I think we have all heard or seen the footage of a respectable lady picking a cat up, and discarding it into a rubbish bin.
Had it of been near April 1st I would have thought it was a practical joke but......... it sadly was not.
When first approached she just dismissed it all by saying people were over reacting and that it was " just a cat ".
What she did was cruel and pretty nasty, and as this has now been seen around the world thanks to You Tube, she is certainly paying a heavy price for her moment of madness.
The question now is should she be prosecuted for her actions, or her being caught and now saying how sorry she is, enough of a punishment?
I am unsure myself to be honest. I saw the video clip and there was malice there for sure. There was also a deliberate attempt to cause harm to that cat...for what reason I do not know.
So should the RSPCA prosecute her, or is she currently getting enough of a punishment from the media?
I saw this clip a few days ago and I was really shocked by it. I did question how it happened to be right under a camera though. I'm still not convinced it wasn't a hoax.
But even so, she absolutely should be prosecuted for it. How can she have put a cat in a bin and not intended to cause harm? Animal cruelty is animal cruelty and thats prosecutable regardless of the type of animal.
And punishment by media? No no no! Punishment by law not by media.
This was also reported on French TV.
There are those that say the French respect animal rights less than elsewhere in the world but this was viewed here with some incredulity!
Drown the little beggars at birth perhaps, leave them to their own devices in the open countryside by all means but leave it to suffer in a wheelie bin when it has done no harm beggars belief!
Yes, she should be prosecuted.
Did I understand it correctly, she is a bank worker - yes?
I would just love to know why she did this? Even if there was some sort of word from her regarding hating cats because they sh*t in her garden and ruined her Azaleas or something but no, she claims to love cats - odd mind set. Though i'm sure she is going through hell at the moment I think that the law should take due course.
mere fonctionnaires Lost...
to be discarded when they have served their purpose.
But some might say that is the influence of the harshness of the countryside and life in general.
I would be very cross if I opened my wheelie bin to discover it full of dead cat and cat shit.
She should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law including a local authority fine for putting potential waste in anothers bin.
Or maybe she was a bit off her head, you get people who do odd things when they aint quite themselves. My mother in law stole 4 slices of ham from the co-op when she was and ended up with a criminal record which menat that she lost her job and her future prospects were severely limited.
We shall never know of course, but god bless our media for helping to make her life hell. All in the public interest of course.
No cats have been harmed in the composition of this post.
I pissed myself laughing at this appalling act of publicity hunting by the R.S.P.C.A......The woman was overtaken by a moment of childish lunacy...she probably didn't think of either what she was doing or the consequences...the cat was unharmed...get over it FFS!
There are far more serious cases of animal cruelty that the police and R.S.P.C.A. ignore or refuse to act on daily....this is just good for their image, both organisations should be given steely dan and told to go and fuck themselves
That is the beauty of the media Vamps, and long may it continue.
For had there been no publicity at all the powers that be would probably just have cautioned her, and in all tense and purposes, she would have got away with it.
But because of the media surrounding it and bringing it to peoples attention, she will hopefully get a punishment that fits the crime.
Unfortunately Vamps that does not happen now.
People have a right to know about anything now, certainly with the freedom of information act.
Tell me would you have liked to have seen a system that did not let the public know about the MP's expenses fiddles?
If the media were to be gagged then things like that would never come to light, certainly not where politicians are concerned.
Unfortunately Vamps none of us can pick and choose what is reported.......some good and some not so good.
Will the council collect bins with cats in then?
I think this woman getting death threats is way way over the top, and I hope the police can find these people and prosecute them too.
Maybe the frenzy surrounding this case is over the top, but she is certainly getting some pay back for it.
I bet the next thing we will hear is that she has some for of depression or similar disorder,which her lawyer will use as some kind of excuse.
I have watched the video a few times now and she was calm about the whole thing. Nothing wrong with her at all other than the fact she was doing something that most people would find awful.
Now then the R.S.P.C.A. .........BB does a lot of volunteer work for various dog rescue and welfare charities...yesterday she was contacted in connection with a dog who'd had acid thrown in it's face,the lady who found the dog had tried many different avenues to try and get help for the animal, amongst them the R.S.P.C.A. who refused to do anything as it wasn't an 'emergency'...the R.S.P.C.A. can as far as I'm concerned can go and fuck themselves,they have one purpose in life..to raise funds,they do not care about animals their welfare or their owners they want more money that's all, that and that alone is what they exist for.
As for the police ...try and report a stolen dog...you'll get nothing
If you want a dog go to a small rescue...check them carefully many are sharks and charlatans find a good small rescue the animal will cost you less, it will be better cared for,and more importantly it will really need your help..(the R.S.P.C.A. by the way very very rarely take strays...their animals come from homes who cannot keep them anymore and pay for the privilege of giving them up)
fucking R.S.P.C.A. I shit 'em
Putting the seriousness of this aside for a moment,this I found rather funny.
Something I wondered was just how legal is it to have CCTV that covers the public highway, if you aint a public body like?
Don't know the answer to that Ben, I am sure some one will know, I think Kaz could be on the right track.
I know you can film and photograph any person/most buildings in a public place overtly but not sure about how you stand doing it covertly?
its all here
signs are only required by business's