Quote by Lizaleanrob
it doesn't matter what the colour the tie is they all seem to end up a shitty brown colour in the end :color:
thats exactly the way i see it.
Quote by GnV
Is it me or as far as I can remember the Tories have not been in power for how many years?
All the fuck ups in the last decade have been the Socialists fault, in particular bollocks face Blair and his sidekick the muppet Brown.
Mind you though should not be suprised as people are still blaming thatcher, for todays problems.:lol: :lol:
Quote by sexyslut79
Is it me or as far as I can remember the Tories have not been in power for how many years?
All the fuck ups in the last decade have been the Socialists fault, in particular bollocks face Blair and his sidekick the muppet Brown.
Mind you though should not be suprised as people are still blaming thatcher, for todays problems.:lol: :lol:
Quote by Kaznkev
The involvement of Experian and others is quite frightening. I've known of entries on Experian's records being multiplied up many fold due to the slowness of the inputting computer with the operator keep pressing the key!
Plim :sad:
Quote by soho_swinger
Personally I think the state, under the labour government has become far too generious with our money, which has led to a generation of people being brought up expecting their right to receive this or that benefit. There was quite an interesting on TV a few weeks back, called the Job Fairy god mother (or something along those lines) and its amazing how, with just a little bit of coaching, people who have been long term unemployed end up managing to get back into paid work. And it does not take too much effort from the present involved. Question is...if these so called long term unemployed are finding it not too difficult to find work on the show, and without the shows involvment they would have all been quite happy to carry on taking benefits that out government is more than happy to carry on dole'ing out.