Quote by Try2
Im not british but have had a british passport from birth so does that makes me british? I have no other official nationality
I thought you were from that strange country called the midlands......
Quote by Theladyisaminx
When people say true Brit!
Are there many about?
What is a true Brit?
I am a bit of a mixed breed having English, Italian, Irish, and French in me, and my children have Greek added to that mixture.
Are any of us really 100% true British?
How many generations back do we need to go to be classed as a true Brit?
As I am proud of my ancestor roots and would not like to deny I have a mix in me
Quote by fumblingfingers
Being British is aboout driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then on the way home grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab, to sit on a Sweedish sofa, and watch USA shows on a Japanese T.V and most of all being suspicious of anything foreign. Oh and ...only in Britian... can you get pizza to your home faster that ambbulance. Only in britain do banks leave there doors open and chain the pens to the counter. Also supermarkets make sick people walk to the back of the shop for a prescription, whilst health people get their fags at the front of the shop. We might be British but by f**k we are funny !!
Sorry if this offends anyone
Quote by Theladyisaminx
When people say true Brit!
Are there many about?
What is a true Brit?
I am a bit of a mixed breed having English, Italian, Irish, and French in me, and my children have Greek added to that mixture.
Are any of us really 100% true British?
How many generations back do we need to go to be classed as a true Brit?
As I am proud of my ancestor roots and would not like to deny I have a mix in me
Quote by bluexxx
Depends how historical you wanna get, innit?
Aren't we all a little bit Celt, Roman, Viking, Norman, French, German.... etc etc etc? And that's just if your ancestors always lived within the UK!
If we're talking about recordable ancestry only. My mothers side are from around the Manchester(ish) area. My fathers side are Sicilian.
Quote by duncanlondon
I think the expression 'true brit' means the character and attitude of the people, and usually in certain circumstances.
Getting into people's geneology could cause a racial debate again.
Quote by Plimboy
I think the expression 'true brit' means the character and attitude of the people, and usually in certain circumstances.
Getting into people's geneology could cause a racial debate again.
Quote by marriedmale
Simple - answer a few questions !
Were you born in Britain ?
Anywhere else means you have that nationality.
Does it mean 'home' when you're here ?
Are you fiercely proud of being British ?
Yes to them and I guess that makes you British ........
Or (according to an American friend)
To be British means:
1. Drink tea
2. Live in a castle
3. Be gay
I'll make no comments about this - he's American, they're still learning !
Quote by dave2912
Simple - answer a few questions !
Were you born in Britain ?
Anywhere else means you have that nationality.
Does it mean 'home' when you're here ?
Are you fiercely proud of being British ?
Yes to them and I guess that makes you British ........
Or (according to an American friend)
To be British means:
1. Drink tea
2. Live in a castle
3. Be gay
I'll make no comments about this - he's American, they're still learning !
Quote by dave2912
1. I was born in England not Great Britain
2. I'm fiercely proud of being English
3. So this make me English