The webcam is situated on the side of the building on the left of your pic Mr DD.
"my" restaurant/cafe (where I have my breakfast when in your county) is the yellow-coloured building next-but-one to the pink one (sorry, tuscan terracotta), where one can have a very good breakfast on the first floor with a good view of the harbour.
Then one can bugger-off to Holkham bay afterwards.
Not as good as your photos.....oh well, I'll be there again soon(ish)
I think you may well have artistic competition Mr D (not me):
Wells Harbour.
The pics are off the harbour w/cam site: (scroll down) (with a bit of cropping on the good one)
In Mr DD's case, he brews his own !
Copyright wells-harbour company etc etc...
There are some really good pics of w-n-t-s in Mr/Mrs DD.
Like the beach huts (Wells-shanty-town)
Or Holkham bay Or we can go mono (tanous)
Summers coming !! ??
We seem to have lost the single woman somewhere along the line !
I've only ever lived in VILLAGES (cities are useful for carparks...only)
Give me somewhere where people can wander free, and get all steamed-up, and finally have sex: and I'm at home !
Had a wander around B mills a week ago.....if I'd known it had a little chef I'd have been there years before...B'stard ! (didn't see nowt though)
My major problem is how to get the funds together to move to Holkham :idea:
Bit of a tide tonight Mr D.....wind from north
Subtle ?
Me ?
Are you thinking of the same me that I am ?
My ex maintains that I am/was as subtle as a mad bull in a delicate-china shop ! (on a good day)
Oh well....intended to depart to the coast today but other events took precedence....need some pics of the sun rising over Holkham bay and this is about the time of year that the sun rises over the pines on the headland behind the beach huts....and then wander over to the dunes (maybe).
But, it'll have to wait 'til next time...
Dogger lane....almost opposite where those new flats have gone up (£173,000) !
Look, low tide !