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Faith schools

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I feel that all schools should teach the history and culture of the main faiths (there's about 5 of them). But in the same spirit as geography and history are taught - as factors that influence human society.
I also feel that no child should be indoctrinated in ANY religion - either by school or parents. You cannot choose the beliefs your child will have - all you can do is force them to mimic yours. Belief comes from inside - by virtue of experience and knowledge.
The minimum age for baptism or formal entry into any religious group should be 18 and should follow a long period of learning about many different belief systems.
If children cannot be held responsible for their criminal behaviour (as in the news today) then they sure as hell can't make any decision about their immortal soul - and no-one has the right to take that choice from them.
Quote by foxylady2209
I feel that all schools should teach the history and culture of the main faiths (there's about 5 of them). But in the same spirit as geography and history are taught - as factors that influence human society.
I also feel that no child should be indoctrinated in ANY religion - either by school or parents. You cannot choose the beliefs your child will have - all you can do is force them to mimic yours. Belief comes from inside - by virtue of experience and knowledge.
The minimum age for baptism or formal entry into any religious group should be 18 and should follow a long period of learning about many different belief systems.
If children cannot be held responsible for their criminal behaviour (as in the news today) then they sure as hell can't make any decision about their immortal soul - and no-one has the right to take that choice from them.

Beautifully put, so much more eloquent than my wordy bollox.
Quote by foxylady2209
I feel that all schools should teach the history and culture of the main faiths (there's about 5 of them). But in the same spirit as geography and history are taught - as factors that influence human society.
I also feel that no child should be indoctrinated in ANY religion - either by school or parents. You cannot choose the beliefs your child will have - all you can do is force them to mimic yours. Belief comes from inside - by virtue of experience and knowledge.
The minimum age for baptism or formal entry into any religious group should be 18 and should follow a long period of learning about many different belief systems.
If children cannot be held responsible for their criminal behaviour (as in the news today) then they sure as hell can't make any decision about their immortal soul - and no-one has the right to take that choice from them.

Cat amongst the pigeons time ! Heres the question ; if the minimum age for baptism etc should be 18, should this also apply for the invasive underage religeous surgical proceedure called circumsision ?! this is a sex site - so it should be discussed.
My own view is that this operation should not be performed on those below the age of 18 - children are not old enough to make the decision.
I'd be interested to hear views of other forumites.
Shouldn't be done at all in my view Riotandtony. No belief is worth the mutilation of anybody, let alone children who have no say in the matter. I can't get my head around pierced nudgers and people happily elect to get that done...
It's a practice from the dark ages, like shitting in your front room, eating raw pigs liver and being a fan of Jeremy Kyle.
It may be tradition, but it is a tradition that can and should be done without, in my humble opinion.
you gotta have faith a faith a faith
youuu gotta have faiiith
you gotta have faith a faith a faith ahhh
Quote by kentswingers777
ps ; for some reason the qoutes got mixed up in the above post ?! I don't think religeon should be taught in schools etc !

Well I am not religious in any way but...the values it instills is a good thing.
The ten commandments is a good pointer.
All I would say is yes I believe ALL religions should be taught in schools, as it is a fundamental lesson to learn about others faiths.
RE or as the lefties now call it wink ....beliefs and values :shock:, is one of the lessons you cannot drop in school.
I believe that a faith school will indocrinate kids into that line of religion, whereby other schools will have an unbiased view, and teach kids all they should do.
From someboday whose middle name is athiest I still think kids should be taught it, and like many things in life, let them decide when the time is right whether or not they want to follow a path of believing or give them an unbiased view and not a brainwashing.most of the 10 commandments are not about how we should behave to each other,but are about an insecure god who wants a world full of sycophants to worship him.
the ones that are relevant to us,ie not killing each other were already human laws in every civilisation(except where religious hob nobs were allowed to murder and call it sacrifice)
we only need one commandment---be nice to each other----
There aint ten anyways.
Quote by annejohn
ps ; for some reason the qoutes got mixed up in the above post ?! I don't think religeon should be taught in schools etc !

Well I am not religious in any way but...the values it instills is a good thing.
The ten commandments is a good pointer.
All I would say is yes I believe ALL religions should be taught in schools, as it is a fundamental lesson to learn about others faiths.
RE or as the lefties now call it wink ....beliefs and values :shock:, is one of the lessons you cannot drop in school.
I believe that a faith school will indocrinate kids into that line of religion, whereby other schools will have an unbiased view, and teach kids all they should do.
From someboday whose middle name is athiest I still think kids should be taught it, and like many things in life, let them decide when the time is right whether or not they want to follow a path of believing or give them an unbiased view and not a brainwashing.most of the 10 commandments are not about how we should behave to each other,but are about an insecure god who wants a world full of sycophants to worship him.
the ones that are relevant to us,ie not killing each other were already human laws in every civilisation(except where religious hob nobs were allowed to murder and call it sacrifice)
we only need one commandment---be nice to each other----

That is true but....the TEN commandments are also a moralistic approach to life. Yes a few of them do refer to God but they also show how people should behave.

So if they are taught in schools, then most of them are a good benchmark to live ones life
Quote by kentswingers777
ps ; for some reason the qoutes got mixed up in the above post ?! I don't think religeon should be taught in schools etc !

Well I am not religious in any way but...the values it instills is a good thing.
The ten commandments is a good pointer.
All I would say is yes I believe ALL religions should be taught in schools, as it is a fundamental lesson to learn about others faiths.
RE or as the lefties now call it wink ....beliefs and values :shock:, is one of the lessons you cannot drop in school.
I believe that a faith school will indocrinate kids into that line of religion, whereby other schools will have an unbiased view, and teach kids all they should do.
From someboday whose middle name is athiest I still think kids should be taught it, and like many things in life, let them decide when the time is right whether or not they want to follow a path of believing or give them an unbiased view and not a brainwashing.most of the 10 commandments are not about how we should behave to each other,but are about an insecure god who wants a world full of sycophants to worship him.
the ones that are relevant to us,ie not killing each other were already human laws in every civilisation(except where religious hob nobs were allowed to murder and call it sacrifice)
we only need one commandment---be nice to each other----

That is true but....the TEN commandments are also a moralistic approach to life. Yes a few of them do refer to God but they also show how people should behave.

So if they are taught in schools, then most of them are a good benchmark to live ones life
What about thou shalt not commit adultery and coveting thy neighbours wife?
We're on thin ice on here surely?
I can happily however not covet his Ox. Your Oxen are free from the horrors of coveting, certainly from me.
Thou shalt not kill (unless it's in my name and I decree so, like Sodom and Gomorrah)
Thou Shalt not commit adultery (Virgin Mary? I believe he visited her in a shower of gold to get her up the duff, or have I mixed up my religious allegories here? I may well have done, I am sure Zeus did something similar in Greek mythology...)
Thou Shalt not steal. (Palestinians have a hard time with this in particular...)
I'm being deliberately awkward Kenty, in general terms they are rather vague ways to live ones life. They are supposed to make you live a good life, but there are always exceptions and it's these that are the problem. Plus you use one holy book, you immediately alienate all those who follow another. The basic idea is sound, but a bit like communism, it is the putting it into practice where the problems lie, mainly because people can interpret it in any way they want.
The moses ones are reproduced below,I think I am happy with two or three of em.
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s."
and all that was carved on a parecetemol?
500mg, taken with water... and more in four hours, that would explain it, thanks