Daily Mail lies... No surprise

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Daily Mail panic spreading again...

The truth is that according to the Wizzair website that there are flights available daily for as little as £130. Further to that reporters this morning at Luton report 59 empty seats on the first flights in from Bulgaria and only one person looking for work.
Surely it can't be right for a newspaper to simply make up stories as a means of spreading fear and hysteria?
No surprise that the media, especially the Mail, will spin a story to meet their readers paranoid delusions on Europe. The Sun had the same / similar headline.
Problem is good news or just common everyday news doesn't sell papers, need to spin and twist every story line to show it at its worst.
As an example, the Mail article states that 29 million people now have the rights to work in the UK. Having just checked Wikipedia, the total population of Romania and Bulgaria combined is . . . . . around 29million. So whilst the Mail article is correct, 29m people have gained the rights to work, this includes those currently over and under working age. But perhaps the next article needs to express concerns for these people taking the jobs of the paperboys and girls of the UK.
Is the Daily Mail really paranoid about 'foreigners' and people not paying their way ?
That case perhaps they ought to look closer to home, i.e. their boss and paymaster who's been a non-dom for UK tax for decades.
We'd all make more from the mail boss paying tax, than their reported influx of other EU citizens
ive always admired the french when it comes to issues they feel are important.
they rally together and go on the rampage in numbers to leave those in charge with no doubt about how they feel.
problem is no one sticks together in this country, we will be lied to at election time with promises they will never keep and people will continue with the way things are for now because it looks like the economy is getting better slowly.
only thing people care about is money and since houses because available to buy society has been divided forever with a large section of this country waiting for homes to be handed down to them when people die, or people realizing the only way to get an affordable roof over the head is to bear children and force associations hands.
even criminals have worked out that unless they get a roof over their heads on release from prison they will cause problems and return within weeks because things have got out of control due to the greed of another.
britain and its contents including the will of the people was sold a long time ago because the powers knew no one would do anything about it and if anyone did they would be deemed racist, aggressive or a saddam hussain type of figure that no one should vote for and the press would set about them.
this is why you see farage jumped on at every point by the media because he and his views are different to what we have been use to. yet people complain every day about lack of services, more coming here from other countries, companies not paying tax and this country being held to ransom on fuel prices.
but will you vote for someone like nigel farage? no because most people think that it would be a vote endorsing a racist party.
but what else are you gonna do?
how the mighty have fallen.
Why would they want to come to uk, I couldn't get out fast enough wink
Quote by Andy_Jules
Well personally speaking I wish the 'immigration' issue would just bugger off by way of stopping it altogether, I blame my parents generation for allowing us into Europe to the point where my children's generation will be the ones to suffer from it.
I wish we could close the doors altogether but methinks it's too late now anyway.
Our infrastructure (posh word innit) is already at breaking point, a health service bursting at the seams, waiting eons for Doc appointments or hospital treatment, schools over subscribed, classroom sizes set to increase along with pupils attending them, a benefit system smashed, affordable housing almost non existent, councils/social services/social care all running on overdrive and a whisper away from meltdown..and so it goes on and of which most seems to be down to the immigration policy of respective Govts allowing any and all in for what they say is the good of the UK...really?
The UK is so multi-cultural that we no longer have a real identity, English/British will soon be a phrase of the past.....'Where do you come from' I can see my children being asked and with the response being 'I'm European'
Stuff Europe and the horse it rode in on.

Don't blame your parents generation, they brought you a good thing, the EU or as it was then Common Market, was as it says on the tin, it was supposed to be a group of European Nations who regularly traded together to form a coalition by which they could trade more efficiently, to remove the barriers of import and export, to make a market as capable as that of the superpowers such as the USA, to give those nations an easy trading ability within it's confines and to work together to make that trade safer and with a more common standard by way of price, quality control, Health and Safety etc.
Then the EU realised it had power, and the more nations that it allowed in the more power it had, they started letting in Nations that really had nothing to offer by way of trade, Lithuania for example, even if we import from there the product is only cheaper because we as EU members are subsidising it's production in Lithuania.
Next they decided that EU members should have freedom of movement, not a bad thing that you now didn't need a visa to visit France or Germany etc but they extended that to the right to work.
Then they made rules regarding benefits, making it a rule that an EU member should have the same benefit rights as the residents of the Nation (now only a EU state no longer a Nation) they were visiting, that means for example that Child Benefit is paid to EU workers in the UK even if their children are at home in their own state such as Poland.
Allowing Romania and all those other Eastern European states to join is simply a way whereby the EU officials get more power and more control of the world not for the benefit of all the EU members.
There are only two ways to resolve the problem, a breakaway by the nations that would benefit from being part of a proper EU conglomerate such as France, Germany Britain etc or for us to simply leave the EU.
If we leave the EU we will not lose the trade facilities, Germany will not stop selling us BMWs Mercedes, Bosch products etc, France and Italy will not refuse to sell us their products and nor will they stop buying from us.
Personally I was approached by 3 political parties yesterday asking me if I wanted to represent them in the next election, they all said I would be perfect because I talk a lot of crap but then withdrew their offer when I told them I was probably not really qualified as I was not a thief or fraudster.
Quote by tyracer
but will you vote for someone like nigel farage? no because most people think that it would be a vote endorsing a racist party.

Sadly, that is the way it is happening throughout Europe.
You mention France and I agree with you to a point. However, in the past two Presidential Elections, the French have dallied with extreme politics and they are now getting closer to binning the centrist parties in favour of the Front National. This is helped along by the fact that the socialist President Hollande is now extremely unpopular - indeed, the most unpopular President in modern history - and Marine Le Pen (now President of the FN and daughter of the founder Jean-Marie Le Pen), an accomplished lawyer, is wowing the French electorate with policies which are less extreme than her father and, like UKIP, is expected to wipe the board clean in the forthcoming locals.
The FN is quite a few years ahead of UKIP. Jean-Marie Le Pen found himself in the run-off against an almost disgraced conservative Chirac in 2002 when the PS candidate, Jospin was binned in the first round. This left a stark choice; as the French popularists put it "vote for the crook, not the fascist" which saw Chirac returned with an overwhelming majority (the crook reference referred to his time in office as Mayor of Paris which continues to haunt him to this day).
Unless Hollande can pull a few rabbits from the hat in the meantime, he and his Prime Minister - both sworn enemies of the rich - will stifle all economic progress in France and she will fit the title "the sick man of Europe". A very likely prospect as Hollande's policies match very closely those of the UK Labour Party in so far as they see fit to tax the rich out of existence.
Already, in a pre-emptive move whilst the French Constitutional Court considered Hollande's plans, many of the more famous French names have moved to other States within Europe such as Belgium and the UK where the regimes are less severe. So Hollande wants to tax the rich at a punishing rate of tax which France will never collect because, although the Constitutional Court has given the go ahead, the mega rich have already left!
So, will people vote for someone like Nigel Farage? I believe they will. Farage is no fool. He is changing the more extremist views previously held so dear to ones which are more palatable. He is expelling those people from the party who are likely to stand in the way of the party's progress towards significant election. The electorate are unhappy with the ConDem alliance; mistrusting of another Ed Balls-up and the LibDems are condemned to the history books.
Politicians of all persuasions have learnt/are learning that it is best to be economical with the truth if they are to get anywhere with a gullible believe anything electorate. Best not to say too much in the run up to an election... and do what they want when elected.
Like the Le Pen dynasty, Farage has learned how to manipulate the media in order to make his party electable. I think he might just make the first very necessary steps towards achieving that goal in the UK in the near future, just as will Marine Le Pen win the hearts and minds of the French over the PS in a (past) predominately socialist country.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Personally I was approached by 3 political parties yesterday asking me if I wanted to represent them in the next election, they all said I would be perfect because I talk a lot of crap but then withdrew their offer when I told them I was probably not really qualified as I was not a thief or fraudster.

Wow, three political parties asked you to represent them, on New Years Eve? Didn't realise they would be working! Maybe they were one of these:
The Monster Raving Loony Party?
The Citizens for the Undead Rights and Equality?
Church of the Militant Elvis Party?
A lot of people are worried about the amount of immigrants coming to the UK.
And that does not make them racist.
It all depends where in the country you live.
I come from hackney in London, thank god I don't live there anymore, the place has changed so much.
As for the DM, they sort of got it right with the polish, the government said at the time only a few would come and yet loads arrived.
A minor point but the British electorate did not get a say in a referendum into joining the then Common Market, it was the policy of the Heath government.
We did however have a referendum as to whether we stayed in or not some years later.
The biggest opponents to us joining the common market were the French! They thought we would always look West for our allies and would not fall in line with the then European dream of a cross boarder trading system.
Please carry on, I am enjoying this thread immensely!
Quote by Too Hot
Daily Mail panic spreading again...
Surely it can't be right for a newspaper to simply make up stories as a means of spreading fear and hysteria?

The Daily Wail have been doing it for yeeeeears! lol
Every move Cameron makes at the moment pushes people to look for an alternative and when in recessional times with tough choices presented with a sea of the same old, people will look for something different. It happened with BNP and EDL, until they won some seat majority in local government, they were soon land-slide voted out when nothing promised happened and constituents saw right through it all. It's just that UKIP are rather more savvy in gaining a main stream foothold than their more brutishly overt pre-predecessors.
Whether Dave likes it or not, he is playing into apathy or loss of votes for his party by potentially alienating voters from many directions and could see his party sink even further towards coveting liberal ideals to court the voting middle ground. A transparent set of lies and desperate pre-election set of promises to be broken will be paraded as policy, which will drive more people to seek an alternative.

LG. x
Bloody Foreigner...
Coming over here wanting to know what love is.