The answer to terrorism is two fold in my mind.
Firstly dialogue. This is not a conventional battle where we know who and where the enemy is and engage them in battle. Northern Ireland was a long time coming, but peace has been restored and it was not through internment or bullets, but though dialogue and if we are to be believed locking of the door, and Tony Blair saying no one leaves till we sort this !! As much as we may despise these terrorists, we must engage them in dialogue and talks. Pakistan is currently holding talks with the Taliban, and although not moving forward very well at the moment, it did mean a cease fire for 6 weeks, and at least now they are still talking to each other.
Secondly we must have better intelligence. I do approve of whatever it takes to gather intelligence. I know this will at times infringe upon our personal freedoms. I wouldn't like to think my phone was being tapped or my internet use was being monitored, but equally if in the end that saved lives, I would have to accept it was for the greater good.
Both I feel civilised solutions. But equally we have to accept there will always be fanatics, from all walks of life, be they religious driven, animal cruelty driven, or politically driven, and we just have to do our best to minimise this.
I have a little time on my hands so I will tell you why we are the target of attack by terrorists.
The foreign policy of the superpowers (America, GB, Russia et al) since 1945 has been to subvert, overthrow, annexe, destabilise, influence etc countries that would benefit those superpowers in financial, mineral wealth or world position.
The domestic and foreign policies come about because of influence / lobbying from industry and the self serving nature of political parties.
So once you realise this, you can understand why other folks want to have a pop at us.
Therefore the answer is easy, to stop terrorism stop invading / destabilising / influencing and basically messing in everyone else's affair.
ince 1945 has been to subvert, overthrow, annexe, destabilise, influence etc countries that would benefit those superpowers in financial, mineral wealth or world position.
The domestic and foreign policies come about because of influence / lobbying from industry and the self serving nature of political parties.
I would really like to hear more on this, for example what we did in Afghanistan since 1945 and before the 9/11 terrorist attack.
How much we have done by way of overthrowing the Iranian Ayatollah, influenced them, destabilised them, taken their mineral wealth (well we did that and paid very highly for it) during the same time period.
The same question for Syria, North Africa, Pakistan and other areas where the terrorists are mainly recruited from.
When Iraq attacked Iran we kept out of it as did the USA, had Iraq realised we were not going to intervene on their side they might not have started that war, they expected us too and moreso expected the US to help them because of the Iranian Hostage situation that had just occurred.
Right now we have shown more support for the Syrian people than we have for the Syrian Government, We only had a really bad relationship with Libya after terrorists attacked an aircraft in British Air Space killing residents of the UK.
Yes we took part in the Gulf war to protect oil supplies to the UK as was right and will not help the Ukraine unless our gas supplies are in jeapordy but the Gulf War was taking sides with one Arab Country against another Arab Country not "us against them" by way of location or religion.
In truth I would have expected terrorism back in the days of Colonial rule and Commonwealth control rather than now if that were the case.
All of which is quite irrelevant, when talking about terrorism, India is a nuclear power, Iran will probably be a nuclear power very soon, if they have a beef with us then why don't those countries declare war on us ? Could it be because we have helped them far more than we have harmed them ? I remember that following the Punjabi massacre Indian soldiers died in their thousands fighting with and for the United Kingdom, they still do, as do the good people of Ireland.
Most of the terrorists know less about their history than I do and have no idea what gain can be made from their acts of terrorism, at least the IRA were fighting for something, ie an united Ireland, many of todays terrorists are fighting because they have been hoodwinked into believing that it is the will of Allah and written in the Koran to kill infidels, which it is not, just a few warped and twisted fundamentalists not willing to put their own lives on the line but happy to convince others to do it. Happy to take aid when they need it but quick to point out things we do that they are not happy with, sometimes they are right but terrorism is not the way to make things right, the IRA learned that and have got further towards their goals in the years of peace than they ever did when they used terror tactics.
Should we as a Nation carry out terrorist attacks in Argentina, France or Spain for the things they did against us in the past that we think were wrong because the way you put it the terrorist are justified in what they are doing because of what we have done.
You wanted reasons why they do it, I gave you them. And the acts we did then we are still doing now, we do not learn because we let our greed for wealth (financial as well as mineral) and power dictate foreign policy.
By the way, I didn't condone those acts of barbarism either theirs or the imperialistic ones we commit.
And people say I took crap :sad:
Some very deep issues raised here and full credit to the OP for starting the Thread.
An Oath: 95% or more of those taking it would be honourable and adhere to it. But if you are minded to blow innocent people to bits I doubt breaking an oath will either worry you or deter you. Would it have reduced what the IRA did in anyway?
Deportation: I am fully for it but I do have to observe that the European Court of Human Rights that is blocking deportations is not an EU Institution (sorry if this mentioned before) and we should get the hell out of it ASAP! That and the EU but that is another Thread. We are quite capable of writing our own charter seeing as we wrote the one that is being misinterpreted so readily by amateur judges now. A simple change to sentencing would say a) for certain serious offences and b) any 3rd offence you will serve 1/3 of your sentence here and then be deported. Simple!
Outside the Law: I have this very simple belief that if you choose to break our Laws, (and therefore step outside them) you forfeit any right to protection from those Laws. So convicted criminals cannot benefit from the Human Rights Act and all the rest. Or vote. And if they own property it should be sold to recompense their victims. (Why should I pay £15 or more to compensate the victims of violent criminals for a speeding offence? And he pays sod all?)After all it was their choice ...
Origins: I guess there is the adage that "Every terrorist is a Muslim but not every Muslim is a terrorist". A truism that Americans can't seem to understand. But its worth looking at where Islamic Fundamentalism blossomed and why. So I would suggest that you don't have to look further than the creation of Israel in 1948, how it was created and who paid for it. In brief I believe that the US funded Zionists who used terrorism to attain their ambition of an Israeli State, killed and displaced hundreds of thousands of ethnic Arabs from Palestine (A British Protectorate) and then stole their homes and farms sowed the seeds for evil Jihadists to use to 'justify' the terrorism of 07 /07 in London and 9 / 11 in NY and many other places. Neither is justified but evil begets evil ..
Iran would use a nuke without hesitation ... Israel has detterents ... and the best anti missile defence to sell .. What would an oath to the UK do .. if it got them benefits and a flat no one would say no .. no problem with immigration.. if they bring skills and work we should replace one of our dole dweller with one to even it all out ..
J ...
Go live in Basildon...
If I remember correctly, the Independent Republic of Basildon is a nuclear free zone so you'll be safe there...
I know one family that want to reside in Britain despite the fact that the terrorist head of the family is serving life in the USA. the same family that has two other convicted terrorists amongst it's sons, the same family that cost the UK taxpayer an estimated 1.2 million pounds a year to house and feed, oh yes families of convicted terrorists deported from the UK do want to remain here but should be kicked out, no matter what the EU or Human Rights people say.