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Victim of its own success?

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chris,all that you have said is policy varies across the country,and no doubt,large gatherings do attract "MBB BRIGADE" are not doggers,they are sexual inadequates,not quite stalkers or rapists,but potentially red light districts were cleaned up,they would have been drive-by kerb crawlers,working girls despised them as much as we game is power,not sex,they have no regard for women,they generally hold them resposible for for their own sexual only solution,now that dogging sites are so well publisised,is for couples and trustworthy doggers to relocate,ok,i'm a realist,it wont work longterm,but as long as the venue isnt available to everyone at the click of a mouse,at least the place will remain within dogging is taking a resposible approach to this situation,but,unfortunatly others haven't followed next thing will be burger vans selling "hot-doggers",hey,bloody hell,thats an idea!!
I suppose one needs a free thinking landowner to put aside a small area of woodland and parking spaces, charge £5 a head with security on the gate. Well Lord Bath. How about it?
Hey, if I owned any land.... sod the fiver, you know I'd let you all in for nowt cool 8-) 8-) 8-)
It's true, relocation is the only move really. It happened to gay cruisers when local councils decided to shut down lots of public loos. In Preston they've shut all of the old cottages, apart from the ones in the parks. It hasn't stopped cruisers at all, they've just moved on! I'm not going to tell the council where they are now 8-) 8-) . It's the same with dogging - when one site gets ruined other ones become active.......
United we stand, divided we fall, and all that 8-)
.the next thing will be burger vans selling "hot-doggers",hey,bloody hell,thats an idea!!
That is a very good idea mate,as long as we have a naked chef doing the cooking i,me up for i put your good lady,s name forward for that position ? there would be no problem with filling for the rolls as any male who did,nt measure up to the job had to donate no cancel the last comment i would probably be the first victim (ask Julie).
The idea of burger vans at locations has already started! At one location I use there is a burger van there in the day. Admittedly, it is meant to be for truckers, but he gets a lot of business from doggers and cruisers too. Nice work if you can get it lol
carol,in charge of a burger van?scrap that idea doggingtwo,can you imagine how she would warm the hotdogs up,eeerrrggh!anyway,judging by some of the blokes on the scene,i think a red cross soup kitchen would be more appropiate!!
The problem is not the same as the gays had.
All the cruising sites are available on the net for those who want to find them, the gay guys are much better behaved than the dogging guys though. With the modern "dogger" it's "get to the front first" and fuck the rest.
As one guy (mod-dogg) said last week "I wouldn't let a woman of mine do that, she must be a right slut".........I think he was the third in line....for the no-rubber shag.
The problems started when the word got out that a free shag was available at almost any car park, the rest is history.
And it isn't going to get better, only worse.
Keep the places secret ?
As if.
There's no group of people like doggers for not keeping secrets.
And if there's a place for people to shag, there's going to be a resident dogger there already.
Trust me, I know. I've been in this game for over 30 years and I've NEVER known a car park, country park, supermarket car park etc, that hasn't got at least one guy "doing" it.
And as if it couldn't get worse, it did.
For the first time in decades I got "done over" in a car park last night by the law. Car search and body search. PNC check, the works.
Thanks to the eternal drive-by-and-never-stop doggers, even the normal back seat gymnasts don't use car parks now.
i agree with many of your points jomu,and as i've only been in this game for 12 months,compared to your 30 years,then it goes without saying that your experiences far exceeds ,the fact that the modern dogger has taken the "me first,f@@k the rest attitude" surely is a reaction to the huge numbers of guys now swarming carparks,ie,the non-pushy dogger doesn't stand a chance,its just dogging darwinian theory!as for keeping quiet about unpublished venues,well aint that what you guys did before the media and internet broadcast it to the world?we hear so much about "the good old days,when there were more couples than guys"well surely the whole thing was controlled by keepin yer gob shut,so why not now? let me give you a quote,sent by text,from a good mate of mine,who recently visited a carpark that i tipped him off about."f@@king hell mick,10 couples in,we didn't know who to watch first".ok,i could have made it up,to illustrate a point,i didn' venue has not received the attention of the internet,or press,yet!the doggers,or couples pass the word among themselves,experience has shown them the consequences of sharing the news with every tom,dick and harry!these couples haven't moved to the club-scene,or given up,they just moved on!
It's easy to blame the internet. The trouble is, the internet doesn't exist. What exists is people. This is the easy way, the other way is to just "do" one place or the other. This mode of operation allows the picking of one place over another and then the horde descends. I don't do arranged meets, for one thing it doesn't feel right and for another it means I'm in a particular place at a particular time....a recipe for a good pasting.
So, I'll do it my way. It works for me. I have a few people I know who let me know of anything going, and vice-versa. What with travellers, police, drive-bys, thieves, muggers, rapists and the rest, it's a wonder any places are still open. And I notice that the law are now getting net-wise....several times they've turned-up at places at "inconvenient" times.
Face it, places like this are now only of use as general "gossip shops", arranging anything is best done by never know if "peter at hemel" is who he says, or is PC Peter Policeman.
Anyway, I'm getting bored with all this. Some things are never going to change. Politicians are always going to talk shit, fire is always hot, and drive-bys are wasters.
And I got the twenty questions again tonight, so I'm at home now and going to bed shortly. The first time I've been in before 2 o'clock for years. Bad times. I'm moving to MK....
The way ahead is for people to not post locations in the public domain when new sites are found. Word of mouth to publisize sites only when you know who you are talking too. long live the dogging fraternity.
It is ..what you make it .
Big G scratches .etc
you are right scot,in that venues with one or more "satellite" carparks,do seem to attract the our local venue,we have three active carparks,you can set your watch by how long it takes for a vehicle to leave,then,assuming nothing found, sometimes drive this circuit for ,if they dont return within the given timeframe,the other doggers all take-off to the other carparks,assuming some potential action has been found!
I do agree with the "satellite car park" theme.
I have a new trick for a laugh...pick up the mobile phone (display lights up) chat to nobody (as others do to give them a "reason" to stop) and then drive out fast...and see how many do the same.
This goes in hand with the other one....park your car and walk away from it...wait a while..then walk back...slowly past...and then creep up and peer into the window...when someone drives in you hastily (with guilt) move away and then go never fails...the car stops FAST..the driver gets out (one so fast he fell over) and joins you in looking into the empty car.
Anyway, the local sites are now empty of couples and the law seem on a roll with checking parked cars now...doubtless the letter advising me that I was parked and checked and asking why I was there will soon follow. Just blackmail really..
yeah,you certainly seem to have had some bad luck regarding the boys in blue poice thing always confuses me,just when i get on my soapbox,slagging off petty policing methods,some copper comes along,shouts out "everything ok lads"?,then ,what pisses everyone off is the fact that they can dedicate so much time,and manpower,to something that doesn't impede on anyones safety,welfare,property or comes down to that power thing again doesn't it? and the need to see its doggers are married,their wives unsuspecting of their husbands nocturnal means,when challenged by old bill,the average dogger is going to shite himself,this is what gives the constable his "fix".conversley,when faced with a whisky fuelled irish traveller,the same enthusiasm for the job is why couples are usually left in peace,as the officer has nothing to gain with threats to write to the home address.
One couple also got turned over. They were with one guy when the law came in. The guy got well sorted and the couple were outed from the car and got done too.
The guys have a job to do.
....................the guy that told you about that .....was he the same one who had the three lesbians doing the dildo show in the back of a camper van , one of them in a nurses outfit . You know the one where they took turns to suck his cock before some bloke came in and spoiled it with his high beams on ??
Just wondered if it was the same fella got arrested ( he did get arrested right ? )
If I may be of a little assistance here:
Although I agree with the comments that sometimes the police can be a little over zealout, you will tend to find this is the young/probationary PC with something to prove.
In the majority of cases where the police enter a site, it is called a 'Welfare visit'. What they are actually doing is checking that there is no trouble there, that no one is in danger or being mugged etc. They really are not interested in the doggers, in most cases, but after the thieves, muggers and troublemakers. OK, fair dos, if you start having sex on the bonnet of a panda car, then they are obliged to arrest you, but in general they will leave you alone.
If you are stopped, then simply be police, address the policeman as officer and ask if you have committed an offence. If they say no, then they cannot continue. If they do continue questioning you, ask them again and ask if they are arresting you. If not, continue being polite but request that you be permitted to go about your business in peace. Unless they have reasonable grounds, they cannot search you and must arrest you and inform you.
It was so funny on Friday night at a particular location. The police entered, had a look around and left. But while they were in there, the car park suddenly became devoid of 50-75% of its occupants. They simply could not get out quickly enough. To my mind, leaving in a hurry is the sort of thing that will attract the attention of the police.
Strange thing is, I met the police in plain clothes one night, and was talking to them. I was dressed in school uniform. I visit such sites as they are safe places where I can wear my girlie clothes without any hassle or prejudice. Nobody else knew they were there and everyone carried on quite happily. These officers, and others I have been in touch with, have emphasized to me that they really are not after doggers, cruisers, gays, TVs or whatever, unless they are acting suspiciously.
The police are (or appear to be), keen to gain the confidence of the gay, dogging and transgendered community. They are not allowed to discriminate on sexuality or gender and are positively sympathetic to people such as myself. They do need your help and support in cracking down on the scum and low life.
I am also informed that there is a change in the law in the pipeline, with respect to dogging and sex in public places, and, apparently, it is in the dogger's favour.
Hope this helps a little.
Best wishes
Quote by dirtydoggers
yeah,you certainly seem to have had some bad luck regarding the boys in blue poice thing always confuses me,just when i get on my soapbox,slagging off petty policing methods,some copper comes along,shouts out "everything ok lads"?,then ,what pisses everyone off is the fact that they can dedicate so much time,and manpower,to something that doesn't impede on anyones safety,welfare,property or comes down to that power thing again doesn't it? and the need to see its doggers are married,their wives unsuspecting of their husbands nocturnal means,when challenged by old bill,the average dogger is going to shite himself,this is what gives the constable his "fix".conversley,when faced with a whisky fuelled irish traveller,the same enthusiasm for the job is why couples are usually left in peace,as the officer has nothing to gain with threats to write to the home address.
ok anita,you put up a good argument,and you have probably witnessed situations that have reflected policing of dogging venues in a positive i have no problem with nightly visits,if it acts as a deterrent to oppertunist ,there is always going to be a percentage of coppers,like people in any walk of life,who given a uniform,and power,are going to abuse their carpark was once blocked by police,preventing the mass exodus of doggers you one guy dared suggest that they should go and tackle some real crime,the reply was"well if it wasn't for you lot,we could",presumably the implication being,dogging warranted more police time and expense than theft or our carpark was used as a staging post for a load of was abuse,litter and attempted theft,probably a first for the the police leap into action,naa,they couldn't get out quick about it in the local press,apparantly they operate a policy of non intervention with ok,i'm cynical bastard!
I do agree that there are over zealous police officers out there, but really, if you are parked in a car park, perfectly legally, then you are breaking no law. If you commit a sexual act in public, then you are breaking the law.
As far as I know, and could anyone confirm, there is no law against watching others.
Dogging only becomes high profile when celebrities are involved, or there is known trouble at a particular spot. I cannot comment on their action to the rave. The guy who suggested they tackle real crime would have been percieved to have been aggressive, and as such they would respond in kind. Maintaining a calm composure and being polite (it costs nothing), sticking to your guns by asking if you have committed an offence will not adversely attract their attention.
I walk through a mainline London station , travel on the underground to another one, and walk up a public street in full school uniform. I never have any trouble. I get the occasional derogatory remark from drive by fools, but on the whole, people have a laugh either at or with me. At another station, I practically walked into a policeman. When I said sorry, he just winked at me. I break no law, and I have the right to wear the clothes I wish, in peace.
However, what I HAVE found attracts the attention of the police is the (by some) continuing skulking in bushes and the darting from one dark place to another. They are perceived to be acting suspiciously (and some genuinely are). By being confident, bold then you do not incur the hassle from the police.
As I have said, I do not doubt your experiences, But I personally have never had a problem with them and I have found them generally to be polite, friendly and sympathetic. Now, come the time when I do have a problem with them, I would probably change my outlook, but I am in regular contact with them and they are (or appear to be), very keen to attract your confidence. Lets put it another way, who would they sooner arrest, someone parked in a car park doing nothing, or someone mugging someone or dealing drugs??
My best wishes to you and thank you for the excellent reply..
Quote by dirtydoggers
ok anita,you put up a good argument,and you have probably witnessed situations that have reflected policing of dogging venues in a positive i have no problem with nightly visits,if it acts as a deterrent to oppertunist ,there is always going to be a percentage of coppers,like people in any walk of life,who given a uniform,and power,are going to abuse their carpark was once blocked by police,preventing the mass exodus of doggers you one guy dared suggest that they should go and tackle some real crime,the reply was"well if it wasn't for you lot,we could",presumably the implication being,dogging warranted more police time and expense than theft or our carpark was used as a staging post for a load of was abuse,litter and attempted theft,probably a first for the the police leap into action,naa,they couldn't get out quick about it in the local press,apparantly they operate a policy of non intervention with ok,i'm cynical bastard!
Look weve done this argument before havent we ?? Lets draw it to a close by saying once again .....can all or any of the doggers or couples who have been charged with anything at all please list their terrible treatment here so we can all be warned of the dangers . Please be specific and tell us what you were charged with , what the consequences were sentence/fine wise and how bad/good your treatment at the hands of the poilce was.
Please note we dont want stories of how the police asked your name because you were inexplicably parked in a carpark at 2am or how they checked your vehicle details when you had explained to them politely(if unconvincingly) that you had driven twelve miles from the nearest motorway because you were desperate for a pee. Nor do we want "I heard from this guy that he knew this couple that had been arrested or something like it...." Just those of you who have been arrested and charged , just so we all know the real dangers of dogging and the police .
Well my heart goes out to their families . Suicide is a terrible thing .
Will take your word for it Scot as I cant believe anyone would be callous enough to make such a thing up (your memory for Figures is astounding)
So in the last seven years , so far , we have this one incident reported involving mostly( if not i suspect all) gay men cottaging as opposed to doggers and show offs - none of whom are likely to post here and tell us about it .
Also I have to say , not wishing to sound too harsh , that anyone indulging in sexual activity where discovery is likely to drive them to suicide should think hard about wether its really worth the risks for the thrills .
Anyone been arrested for dogging ?
Much like nearly every thread in the dogging board Chris , this has all been bandied about before mate . Your experiences arent new , and neither are the "media hysteria" or the inexplicable rise in police attention . There are obvious reasons why they both happen periodically in a scene for which part of the whole thrill is the illicit nature of it . If people are going to complain about the risks involved (though they are frankly not half as bad as they are made out)then yes you are 100% right .they DO belong in a club and not a carpark. There will never be organised unmolested legal dogging sites , and if there were no one would go there more than once , cos they would be dull.
Peace G
Anyone been arrested for dogging ??
Big G sighs scratches and moves swiftly on . xx

Sigh, even longleat. What will the lions think.
Anyway, back to the game.
I didn't say anyone has been arrested, yet.
However, the local park has BIG posters up about INDECENT and ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour, and the local law have already been visiting people who spend too much time driving in and out (good idea, the drive-by rate has dumped since they started)
You should sympathise with them really, until this craze got going they used to have a nice time driving around car parks. Quick glance here, stare there. Now all they see is single guys sitting and looking guilty (in my case, sleeping).
Anyway, they seem to have been having success...the layby is empty at nights now, seems that going from car to car and taking names etc has put people off. The only people shagging in the park are the boy/girl rangers (in the birdhide...shame)
Anyway, the park is closed for a while, I noticed the caravans driving in the time they get slung out it will be knee deep in shit and scrapped cars.
well if the travellers are moving in,at least that guarantees a police free envoironment for a while!the fact that doggers aint being arrested en-mass,really only proves the increased police presence is a waste of their time and our money?here is a head-scratcher for freinds of ours,lets call them dave and julie,visit their local couple turn up,and,after a breif natter,the two girls end up on the back guys and a woman watch the show for 15 all is concluded,most of the doggers depart,the remaining 3 guys and single woman engage dave and julie in too,depart,only to return 5 minutes later in police threaten arrest,but thats ,what was the point in that excersise,if any?can i add,the excursion by dave and julie was advertised on an internet site,not this one!
Scare tactics, social shame, blackmail......
That's the point.
Even with the new sex offences act, the chance of a successful prosecution is low.
The guys and gals would have to hold their hands up bigtime to get put in the dock.
For a start, watching with consent is not illegal (it's not exactly legal, but if there is no complaint then there's no case. As long as the bill don't see you.)
And even watching without consent has problems, how do you prove sexual gratification without proof ?...It'll need a test case or two.
No, the tactics are to scare people away with the chance the neighbours will find out.
My trouble is I keep bumping into my neighbour in the park...well, it is dark.
See, the problem is this:
Doggers don't go out tooled up.
Drugies and dealers do.
Muggers ain't the most sociable guys/gals and rapists are usually family.
So, that leaves parks and car parks.
Hard choice.
Quote by Scot
You right, most were gay that were arrested, but doggers were caught up in it all. Police had been watching several areas for months, photographing and recording activities.
I know the details, as i was one caught up in it all. They never stormed the place, they simply called round peoples houses, as they had there car numbers. You will find most dogging areas are also gay areas. The place i was photographed in is in the dogging locations on this site.
Now with a more positive outlook, the police got into a lot of trouble over this operation, which included a famous gay activist getting involved. Since this operation the police have promised never to carry out such an operation like this again. And in future would warn people they were going to carry out survalence in certain areas, via local press and posters in the area. Up to now they have kept to this, and seems to be working well.

So no one got arrested then ??
Quote by Silk and Big G
Look weve done this argument before havent we ?? Lets draw it to a close by saying once again .....can all or any of the doggers or couples who have been charged with anything at all please list their terrible treatment here so we can all be warned of the dangers . Please be specific and tell us what you were charged with , what the consequences were sentence/fine wise and how bad/good your treatment at the hands of the poilce was.
Please note we dont want stories of how the police asked your name because you were inexplicably parked in a carpark at 2am or how they checked your vehicle details when you had explained to them politely(if unconvincingly) that you had driven twelve miles from the nearest motorway because you were desperate for a pee. Nor do we want "I heard from this guy that he knew this couple that had been arrested or something like it...." Just those of you who have been arrested and charged , just so we all know the real dangers of dogging and the police .
I see I hope you pleaded not guilty , because I cant imagine what evidence they had of you soliciting . Im surprised you didnt mention your arrest earlier in the thread , would have been alot simpler . Hm