If you're a BNP voter, member, supporter ect. I wonder what your opinion of his performance on QT.
If you courage to come out feel free to discuss your views.
This is not about the BNP's policies. It's about discussing what was said in the programme. And how he dealt with it.
I only got to see some of it...but i only have one question...what the fuck was that woman from the British Museum rattling on about the Romans for?
Nobody is going to vote yes here, or to openly admit to being a member.....ask yourself why after seeing Griffin constantly bullied the other night.
It was NOT a reflection in my view of two sides of an arguement. It was Griffin against everyone else.
People are too scared for fear of recriminations to openly admit supporting is where my arguement of being underground being a dangerous game.
I will openly admit I agree with some of the views of the BNP.
Why should I have to go to the bottom of the council waiting list which is currently 12 years when asylum seekers are put at the top?
Why are so many call centres moving to foreign countries and then when you call them they can’t understand you and you can’t understand them.
Why was my daughter taught at school about Islam before Christianity? I for one do not have any religious views at all, but coming from a Christian country I would have liked to think that they would have been taught about Christianity first.
Why does my son come home from school asking to learn Polish over languages like French German or Spanish.
Why is the NHS employing nurses and doctors from 3rd world countries when they need them in that country, they are encouraging more immigration problems, pay nurses and doctors a decent wage in this country and more people would stay working for the NHS.
Why are there more managers in the NHS than beds?
£160 billion is being spent on merging our armed forces with Brussels’ controlled super army, why do this when the money could be spent on equipment for our troops who are currently in Afghanistan.
Nick griffin bullied...what a load of tosh.
He and the BNP have been requesting repententation on question time for 3 years now. They and he was well aware he would not exactly get a warm reception. Fact is he was poorly briefed, and had no answers...and dug himself such holes with comments like" the KKK were a non violent organization !! " that he showed himself up to be a one dimensional, slimeball bigot that he is.
He got what he deserved.
I notice and read with interest in the paper....the BNP are now calling for a leadership contest as they feel he is not up to the mark !!!
Dean are you really saying what we saw the other night was a two sided arguement?
It in my opinion was a " circus " with the host being the ring master.
All that people were intersted in was to make Griffin look a twat. Ok they did that but did it harm the BNP in anyway? I think not.
Apparently last night is stated on the tv that more people would vote BNP in an election than in the European ones, according to a poll.
We all knew what was going to happen the other night, so was no big suprise to me. Yes he did himself no favours but come on is he really as clever as most of those people on Question time week in and week out? Of course not, so he was always going to make himself look a doughnut.
We can argue these points until the cows come home, the bottom line is that unless the immigration problem is talked about and things done about it in a constructive way, the BNP will flourish...allbeit under cover.
i am flabagasted.....that anyone would think any part of the KKK was non violent. He himself once realiseing he said it tried to back track.
Kenty....yes it was one sided....because he had no answers. He sat there with a nervous smile saying that the quotes attributed to him were lies. Then when it was pointed out it was on youtube....he back tracks and said...okay may of said it...but not meant in that way !!! He asked to go on the program... he was well aware of the type of questions he would get.. I was very surprised he wasn't better prepared. He simply had no answers.
Very true Dean but for me it was not a debate, it was a situation that would never normaly be allowed to happen on Question Time.
Yes the guy is an arse, and yes he failed to answer questions put to him, but then again Straw was made to look like the liar he is, and he is an accomplished politician.
There were a few hand claps in the audience when Griffen said something, but that was was no balanced arguements at all. In a debate should there have been a more balanced view on things? It seemed to me that the audience were very carefully hand picked, and on the questionair it was stated the more provocotive the question the better. That sounds fair. :shock:
I still stand by what I said earlier in that whilst Griffin looked a twat, I do not believe that he did himself any harm, or should I say people who would vote for him still will. Plus the poll suggests more would vote for him after the show than before it. So it was not too negative for him it seems.
For the benefit of soul-girl and others. Here's the distintions between an asylum seeker, a refugee and an economic migrant.
Taken from the Coventry City Council's website:
What is an asylum seeker?
An asylum seeker is a person who has arrived here and has applied to the Home Office to stay in the UK because they fear persecution in their country of origin. While the Home Office is considering their case, they are classified as asylum seekers and they are not usually allowed to work.
If asylum seekers are not able to support themselves they may be placed in temporary accommodation and given some financial support – adults are currently entitled to 70% of the amount paid to residents receiving income support benefit. Asylum seekers must demonstrate that they meet very strict criteria if their application is to be successful. In 2007 27% of asylum applicants were granted asylum at their first hearing; 23% of those who appealed against a refusal were subsequently allowed to remain here as well.
What is a refugee?
A refugee is defined (under the 1951 United Nations convention relating to the status of refugees) as “a person who, owing to a wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that The Convention was drafted in response to the horrors of the Holocaust, when fleeing Jewish refugees were denied entry by many countries, and because of the millions of people who became refugees in Europe during and after World War II.
If a person meets these criteria, and their asylum claim is accepted by the Home Office, they are granted refugee status. This gives them the right to remain in the United Kingdom for five years – then their case is reassessed.
What is the difference between asylum seekers and refugees?Asylum seekers are waiting for the Home Office to make a decision about their application to stay in the UK. Refugees have had their application accepted and can stay in the UK. They are allowed to work, must pay taxes and are entitled to the same benefits as any other citizen.
Where do asylum seekers and refugees come from?
Asylum seekers come from all over the world. In 2007 across Britain
the largest numbers came from Iraq, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, China, Pakistan, North Korea and Sri Lanka.
What is an economic migrant?
An economic migrant is someone who comes to the UK to work.
European Union (EU) citizens, including UK citizens, have the right to live and work in any other EU member state but are not entitled to all that member state’s benefits. Since 2005 twelve countries, mainly from eastern Europe, have joined the EU and these are known as the accession states. Many recent economic migrants to the UK come from these countries, particularly from Poland. The most recent of the EU accession states are Bulgaria and Romania who joined in January 2007. For seven years workers from these two countries can only apply for jobs in a few industries in the UK such as food processing and agriculture or apply to set up their own business.
Non-EU citizens have to get a special visa and a work permit from the Home Office before they can legally work in the UK. A new five tier points system is being introduced in the UK for non EU migrant workers from 2008. This has been designed to ensure that only those with the skills most in need will gain entry to work in the UK.
I agree with some of the bnp's ideas.
I am a member.