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A fine Mother...

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Well here we have another " so called " Mother, who I cannot believe was not jailed by an obviously out of touch judge.

This pathetic woman went on a 24 hour booze binge and left her young kids to fend for themselves. I am so glad they came to no harm, except they have to bear this as their Mother for life.
This woman should have been banged up for six months minimum, and her kids taken away to be given to people who know what being a real parent is all about.
But with the jails full to bursting she walked free, to no doubt laugh at the system she has abused. But don't worry ma lord about the abuse and neglect she put her kids through, and I bet this was not the first time either.
There should be a way of stopping people like her from having any more kids, as she obviously cannot/will not look after the kids she already has.
The state of her place I cannot believe Social services were not already alerted. I bet this will be another case of no Father, and she has never worked....stereotypical I know but....don't ya just know it.
I hope that Social services are doing their job well on this one...It beggars belief.
I bet she is not the only doing this either!
What has happened to REAL justice in the uk?
No-one died no-one was injured,the court heard the evidence and obviously believed there was mitigation...I didn't hear the evidence, I don't know the woman or her circumstances,did/do you? if not how can you possibly judge her? I do sometimes wish I could live up to your exacting standards
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
No-one died no-one was injured,the court heard the evidence and obviously believed there was mitigation...I didn't hear the evidence, I don't know the woman or her circumstances,did/do you? if not how can you possibly judge her? I do sometimes wish I could live up to your exacting standards

you do ? !
I am not saying what she did is right, but if you look at what she is saying, that she was highly stressed did anyone ask if she stuffing from postnatal depression. With 4 kids and only 28 and on her own its got to be hard for her, and I know that there is little help out there for you.
Sometimes the papers report only what you want to hear, perhaps she isnt being heard.
Not being heard? Were her kids being heard when the youngest was screaming to be changed or fed? mad
She got a prison sentence so at least she must have done something wrong.
Still am sure Mothers up and down the country leave their kids home alone all the time.
Still poor love she was sooooo stressed she went on a 24 hour bender....nice.
I hope they have been taken off her and given the love and stability they need, not a Mother who finds her strength in a glass or bottle of drink.
Quote by kentswingers777
Still poor love she was sooooo stressed she went on a 24 hour bender....nice.

For those in a state of depression it is sometimes the only way out....
Ask me how I know.....
We all suffer from stress Stevie, it's just that most would not go out and leave their four kids for 24 hours to go and get pissed.
Then when she is caught and given a prison sentence allbeit suspended, the Social workers brigade are too quick to offer any excuse to this, other than poor excuses.
No they were not killed, but can you imagine for a second how scared those kids must have been, at night crying to be fed?
How the youngest must have felt with a soiled nappy, that it had on for hours?
This was not stress....I am suprised Karen Mathews did not have stress and use that as an excuse.
Some parents just really do not deserve to have kids,they are shite parents from the start and will continue to be shite parents to the end.
There can be NO justification at all, for any reason, to leave four kids on their own for that length of time, so you can even pop out to the shops, let alone a 24 booze binge.
She should have got a prison sentence and fecking served it.
Quote by kentswingers777
We all suffer from stress Stevie,

Stres and depression are 2 very different things.....
So did she suffer from either one?
Anyway Stevie wink what's wrong matey?
Your always welcome to pm me.
Quote by kentswingers777
Well here we have another " so called " Mother, who I cannot believe was not jailed by an obviously out of touch judge.

This pathetic woman went on a 24 hour booze binge and left her young kids to fend for themselves. I am so glad they came to no harm, except they have to bear this as their Mother for life.
This woman should have been banged up for six months minimum, and her kids taken away to be given to people who know what being a real parent is all about.
But with the jails full to bursting she walked free, to no doubt laugh at the system she has abused. But don't worry ma lord about the abuse and neglect she put her kids through, and I bet this was not the first time either.
There should be a way of stopping people like her from having any more kids, as she obviously cannot/will not look after the kids she already has.
The state of her place I cannot believe Social services were not already alerted. I bet this will be another case of no Father, and she has never worked....stereotypical I know but....don't ya just know it.
I hope that Social services are doing their job well on this one...It beggars belief.
I bet she is not the only doing this either!
What has happened to REAL justice in the uk?
kenty, i now see the total source of your idea's. do you not think that instead of coming to an imediate conclusion based on sensationalism, you should perhaps cross reference the integrity of journalistic licence with other than the daily mail's facts ?
Ah so as this is all made up, I think the judge must have been listening to another case. :shock:
I must have dreamt the fact this person was sent to COURT and a judge SENTENCED her to prison.
Obviously the law really is an ass if she was CONVICTED and found GUILTY and sentenced to a PRISON term!!
Fuck have they got this wrong in that court. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mistaken identity obviously. :sleeping:
Quote by kentswingers777
Ah so as this is all made up, I think the judge must have been listening to another case. :shock:
I must have dreamt the fact this person was sent to COURT and a judge SENTENCED her to prison.
Obviously the law really is an ass if she was CONVICTED and found GUILTY and sentenced to a PRISON term!!
Fuck have they got this wrong in that court. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mistaken identity obviously. :sleeping:

She wasn't sent to prison she received a 20 week suspended sentence.
I agree the judge must have been listening to another case...the one in this case gave a 20 week suspended sentence.
The law is frequently an ass, judges are not the law they merely interpret it,this one having heard the evidence felt that the woman in question (Rebecca Stevenson)did not deserve a term in prison.I sometimes wish we could all live up to your exacting standards.....there's an old saying that begins "judge not...." you can fill in the blanks
:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:
These are my opinions for which I am entitled to have. Also these are my views and not of mrs777.(belief not founded on certainty or proof but on what seems probable)
I think the proof is she was found guilty!!!
Quote by Kaznkev
a group of men cornered on a woman who had committed a crime
they picked up stones ,ready to punish her,angry at what she had done
a respected man came past and they asked"sir what should we do,this woman is a sinner"
He bent down and thought,then said
he who is without sin cast the first stone
and this is how i try to live my life

Isn't the respected man supposed to be Jesus? Doesn't the rest of the story go like:
As a rock flew over their heads and hit the woman,
The respected man thought to himself,
I wish my mother didn't follow me around lol
Quote by Kentswingers777
So did she suffer from either one?

Quote by The Daily Mail reporter
In a letter to the court she said she had been under enormous pressure looking after the four children.
She said: 'I broke up with my partner of three years at the end of March. I was pregnant with my second son.
'He cheated on me and got another girl pregnant and married her around the time I gave birth to my son.
'At 28 weeks I was told there was a risk of Down's syndrome, all this I went through alone and found it very distressing.'

I'd say depression is highly likely though,unconfirmed by the article...
Quote by Kentswingers777
Anyway Stevie wink what's wrong matey?
Your always welcome to pm me.

There's plenty wrong with me......A pm wont help......I'm the only one that can truely help and at this precise moment.......I really cant be arsed to .....
I'm a single parent you know? lol! Only four of the buggers at home since my eldest flew the nest. Two of my children are special needs and it does get depressing. Fortunately now my second eldest is old enough and responsible enough to take care of his brothers and sister while I go out, even overnight. But even now, unless their mother agrees to look after them for a couple of days I will not go out and get totally smashed. When they were younger I never left them on their own. Anything can happen when children are left unsupervised for any period of time, and it does get more risky when they become tired.
Sorry, but there is no excuse, that woman is an unfit mother. People who love and care about their children do not put them at risk. Those who don't love and care for their children should have them taken away, they would be better off in care or with luck adopted by someone who will love and care for them.
But ya see Brighton she is a poor Mother, who needs to go out....awwwww.
It's all the papers faults, they should never ever be allowed to report on these kinds of issues.
She was not breast fed at birth, or she has had a hard life...blah blah blah.
The only reason I can see for her not going to prison is either, they are full to bursting...which we know they are or....the judge is a complete tosser...which he probably is. You decide which one it could be.
Can you imagine what those kids must have gone through in their minds, all that time on their own? No clean nappy...nothing.
The state of her place which looked a filth hovel, makes me wonder why Social services was not on her case.
They will be now and I bet they will let her have them back.
A horrid Mother ( but that is a wrong word )and I feel sorry for the kids having her as one.
The judge should hang his head in shame or....are there directives from higher above telling judges who to jail and who not too?
Makes ya wonder!
Quote by kentswingers777
I think the proof is she was found guilty!!!

I believe your original point was about the nature of her sentence and British justice......That's certainly what I was trying to address
Quote by Kaznkev
I jst want to say how i cried when i read of the 4 yr old trying to feed the baby(in the graniad)
I want to hold those children in my arms and never let them go
thank god they are with their father and grandparents now
no real point to this post,just sad :cry:

There is a point to your post and one I agree with. Just for a minute we really should forget about the mother and the fact that she has been treated with kid gloves, there are innocent little victims involved in all this. I only hope they are not too emotionally damaged. sad
Brighton I have made a couple of references to the children involved.
I could not care a birds ball bag about her, it is the KIDS who have been wronged, and will continue to be until they realise what a useless Mother they have.
Such a shame.
IF at her age and with FOUR kids, she does not know how to be a proper Mother, then she never will.
Yes their love is " unconditional love ", but what damage will be done to them when they are adults?
Experience tells us that in a lot of cases IF you have a shite childhood, with shite parents, the probablity is the kids will also take on their parents traits when they are adults or young teenagers too.
Some people neither want the help, or are past the point of helping.
I do not know what catagory she falls into, but she has not done too well so seems.
So what would those little kids gain if their mother was locked up?i think justice and common sense has prevailed in this case
Quote by BrightonGeezer
I'm a single parent you know? lol! Only four of the buggers at home since my eldest flew the nest. Two of my children are special needs and it does get depressing. Fortunately now my second eldest is old enough and responsible enough to take care of his brothers and sister while I go out, even overnight. But even now, unless their mother agrees to look after them for a couple of days I will not go out and get totally smashed. When they were younger I never left them on their own. Anything can happen when children are left unsupervised for any period of time, and it does get more risky when they become tired.
Sorry, but there is no excuse, that woman is an unfit mother. People who love and care about their children do not put them at risk. Those who don't love and care for their children should have them taken away, they would be better off in care or with luck adopted by someone who will love and care for them.

Do you know how hard it is to get any help when you are having problems. I have now been waiting 2 years to get some respite care for my disabled son so that I can sleep. I sleep 3-4 hours per night, if I am lucky. Over the past 2 months I have suffered a nervous break down due to lack of help, and the doctors answer is take some sleeping tablets, ffs how can I take sleeping tablets when my son is only sleeping 3-4 hours that would put him at risk and I also have a 10 year old daughter to look after as well.
I've called up Social Services for help to be told they cant help, well they can if I want my children taken into care and seperated and living in different countys. And every organisation who say they can help dont bother to return the calls and emails you make.
Someones cry for help can be done in different ways, she obviously went the wrong way about it, but if you dont have the support of those people who are ment to be there to help, then who can you ask.
Quote by Phuckers
So what would those little kids gain if their mother was locked up?i think justice and common sense has prevailed in this case

Quote by Phuckers
So what would those little kids gain if their mother was locked up?i think justice and common sense has prevailed in this case

Love and stability perhaps?
They certainly would not be left for 24 hours with people who would care for them properly.
They would not have to be in that filthy home, in no doubt filthy clothes.
Yes love and stability is a good starter for not having her around.
Anyway I now think they are living with the Grandparents?
Quote by kentswingers777
Experience tells us that in a lot of cases IF you have a shite childhood, with shite parents, the probablity is the kids will also take on their parents traits when they are adults or young teenagers too.

Quote by kentswingers777
But ya see Brighton she is a poor Mother, who needs to go out....awwwww.
She was not breast fed at birth, or she has had a hard life...blah blah blah.

So do childhood experiences affect adult lifestyle or not?
Only if its not your fault NWC.
Quote by Kaznkev
Unless we try to change behaviour,thru parenting classes etc it will just carry on thru the generations
How much better to help improve things than simply condemn
I used to go down a sure start center where many of the mums there said the courses had totally changed the way they were with their kids,from discipline to diet
Course after the next election all theses centers will be closed so we can fund tax cuts for the rich

What an old fashioned Labour view.
There won't be no money for those sure start centers, as all the money has gone to bail out the banks, that THIS labour Government failed to spot were taking massive risks. The same Labour chancellor for ten years who became PM, failed to spot this.
And you slate the Tories. lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Unless I am wrong of course?