IF Scotland votes for independence, Labour will lose (based on current figures) 41 seats in the next UK election, because those 41 seats are in Scotland.
The Liberal Democrats will lose 11 seats.
The Conservatives will lose 1 seat.
Were that applied to Parliament today this would be the breakdown of parties (the main parties)
Conservatives would go from 303 seat to 302 seats
Labour would go from 257 seats to 216 seats
Liberal Democrats would go from 56 seats to 45 seats
This could have a major affect on Party politics in the UK, Labour may never again be able to challenge the Conservative Party and become the ruling party
The Lib Dems would be even less of a voice.
If Scotland had voted for independence before the last election the Tories would NOT have had to form a coalition with the Lib Dems and my never need to again!
So if the Tories felt that their position was unassailable would they treat us and their policies different, I think they would
Sounds like an excellent result to me. Can we vote to get rid of Scotland?
I am not a toff and I am not from any kind of privileged background but my thoughts seem much more aligned with Conservatism than meddling Labour. Just watching Question Time, as I do most weeks, I feel much more empathy with the Conservative panelists than the labour ones who often display crudeness and ignorance of the global aspects of this country's problems.
I see your point, however, History has shown us that almost all dictators are ousted in the end, people have often thought they had total power and could do what they want, even as a Baroness Thatcher supporter I know that she thought that too, her own party turned on her, this knowledge does help to keep some Dictators from doing some of the things they might like to do, If the leader of the Tory party thought he could not be challenged by another party might he not become the worlds next Dictator and more importantly, our Dictator ?
I'm afraid the party or the person has yet to be made that could sort out our social and financial problems
we are far from a developed or a civilised nation in comparison with our European neighbours
If the Scots vote to wave us bye - bye and the Cons get an almost guaranteed majority as outlined above, my opinion is that they will become more right wing than even UKIP. Then God help the ordinary working people, the sick and the old of this Country !!
So what do you think happened at the last election? The electorate grew tired of 13 years of Labour rule in much the same way that it had grown tired of years of Tory rule in 1997. Why do you think that a Tory government will be elected in perpetuity if Scotland gain independence?
I agree max.
If the UK wanted a change of political leadership it could stand up and vote for it. The number of seats per party do not take into account what may have happened if the 35% of people who didn't bother to vote had done so.
At the end of a long rule by any one party they seem to get voted out by a landslide majority to the opposition, so why would the tories be in power for ever?
People have fought and died in the hope that we would have a say in the destiny of our nation, but it has not happened yet, all governments regardless of party simply promise what they think will get them elected then give us the crap as to why they cannot do it yet, whilst they do what they want not what the people hoped they would.
Unless your telling me that voters decided they wanted the Government to sell off it's assets, starve the NHS and Education system of necessary funds, raise the price of domestic power by putting levies on the providers, borrow trillions so that most of our tax is used to pay loan interest, underfund our social system so that children are murdered because there are not enough social workers to help them, run our services down to a level whereby helicopter ambulances, our best children's hospital, our animal protection agency and other such things that we should be government funded only exist by way of charitable donations, do you think they voted for a government that would make laws to restrict our rights whilst exempting themselves from those very same laws, a government that abuses their expenses, lies, funds terrorists, condones terrorism whilst sending our troops to fight against it, underfunds our forces so that we can barely defend ourselves and puts forces personnel lives at risk for lack of the best available equipment and sometimes the most basic of equipment ?
Did we want a party that would not know what to do about legal and illegal immigration, that would bend over and take it from the EU ?
Is this what we voted for ? if we get fed up of the lies will electing a different party change things, it hasn't done so yet.
Is this what those brave men and women fought and died for ?
recent boundary changes mean the tories put themselves in a stronger position anyway.
all crooked two faced gits doesnt matter which side you vote for.
they do not represent us at all. self interest.
I hate and resent boundary changes, especially when they are introduced merely to assist parties gaining more votes rather than for a reason to benefit the region.
I was born in Lancashire under the Red Rose, and I am proud of my County, it's heritage and it's history, then up comes some pompous twat and tells me, no, we moved the border, your from Cumbria now.
Will they pay for my "Lancashire" tattoo to be removed ? would I let them, no I was born in Lancashire and will never think of myself as Cumbrian or anything else.
It is just more evidence of the way Governments think nothing of our heritage and our history and why they are happy to give control of it and us to people in Europe and elsewhere, and all the time, telling us of the history of the House of Lords and House of Commons and the right of power the Government and Lords have.