I for one hate this despicable " sport ".
It may be sport in Spain but not in my book.
By the time the Matador enters the arena, the bull is half dead. Hardly a macho thing for the Matador. Maybe it would be fairer if the bull was fully fit to then face his killer?
I am glad that a part of Spain is going to outlaw this barbaric spectacle.
Lets hope the rest of Spain follow suit.
Is it sport or just part of Spain's history?
Well, all very pc etc.
But what kind of world are we going to have without something to disagree about? When supposedly all things and everyone has been taken into consideration.
How effing boring it will be then. Which is probably why bullfighting was invented.
But I don't have an issue for it or against it. I did farming for a while and you see worse things than bullfighting. Like when the vets fuck things up. Or people neglect the animals. Or the animals just go wild or lose it and end up hurting themselves.
Also remember that 'in the wild' some animals fight to the death, as do humans. So I can see where the idea of it being a sport or an art comes in.
Animals doing it to each other doesn't justify us doing to them.
The point about bull fighting is that it isn't fighting. It's baiting. Fighting would be one bull (fit and healthy) and one bloke - let's give him a 4 foot spear and a dagger - that should even out the horns thing.
Now THAT would make a real fight of it.
Oh, and we'd need an arena with nowhere to hide and 20 foot high walls. Let's see how macho the chap in embroidered silk pedal-pushers, dancing slippers and the silly hat is then.
well some of these animal rights groups are just as extreme as terrorists. they call for animal rights, but its just a disguise for their own form of blood sports. which is hunting humans, who they'd prefer to kill, but some how stop short of doing.
so the 'sport' is still there with the motivation of these extreme types. where else can you find that kind of blood lust? not even in the bull fighting ring.
so its all very well thinking someone is doing something 'good', but that may not be the case. their methods and motivation may be quite the opposite.
I hope this won't affect the Pamplona running of the bulls...
There is plenty of animal cruelty right here on your own door step if you look hard enough, that would be a good place to start in my view
its is a shame that another country looses some of its heritage even though it was barbaric
but the bull doesn`t always loose :twisted:
Factory farmed pork perhaps
Surely there's a difference between poor welfare standards for the production of cheap food and abject cruelty purely for entertainment though Blue?
Chikens, egg layers and Turkeys enjoy the same
I some times feel people exhibit some double standards, by supporting such farming by buying cheaper and cheaper meat in the supermarket. Then shout about how cruel other country's can be. No fingers pointing here at anyone, Unless the cap fits of coarse
Caged birds are to be outlawed across Europe by 2012.