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Animal cruelty at it''s worst?

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LOL Res I only buy local rabbit.
I think this man was a bad man.
And yes humane deaths are important.
So I think I agree with your post.
I have this problem I think. I find it really hard to get upset about tiny examples of animal cruelty when I know there's a lot more of it going on daily that's not illegal. For instance Dolphins suffer in tuna nets but then it aint exactly a holiday for the tuna either.
Another instance of my distorted perception of reality.
Quote by benrums0n
I have this problem I think. I find it really hard to get upset about tiny examples of animal cruelty when I know there's a lot more of it going on daily that's not illegal. For instance Dolphins suffer in tuna nets but then it aint exactly a holiday for the tuna either.
Another instance of my distorted perception of reality.

I wonder if that is where that god awful phrase "collateral damage" stems from?
Does the end justify the means? Are your Tuna and Sweetcorn sandwiches worth it? Personally I love Tuna and I trust those who sell it do everything they can to avoid any Dolphins suffering... but you can never be sure...
All I know is that now I have a hankering for a Tuna and Mayo sandwich... And I am not sure any longer if that is morally the right thing to do...
Start a poll on the forums Res.
Killing animals for food/clothing or in research is one thing, killing them for sport is quite another. Now call me cynical but beating to death seals seems a pretty unpleasant thing to do and I doubt anyone would do it unless they got some satisfaction from it. If it was just to reduce the number of fish they were taking (and lets face 21 baby seals is not going to make a huge dent in the fish numbers) surely there would be a simpler way like shooting them?
Quote by The_third_man
Killing animals for food/clothing or in research is one thing, killing them for sport is quite another. Now call me cynical but beating to death seals seems a pretty unpleasant thing to do and I doubt anyone would do it unless they got some satisfaction from it. If it was just to reduce the number of fish they were taking (and lets face 21 baby seals is not going to make a huge dent in the fish numbers) surely there would be a simpler way like shooting them?

Or him?
I think clubbing em is what Orkney fisherman have traditionally done. I dont think he was a tourist who found a handy pick axe handle and decided to have a whack. I might be wrong.
I do hope everybody is aware that this still goes on with a view to preserving fish stocks in Namibia and Canada in particular.
Im not excusing this mans behaviour in any way.
Is it worse because the seal pups are cute?
Rats are chased out of their nests and clubbed in a very similar manner, their babies starve to death. And that is seen as a good thing - because we hate rats. So our judgement is based on whether we like the animal in question?
Why is it ok to club a rat and not a seal pup?
Quote by foxylady2209
Is it worse because the seal pups are cute?
Rats are chased out of their nests and clubbed in a very similar manner, their babies starve to death. And that is seen as a good thing - because we hate rats. So our judgement is based on whether we like the animal in question?
Why is it ok to club a rat and not a seal pup?

I'd no more club a rat or a seal to death than I'd club you to death! :shock:
I find myself thinking that I live in a bubble tonight... and it's a rose tinted bubble too!
Quote by Dirtygirly
Is it worse because the seal pups are cute?
Rats are chased out of their nests and clubbed in a very similar manner, their babies starve to death. And that is seen as a good thing - because we hate rats. So our judgement is based on whether we like the animal in question?
Why is it ok to club a rat and not a seal pup?

I'd no more club a rat or a seal to death than I'd club you to death! :shock:
I find myself thinking that I live in a bubble tonight... and it's a rose tinted bubble too!
I put myself into the 'two faced' category I described. I am comfortable with clearing a mouse infestation in a (more or less) humane method - but the idea of killing the seals appalls me. I'm pretty sure it isn't just the relative abundance of the populations.
Quote by foxylady2209
Is it worse because the seal pups are cute?
Rats are chased out of their nests and clubbed in a very similar manner, their babies starve to death. And that is seen as a good thing - because we hate rats. So our judgement is based on whether we like the animal in question?
Why is it ok to club a rat and not a seal pup?

I'd no more club a rat or a seal to death than I'd club you to death! :shock:
I find myself thinking that I live in a bubble tonight... and it's a rose tinted bubble too!
I put myself into the 'two faced' category I described. I am comfortable with clearing a mouse infestation in a (more or less) humane method - but the idea of killing the seals appalls me. I'm pretty sure it isn't just the relative abundance of the populations.
I do the mouse traps at work... they're little tubes that you put something nice in, the mouse goes in and the door closes. I take them out into the gardens and set them free. :mrgreen:
then they come back in for second helpings
Quote by annejohn
then they come back in for second helpings

And then I put them out all over again! :mrgreen:
Quote by foxylady2209
Is it worse because the seal pups are cute?
Rats are chased out of their nests and clubbed in a very similar manner, their babies starve to death. And that is seen as a good thing - because we hate rats. So our judgement is based on whether we like the animal in question?
Why is it ok to club a rat and not a seal pup?

Foxy, for some people, the answer to the cuteness thing probably is yes. However, this question is frequently thrown up by the pro fox hunting brigade, and IMO it has the same answer. Rats carry a range of diseases and parasites that are directly harmful to humans, diseases like toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, salmonella, etc. Given the continuing absence of rabies in this country, the impact of foxes is purely economic. The two cannot be compared in a meaningful way, because we are not comparing like with like when it comes to the threat they pose to humans. The same would apply to these seals. The only harm they cause is that they compete, in a fairly limited way, for fish. As to the manner of a rats death, I would still want it to be as quick and humane as possible.
Neil x x x ;)
I am not condoning what the guy did in anyway in what i say next.
The average seal in the wild (without some dickhead with a club coming along) lives for between 25 and 35 years, they eat around 10kg of fish a day so in its lifetime (based on a 25yr life) one seal can eat 91,250 kg of fish, that is one shitload of fish,i bet there breath stinks!!!!
Unfortunately for the fishermen who need to make a living from fish, this fact along with the overfishing that has gone on in the years gone by means that a living is much harder to make.
Now if you have a family to feed and fishing is all you know and you are struggling to pay the mortgage,feed the kids,pay the bills etc because your livlihood is disappearing into the mouths of seals rightly or wrongly (i feel wrongly) this could cause you to flip and take drastic action.
Now before someone says he should get another job etc take a look at where he lives and probably has done all his life and his family for many generations before him, and see that his options of work without moving completely away from everything he knows are,probably very limited!!
With the recession we are now in i am sure we are going to see a massive increase in people shop lifting,robbing houses and mugging people just to get by,yes it is very very wrong, but it shows that people can be blinded by the situation they are in and do incredibly nasty and stupid and illegal things to improve there own circumstances without a thought to what they are doing to others including animals...
The guy was wrong,very wrong but we dont know what situation he is in financially or mentally due to his circumstances, and we all might sit in our ivory towers outraged at what he has done, but how far would you go to protect you livlihood and the circumstances of your famillies???
I liked that thoughtful and considered response jump.
Thanks Bens my first post on the subject was a bit more blunt and unconsidered, then when i thought about it i got the "put yourself in his shoes" syndrome!
Have a look at this if you're interested in Seals and the campaign in Scotland to stop them being shot

Taking away the "netsmans" defence of "the seal was in the vicinity of my nets" where vicinity is not defined in law would be a big start.
Recent killings of seals in the Islands of Skye saw a population wiped out, with only carcasses being washed up on the shores for tourists to see.
A loss of some £2 million pounds to the local economy. Similarly, many of the seals arent killed outright by "marksman" and suffer horrendous injuries.
This guy is just a thug and a criminal.
Hopefully he will serve time but it wont stop the slaughter. Interesting that Dolphins, Porpoises and Otters who all eat fish and share the same waters as the Seals are fully protected by law and yet these animals aren't.
Thaks for the fine informative post laird.
Thank you
One thing I forgot to mention is that seal (and other marine mammal) proof netting made from kevlar is in production and currently on test.
Similarly, there are viable alternatives to snaring that work on estates (and dont need the time consuming practice of checking once every 24 hours) that could do away with the need for indiscriminate fox snares.
We live in hope.....
Quote by jumptoit
I am not condoning what the guy did in anyway in what i say next.
The average seal in the wild (without some dickhead with a club coming along) lives for between 25 and 35 years, they eat around 10kg of fish a day so in its lifetime (based on a 25yr life) one seal can eat 91,250 kg of fish, that is one shitload of fish,i bet there breath stinks!!!!
Unfortunately for the fishermen who need to make a living from fish, this fact along with the overfishing that has gone on in the years gone by means that a living is much harder to make.

On that basis it seems the seals should be clubbing the fishermen.
There is absolutely no excuse for abuse of any animal,most are vulnerable to humans yet we continue to take advantage of being at the top of the food chain and without any sense of guilt bring about extinction of species for the sake of selfishness. People have to eat, fishermen have to make a living, i can accept these issues, what i cant accept is mindful cruelty, which we read about in the tabloids every day,its not acceptable to abuse or torture any living thing, we as humans have the human rights act.... what have animals got? I work with some very nasty individuals, who pay the price for their crimes, but i would gladly torture and abuse anyone who mistreats animals free of charge, because they have little or no defence against us .... the human race. We destroy their environment, we diminish their food availability, but worse than that we abuse them for fun and sport, dog fighting, badger baiting,and all sorts of tricks on bonfire night, we starve them, we assault them and we pay no heed to their worth. bless the R.S.P.C.A i contribute monthly but we need more than them, stricter rules and stiffer penalties for cruelty, flog the fookers! enough il get off my soap box but il be back !
I thought someone had been nasty to mr powers..... rolleyes
Quote by markz
I thought someone had been nasty to mr powers..... rolleyes

keep it up...and i'll put you down!
Quote by Mr-Powers
I thought someone had been nasty to mr powers..... rolleyes

keep it up...and i'll put you down!
Is that an invitation for a blow job........ :roll: