how many visits do you reckon on average you make before "success" whilst out dogging
All the odds are too high it is a lot less than any of those.
1/5 means every time you go to every five times , bloody hell alan do people come to you these days?
No how things are at the moment I would say I see something once every 25 visits especially where I go couples are very thin on the ground
then you would vote 21/40
what school did u go if it is 1 every 25 surely that is 4/100
please alan dont consider the above numbers as fractions, perhaps i should have wrote them as 1-5 instead
we understand only too well ,
i tried to come up with a poll for couples but apart from , how many guys on average tap on your window before the engine has been switched off i couldnt think of anything else
Still confused if you saw something every 2nd time you went out wouldnt that be 1/2 and if you saw something every five visits wouldnt that be 1/5
thanks so much i was getting close to asking a mod to lock the thread ......
Voted on this despite the initial confusion ;) I guess really the core queston is what constitutes "success". We tend to go out about once a week and always find action, but it tends to be us entertaining the guys there. I guess an ideal scenario would be for us to enter a car park with several other cpls (and no single guys) all up for fun, but since that is never going to happen, we just decided to change our definition of "success" ;)
what do you call success?
the poll was aimed at doggers as opposed to couples but what the hell
Hey....where's the "never" option? Plenty of people out there haven't even had a whiff! I should know, I speak from experience.....
Glad to hear I made somebodies day and cheered them up.