horn women would come out and start haveing sex on the bonet of my car :lol:
Quote by felixx1416
it is causeing problems for local residents when you have car after car going in and out of the carparks looking for the dogging orgy lol , They drive in almost expecting to see and orgy in the middle of the car park.:

ain't that the truth wink like you say..its better than telly :lol: we shouldn't complain, seeing as we hardly ever use those listed carparks..i do feel for the sensible fellas though...our exhibitionist thing isn't for everyone, and the smaller, scarcely frequented niches we now use aren't the most desireable places for everyone in the'll move on again, as stated, its a big forest..but i can't help feeling it was THE perfect spot :cry:
a probable knock on effect will be an upsurge in interest prior to 6pm..which will kinda aggrivate the situation..and a whole lot more rubbish from diy'ers and builders who have been turned away from the local council recycling centre for having more that the allowed two bricks per week....(no, i'm not justifying it) :shock: somehow, a carpark full of cars from 8pm through till 4am had a deterring effect on that :lol:..think about it..miles from anywhere, hardly policed, no cctv...and now, no doggers :shock: ideal..
anyway..jomu is gonna go mental when he realises i've been writing lengthy stuff again redface i better go and do something usefull :lol:
i agree there TLF is a huge exhibitionist and just love the attention but dosn't want to shag everyone in the car park, Its almost as if the minute you enter these carparks you have to have sex with every person in there and the really genuine and respect full guys are being push away, we are almost back into cave man era with the club etc.
I think the best one ihave ever had was when we took the dogs for a walk its amazing how quick they run when faced with to GSD exiting from the boot of you car lol
i've just ogled your profile pics felix....mrs TLF has a great pair of tits :shock: i think that the swamping you attract from the lads is wholly justified lol..i ain't even gonna think about the horse thing fella :lol: :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
i've just ogled your profile pics felix....mrs felix has a great pair of tits :shock: i think that the swamping you attract from the lads is wholly justified lol

Quote by felixx1416
i agree there TLF is a huge exhibitionist and just love the attention but dosn't want to shag everyone in the car park

Harry to the rescue I don't do shagging biggrin
Brilliant very thoughtful posts Uncle, well done.
Sadly the picture was as I expected a venue where most of my greatest and happiest tales took place and I shall miss it greatly.
Harry Jones
Quote by shad
Seems to us that this is an awfull waste of manpower / money / etc / just to make our lives difficult.
Perhaps they think doggers are going to overthrow the establishment. lol

That depends on your viewpoint.
From the viewpoint of local councils these places are a blot on the landscape, as they are to locals (those who don't use them that is, and to a few who do !).
As mentioned in the lengthy tome/s of Mr D, the behaviour at many sites is little short of insanity, and that includes the driving.
I promise not to mention the lorry driver who followed a couple into the woods, thinking he was onto a winner he was stroking his assets inside his shorts, his assets lost value very quickly when the pair indentified themselves as PC and WPC. And he wasn't the only one to have his brain in neutral. Daytime dogging is fraught with such problems, not least that of losing teeth etc.
What "they", and some of us are afraid of, is that some unsuspecting person may be given no choice in the matter. Things ARE getting that bad.
Some may doubt that Mr D's descriptions of behaviour at his "local" are the figments of a wandering mind....I (personally) think he has downplayed some of it !
I've BEEN to the location (pulled up and waited....shadows out of the shadow spoke:
"gotta woman in there?"
"then fuck off, we don't need your type here"
On the other hand, another time I pulled-in (at about ) and wandered over to a car where about a half-dozen were trying to peer into......nice couple, nice fanny, then she put her foot in my face......(ok, foot fetisch comes into play) I buggered-off to another site.....
Quote by dirtydoggers
anyway..jomu is gonna go mental when he realises i've been writing lengthy stuff again redface i better go and do something usefull :lol:

No Mr D, carry-on these times of sparsity your missives provide the only hint of fun on the landscape.........I'm busy drawing-up a list of essentials for a visit to the future.....planning being a good thing....torch...night vision....
infrared laser...(better keep that at telling what may happen if it gets's an ex-soviet target painting laser...and Narrfolkkk is home to those weird yanks...god knows what their planes will do) .....gas cooker....pan to boil water/soup/beans .....tea bags....sugar....milk....sleeping water bottle (old bones) ...aspirin (old bones) .......rubbers (you never know) .... get to see Mrs D) .... spare fuel (sometimes you can drive all night in Narrrfooollllkkkk and not see a filling station.......although the same tree with flowers around the bottom featured about a dozen times in my last visit......must be the roads....
Anyway, this is getting in the way of night, gotta go....
Quote by dirtydoggers

forgive the rather unimaginative title redface lol but unfortunately, that sign heralds the end of an era, for it was the most productive venue in the county of norfolk, probably east anglia..certainly not surprising was getting a little silly rolleyes

Mmm, Back to work this week and just visited the site with the big shiny new sign. How dissapointing. Looks like the last visit I had (which was fantastic) before Xmas, was to be the last.....
What a great shame. Still like you say the forest is a big, big place.....!
Quote by dirtydoggers

That's really horrid! I could be wrong but assuming that people participating in woodland dogfoolery/gangbangery are more likely to be Generation X+ I'm quite amazed. I (we) grew up with not leaving litter being a BIG deal, dropping litter gives me the kind of guilt that is usually reserved for one of the lower levels of Dante's Inferno :shock:
Quote by Serendipity

That's really horrid! I could be wrong but assuming that people participating in woodland dogfoolery/gangbangery are more likely to be Generation X+ I'm quite amazed. I (we) grew up with not leaving litter being a BIG deal, dropping litter gives me the kind of guilt that is usually reserved for one of the lower levels of Dante's Inferno :shock:
yeah, you've got a point with the generation thing dippy, and its true in our experience that the biggest litter louts in any given carpark would generally be the frustrated juveniles collectively known as the "boy racers" who seem to consider scenic woodland carparks as convenient dustbins in which to deposit their skeleton filled bargain buckets and thick shake cartons.(which foxes adore by the way..not the chicken as much as the milkshake i'd imagine lol wink )
the sexual debris comes about for a few reasons i guess..usually gangbang couples cater for their soiled items by bringing out carrier bags..we actually count the fellas off with one such couple and a low groan is followed by the sound of a tesco's bag being opened :lol: unfortunately, we know of at least two couples that don't..and given they are out several times a week, and usually each of those couples favouring their own regular spot, it doesn't take long for a carpark to take on the ambience illustrated in the photograph above.. :cry: actually we know of several similar banger's lairs, all equally as unsightly..the one in the above photograph hasn't any condoms, cartons or foil wrappers in it..unfortunately, many do :cry:
personally, i think much of the litter issue stems from the married fellas, straight or bi..many married doggers don't carry condoms, relying instead on begging, borrowing or purchasing should the situation arise..obviously with the bareback girls its not an issue, but we've seen many an awkward moment where fellas are rushing around a carpark desperate to source some rubber..some of the more experienced couples cash in on this aspect :wink:
given that those guys are reluctant to carry unused condoms, lest they are discovered, its not hard to understand their concearns in having such items upon their person, or in their vehicle when full to overflowing with incriminating evidence :lol: yes, you could ask, "why not bag it up, then get rid of it before reaching home?"..i guess for those fellas, the risk of memory lapse or something falling out of the bag is a risk not worth taking..not only that, the forest sites tend not to have many litter tend to set them alight for starters :shock: a blazing dustbin in a gale force two, tinder dry, 250,000 acre lowland pine forest ain't the most desireable combo..not only that, but in the vastness of the aformentioned wooded landscape, there are many, many carparks..providing facilities in all of them wouldn't be, unfortunately, the debris gets discarded into the darkness..only come daybreak, its revealed in all its glory to a very disgusted joe public...well, i find it disgusting too, as do many of us....again, its the visible face of the inconsiderate few :cry:
I ventuered out to one of the well known peterborough location the other day and was horrified to discover that the council have started what could only be discribed as an improvement programme. The improvent they have made means its is easier to see the site from the main road as they have been cutting down trees so it is no longer secluded
I would just like to take this opportunity to say to all contributors to this post it has been most pleasurable to read comments by contientous and good hearted people. Very welcome are the comments noted about the respectable single guy dogging (of which i class myself). Nothing pisses me off more as i sit patiently in my chosen spot, seeing the hunting fraternity tooing and froing in search of "action". Here in Scotland to where i have relocated dogging is a minority pastime so all car park couples should be treated like china, not pounced upon before the ignition is switched off.
As for the littering, no excuse at all,appaling and disrespectful are two words that spring to mind.
I have thought recently the only way to preserve my favourite pastime and ensure it doesnt go the way of the dodo would be to purchase a piece of land and open my own "dogging hot spot", maintained and managed to be boy racer,windscreen peering idiot and of course litter, free.
Great comments guysxx
we`re beginning to think that this is yet another boat we`ve missed...!!!
just as we`re getting around to freeing up time and "checking out" places, we see posts by the veterans highlighting the death knell of our new found interest!!!
unfortunately, and on the advice of the mysterious yet omnipresent Jomu (we`ve never met, so we can only thank him from messages!), we did go for a recon at a suggested spot but found it to be a one-way car-park with every chance of getting blocked in--now i`m reasonably big with a psycho attitude should there be an issue, but i`d rather not risk our new car in any "incidents"..... biggrin
we`re going to keep looking for those secret places that only the deserving and virtuous know about--if that's not a paradox! :D
and we` were going to go out next friday day time too.... rolleyes
Firstly can I say, what a brilliant thread :thumbup:
as a non dogger myself it has opened my eyes to a whole aspect of the swinging lifestyle that until now i knew very little about, and having read all the posts all i can say is that I lead a very sheltered life out here in the sticks :lol2:
however, the thread does pose some very serious issues, and if it convinces even just one of the 'hunting' brigade that perhaps they should moderate their behaviour then its a job well done.
Quote by rimscar1
we`re beginning to think that this is yet another boat we`ve missed...!!!
just as we`re getting around to freeing up time and "checking out" places, we see posts by the veterans highlighting the death knell of our new found interest!!!
unfortunately, and on the advice of the mysterious yet omnipresent Jomu (we`ve never met, so we can only thank him from messages!), we did go for a recon at a suggested spot but found it to be a one-way car-park with every chance of getting blocked in--now i`m reasonably big with a psycho attitude should there be an issue, but i`d rather not risk our new car in any "incidents"..... biggrin
we`re going to keep looking for those secret places that only the deserving and virtuous know about--if that's not a paradox! :D
and we` were going to go out next friday day time too.... rolleyes

Well, your home-town has a lot of those carparks.
I've never heard of anyone having trouble at that place...yet...unless you count being unable to "lose" the attentions of a certain scottish guy....who the DirtyDoggers know as well.... (!)
Keep on trying, I guarantee that "you'll never be alone". For long !
Quote by rimscar1
on the advice of the mysterious yet omnipresent Jomu (we`ve never

Very true - I still cant belive I once missed him at a venue by only an hour or so - serves me right for being nearly two hours late that night sad
Harry Jones
Quote by rimscar1
on the advice of the mysterious yet omnipresent Jomu :

I'm only mysterious because I am so old and ugly that many people suffer serious stomach control problems upon sighting my visage. So, I stay in the shadows. It's safer in the shadows, people can't see where to throw the stones. As for "omnipresent" (I'm not God, which is its usual meaning) , I cannot be that either....I cannot afford the fuel...not now !
What more can I say....I've given up junk food, which means I can't eat anymore....since the un-junk food is a bit too pricey (and even when it isn't, it costs a fortune to cook it ! ) so I'll be spreading myself a bit thinly in future.
Not to worry....I'll put the winter heating allowance to good use....
heh heh, perhaps omnipresent was the wrong word, but thou dost come across as a dogging god, small g, in the nicest possible way--ie somebody who has been around since it's creation! biggrin
perhaps ubiquitous or seasoned traveller would have been more appropriate! lol
must say though that the laser targetting and night vision goggles could be a bit scary...lets just hope your wallet, given your examples, can`t stretch to one of those bomb disposal robots with a camera that can peer over car doors..........
now that really would be professional observating (oh, i`m a chav i just made up a word!)
:D :D
I hasten to point out that I only use the night vision gear to check-out who is in the car....their use to spy on people having sex (and getting sexual gratification from same) would be illegal. I spend more time watching animals anyway....more of them about !
The laser died on friday night....shame...still, replaced the laser diode with an IR all is not lost....
As for cameras.....I know a guy who used to have a van with one that appeared through a hole in the roof.....he used to park a few places away from an "active" car and watch on a monitor. Beds police have a van similarly outfitted....they call it a "community cctv van"........everyone else just calls it the peepmobile....spotted at the local CP last summer. Must be a lot of crime there......
Quote by jomu
I hasten to point out that I only use the night vision gear to check-out who is in the car....their use to spy on people having sex (and getting sexual gratification from same) would be illegal. I spend more time watching animals anyway....more of them about !
The laser died on friday night....shame...still, replaced the laser diode with an IR all is not lost....
As for cameras.....I know a guy who used to have a van with one that appeared through a hole in the roof.....he used to park a few places away from an "active" car and watch on a monitor. Beds police have a van similarly outfitted....they call it a "community cctv van"........everyone else just calls it the peepmobile....spotted at the local CP last summer. Must be a lot of crime there......

I really ought to get night vision specs, at the moment I tend to run several yards across the car park as it pulls out, get blinded by the headlights, jump to one side then run a few yards behind the car to try and see how many are in the car. I then normally go ohh its looks a like a couple at which point everyone goes it was a single bloke Harry and I go oh crap my eyesight is sooooo bad.
Harry Jones
It really p*sses me of when people leave condom's/tissue's everywhere.
No wonder councils are closing car parks. There is a dogging site about a mile from where I live and it used to be brilliant, but now it's a nightmare, idiot's everywhere.
I mainly stick to meets at my flat now.