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Single women are spoiling it big time!

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The webcam is situated on the side of the building on the left of your pic Mr DD.
"my" restaurant/cafe (where I have my breakfast when in your county) is the yellow-coloured building next-but-one to the pink one (sorry, tuscan terracotta), where one can have a very good breakfast on the first floor with a good view of the harbour.
Then one can bugger-off to Holkham bay afterwards.

Not as good as your photos.....oh well, I'll be there again soon(ish)
Its getting us all fired up fer the trip seeing the bright lights of Welles !
As fer all you big revved up bikers , you are just showing off now ! lol
Okay... which one of you was this then? lol
Quote by Dirtygirly
Okay... which one of you was this then? lol

Not guilty - I don't have a wife!
Anyway - single females and Dogging.. personally I love em and don't think they are spoiling it at all. I've met two now and we trawl the carparks of the UK looking for willing and able bi men for bi-biker/biker-babe bum fun :rascal:
I think you may well have artistic competition Mr D (not me):
Wells Harbour.
JTS & DD - are you guys 'Photoshopping' some of these or are these just how they come - either way, they're incredibly good piccies.
The pics are off the harbour w/cam site: (scroll down) (with a bit of cropping on the good one)
In Mr DD's case, he brews his own !
Copyright wells-harbour company etc etc...
Quote by BIoke
JTS & DD - are you guys 'Photoshopping' some of these or are these just how they come

There are some really good pics of w-n-t-s in Mr/Mrs DD.
Like the beach huts (Wells-shanty-town)
Or Holkham bay Or we can go mono (tanous)
Summers coming !! ??
We seem to have lost the single woman somewhere along the line !
Who cares? They are spoiling Dogging anway :rascal:
Nice pics, great in fact..
Oh and Dippy, DG and others... you're lovely really, but maybe rather than spoiling Dogging you should be at home baking, cooking and cleaning and doing all things lay-dee like?! kiss x
Quote by BIoke
Oh and Dippy, DG and others... you're lovely really, but maybe rather than spoiling Dogging you should be at home baking, cooking and cleaning and doing all things lay-dee like?!

You don't know them very well do you????
Quote by essex34m

Oh and Dippy, DG and others... you're lovely really, but maybe rather than spoiling Dogging you should be at home baking, cooking and cleaning and doing all things lay-dee like?!

You don't know them very well do you????
I don't care - they are lay-dees and should be doing lay-dee things... in pretty blouses while they sing and sew and look gay, awaiting their husband's return from work lol cool
There are some lovely images on that website J and I really like the panoramics. Usually City folk get kinda nervous under our vast skies, but you seem to cope with it well lol. I used to walk my Spaniels along this beach regularly but now that they have gone the pebbles only yeild to the weight of Mrs Dirty's Jackboots and my own rather less substantial footsteps. She isn't as affectionate as my Springers were, but at least she doesn't keep trying to fuck everyones legs redface. Weird place to have a house eh?. Anyway, as per usual I've forgotton my place and gotton rather too carried away with flying the flag for Nelson's county surprisedops: A little more dogging and a little less talking Uncle Dirty :oops: :lol:
I've only ever lived in VILLAGES (cities are useful for carparks...only)
Give me somewhere where people can wander free, and get all steamed-up, and finally have sex: and I'm at home !
Had a wander around B mills a week ago.....if I'd known it had a little chef I'd have been there years before...B'stard ! (didn't see nowt though)
My major problem is how to get the funds together to move to Holkham :idea:
Bit of a tide tonight Mr D.....wind from north
Quote by BIoke
Oh and Dippy, DG and others... you're lovely really, but maybe rather than spoiling Dogging you should be at home baking, cooking and cleaning and doing all things lay-dee like?! kiss x

Oi, I always wear heels when I'm in car parks, I'm very ladylike lol
<eyes oven with contempt>
<wonders if the item being eyed might be a dishwasher>
Quote by JTS
Bit of a tide tonight Mr D.....wind from north

What a difference a day makes! :shock: Last night the wind was thundering in from the North with nothing to impede its passage but a dishevelled pair of discarded y-fronts hanging from a peculiarly gnarled oak groin slightly West of Salhouse.
This morning, having checked the cam the winds have abated and Norfolk is bathed in sunshine confused . I might even venture out to get a moody shot of the beach huts at Wells when the sun dips down on the Western horizon.
My assumption that you was a city type was borne from that stereotypical “thinking trap” us rural folk frequent fall into that assumes everything that lies outside our County borders is by definition, metropolis redface . City folk habitually greet each other at closer quarters than their rural counterparts. It’s the personal space thing that usually makes dogging in a darkened car park an exercise more fraught and anxiety ridden for us Country folk who are more accustomed to being greeted by a curt wave than an up close and personal handshake accompanied by all that touchy feely molestation so beloved of city dwelling folk. Your approach on us was decidely non urban and subtle in manner, so your revelation has allayed some of my confusion, and not least my concearns that Mrs Dirty had drenched herself in rather too much eu-de-kazi for your discerning nose lol
Right, I’m off to the seaside.
Subtle ?
Me ?
Are you thinking of the same me that I am ?
My ex maintains that I am/was as subtle as a mad bull in a delicate-china shop ! (on a good day)
Oh well....intended to depart to the coast today but other events took precedence....need some pics of the sun rising over Holkham bay and this is about the time of year that the sun rises over the pines on the headland behind the beach huts....and then wander over to the dunes (maybe).
But, it'll have to wait 'til next time...
Dogger lane....almost opposite where those new flats have gone up (£173,000) !
Look, low tide !

I spent all day at the beach today :P Ice cream, chips, the whole kabudle cool The conditions weren't great for "mood", but I couldn't come home empty handed redface We saw the first swallow of the year too! Its going to be a fantastic dogging season, I just feel it in me bones wink
Odd weather for the weekend, DD! We drove over on Saturday in awful conditions, but had glorious weather today - even got out on me bike when we got back! lol
Don't think I'll be over that way much before Summer, but you never know!!
We had been wondering how your trip was going. It was lovely to see the blue skies and sunshine yesterday and so far, it looks as though we might be heading for some of the same today :P . Did you get time to visit any of the “points of interest” on the list I sent you?
Talking of “getting time” for dogging, I can see why show couples are getting a little thin on the ground, if Mrs Dirty’s wardrobe routine is owt to go by! confused Take Saturday night. Full of good intentions she disappears upstairs and into the bathroom. The weekly shop has been done, and we are both off the next day . Yeah, so it was an impulsive thing, just suggested whimsically between bites of our granary breaded ploughman’s sandwiches on the homeward stretch from Morrisons.
“Down in a minute” she purred as she closed the door behind her. That was at 9pm. On hearing the floorboards creaking in the bedroom above, I imagined she was making some last minute adjustments, before presenting herself in her attire for the night. Nope, the door flew open, and wrapped in a towel, hair dripping and in a state of obvious agitation, the scowled “I can’t find mine earrings, I hef ze bad feeling about zem” :? . It is now five minutes past ten. Asking how a shower can take so long would be an exercise in futility, experience has taught me that much rolleyes .
Drawers slam, and suitcases are hastily thrown upon the bed, their contents strewn around the floors with carefree abandon. Eventually, her earrings are located, in her handbag :roll: . She swears she never put them in there, so I suggest it might have been me, like I’d ever have been near her earrings, or handbag. The sarcasm escapes her, and I smile wryly at her chastisement wink .
At approximately eleven pm, she presents herself for inspection. This can be a tricky phase, where my facial expressions are monitored closely to see if they conflict with my verbal sentiments. She stands before me in white fishnet stockings with blue tops. She is wearing a white thong that seems to shimmer in the light and she turns around hinting that I should lace her white corset for her. “Does this look alright?” she asks, and I have to concede, it does look rather fetching against her dusky tan. “What about ze boots?”. Sensing trouble pending, I’m quick to ensure her that the black boots will go with the look, but she is already protesting. The door slams :roll: .
Fifteen minutes later she reappears, this time all in black. Her top is not one I’ve seen before. Her small pert boobs are clearly visible through the thin material and I ask where she got it? As usual, the answer is vague. “I’ve had eet ages”. I decide not to pursue the innocuous line of questioning. “Vat eez our purpose?” she asks. “Purpose, as in what?” I reply, genuinely confused by the terminology :? . “Are we doing ze photographen?” . “What do you fancy doing? I mean, its getting on for half past eleven, and it’ll be gone midnight by the time we get there. Maybe we’ll just ping off some snaps then get back early-ish, do ya think?” She ponders, then softens her tone somewhat. “And ze photographen, zis vill involve standing wiff ze doggeren, nein?” . The line of questioning is uncharacteristic and I’m having difficulty in fathoming her motive. Her eyes are sparkling and she has a look of devilish fun etched upon her features. “Well what do you think? If its too cold to get out of the car then we’ll not bother. After all, the guys might not want to pose for pictures anyway”. She reaches for a bag and pulls out a leather bull whip. I’m stunned :shock: . “Where the fuck did you get that?” I exclaim. She doesn’t answer, but suggests I bend over so she may try it out on me first. I pull it from her, and she is laughing hysterically, intent on wresting it back from my weakening grasp. Grabbing at her black lacy knickers, I manage to pull them down far enough to reveal her soft warm bottom. I bend her over the arm of our large leather sofa, and still laughing, she offers little restraint :? .
“Hell, its too late to go out now anyway” methinks. And then people ask us in chat rooms “Hey, you guys out tonight, and if so, what time?” lol If only life was so easy! :twisted: