Quote by GnV
You have both made it very clear about your dislike of the Yanks, as have I but....really GNV....your conspiracy theories over 9/11 are a bit far fetched.
Pardon me, but where have I made it clear about my dislike of the "Yanks"?
I have never said I dislike Americans - in fact, quite the opposite! I have spent time in the States and even had an American based company.
And what conspiracy theories are you referring to? I haven't proffered any :-?
Are you getting me confused with someone else?
" Hold a kangaroo court like the US sponsored one which convicted Saddam Hussain "
" A bit like finding a passport in the burning rubble totally unscorched "
" You'd think they would use other, more realistic planted evidence perhaps ".
" Trouble with the Feds is, they've no imagination ".
Sounds like conspiracy theories to me.
Maybe I am wrong? Has not been the first time.