Has anyone else seen these two news stories today?
One concerns a lady who was allegedly told her visible disability was unacceptable in a public service role by her employer.
The other concerns the fact that those who are sectioned under the mental health act are automatically barred from being an MP.
I wondered if I was alone in finding these stories shocking and the attitudes they exhibit unacceptable.
I certainly do find it disturbing.
Though sadly still not shocking
Not read about them so can't comment
To be absolutely honest here and at the risk and in the knowledge of being slammed. I think the fact that if someone has been sectioned under mental health it probably warrants not being able to stand as an MP in my mind. Ok there will be differences in the cases of why people are sectioned, but not withstanding, i think its fair.
I think Id much rather be represented by somebody who needed help to overcome a mental illness than by a thief or fraudster yet to be prosecuted but then I can be very odd.
the word "probably" used above, in relation to MP's and Govt, merits the need for each case to be viewed individually should there be concerns.
So, as a blanket statement, No, potential MP's should not have thier political abitions quashed due to their previous need for care/support.
I agree that people should be judged on an individual, case by case basis.
In my role, I have to teach equality and diversity. I am not racist, sexist or anything else ist and definately do not discriminate against anyone with a disability or special need as I have lived alongside disability all of my life.
I was quite shocked though, to discover that a person with a disability (which includes metnal illness) is automatically guaranteed an interview if they meet all of the desired criteria for a job when a person without a disability is not. I was also shocked to find out that there is currently something going through parliament which will mean that an employer will in the future be able to choose a person from an ethnic minority background for a job above a white person just because of their race, colour or culture.
Some may feel that this is the way ahead but I personally feel that to positively discriminate in this way goes against everything that people from minority groups have faught for for years - equality!!
Can you point me in the direction of that piece of legislation Fun. I am unaware of it and its quite significant.
Ben, the first is true where employers voluntarily opt into the Those employers are required under the scheme to guarantee interviews to those disabled candidates who meet the criteria required.
The second is currently going through parliament. Where there's a tie-break for a vacancy, employers will be allowed to discriminate in certain cirumstances, should they choose to do so, in favour of women and / or ethnic minorities over white men in order to improve balance in the workplace. It's not intended to allow wholesale positive discrimination. More
N x x x ;)
Thnaks neil x
All seems to be sensible to me.
Fair enough Fun. I'd happily apply for a job with an organisation that wanted to positively discriminate whether they were looking for my kind of minority or not.
I'm with Losty. :thumbup:
Ok so on the basis that those who have been sectioned shouldnt be allowed to be MP's are there any other jobs that such people shouldnt be allowed to do?
Stephen Fry.
Suffers severe Bipolar disorder. May have been sectioned (I don't know) but certainly needed a great deal of help when he had a complete breakdown some years ago.
I would vote him into parliament in a heartbeat!
Did you know Churchill exhibited bipolar disorder symptoms. My dad reckons that why he was so shit.