The B N P to vote for them or not what do you think ?
There was a thread about this on another forum that i frequent, it was the biggest pile of bull shit and ignorance that i ever read.
I would have thought looking for BNP sympathizers on this site would be a waste of your time, if thats what your doing...
... but obviously, we live in a democracy and people are allowed to voice there opinions and vote how they see fit.
So vote for who you want.
Exactly as sexonfire says, this is a democracy, vote for who you like.
I got a BNP flyer (along with many others) through my door the other day. I briefly considered sticking a photo of me and my lovely (black) partner to it with the message "I don't think so, do you?".
But then I decided just to disinfect my front door instead. :giggle:
Apparently they are the same as old labour.
If nick griffin is barred from the queens tea party, then thats a complete afront to democracy.
They are a legal party.
What people should ask is why are people voting for the BNP?
why are people voting for the BNP?
As Kenty said, they are a legal party but with some abhorant issues.
My question is, why are they a legal party? Shouldn't they be made illegal?
PS this is a serious question as I do not know why they are allowed to run for election, especially in the face of equality laws. If their manifesto is to be racist then how can they stay legal
What kind of democracy do you expect a party which doesnt allow non whites to be members to offer???,all their policies seem to revolve on hatred of other religions and races,whats their policies on education,environment,how to tackle ressesion,foreign affairs etc...hopeless,if this is the change we are hoping for then God help live the Queen!
So where does UKIP feature in all of this?
As somebody has already said " what makes people vote for them "?
One of the reasons are that their racist thoughts are well hidden in their manifesto.
Also if you believe what you read or see on the news which a lot do, then immigration IS a major issue affecting this country.
A lot of people will argue that it is NOT racist to say we have too many immigrants coming in. It is a well documented arguement that a lot of British people feel this way.
The BNP web site makes for interesting reading, for their policies it hardly shows any of their true inner feelings.
A lot of people obviously think they are a party that they can vote for, and you have to ask the simple question.....why is that?
IF they were to be made an illegal party, which would mean arrest for any member or anyone at one of their meetings, then surely the same should happen for extremists out there, preaching their hatred of all denominations?
I will wait and see where the BNP are after June 4th, and see if the hype surrounding their new found voters actually happens. For me yes I think they will get a lot of votes but I really cannot see them getting enough to gain a seat...I maybe wrong.
I know somebody who I would say will vote BNP and his reasons are that the British people are too tolerant and he feels that he is now a second class citizen in his own country. He also feels that immigration is out of control and nothing is being done to stop it.
I would say that was a general feeling amongst BNP supporters. I am not sure if I would ban them as a party as to put them underground could be more dangerous. We live in a democracy thankfully and until such time they are banned, if ever that happens, then they have as much right to air their views as the Labour party have.
However much that disgusts some people, that at the moment is the situation we find ourselves in.
I really cannot see them gaining a seat to be honest, but the mere thought that they could do, then why is a question we must all ask ourselves, and what has gone so wrong that we are even talking about them gaining a seat>?
I have never voted in the European elections as I do not like European politics, so no doubt will abstain again.
We do live in a democracy, I don't think the BNP or anyone else should be banned, whether they are from the right such as the BNP, the left such as the communist party, or the anarchists such as the Class War Federation.
Sometimes controversial or uncomfortable views must be discussed for the benefit of society, however "raw" these are.
Banning views is not actually dealing with the issue.
I know that the country's in a mess but does anyone really believe that a bunch of moronic thugs can do any better? Just because they wear suits doesn't mean that they aren't the same racist, homophobic and sexist party they've always been.
One of their councillors stood for re-election as an independent. She said that she hadn't known the BNP's policies when she stood for them. If that's an example of the quality of their candidates, perhaps we don't really have anything to worry about.
I hope that the predictions of a vote for BNP is up is wrong. Take a look at their policies its complete madness. They want to give money to people to leave the country £100K each its estimated which by their own figures would cost the UK £150bn. On top of that all the people that we have brought in to the UK to work as Doctors and Nurses in the NHS which account for 60% of employees so we would not have the money to run the NHS nor would we have the people to run it thats how MAD THEY ARE.
The BNP are complete Nazi Scum and I hope they are voted out of existence in the EU elections
I think the reason people vote BNP is because they feel that the major party's are useless(which they are)
Had a read of the BNP's website, some interesting stuff on there, just a shame thier a bunch of racist thugs!